
Trump setting trap for Xi in Washington 鴻門宴

WASHINGTON: United States President Donald Trump said on Monday (Mar 17) that his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping would visit the US soon, as trade tensions soar between the world's two largest economies over Trump's tariffs.

"He'll be coming in the not too distant future," Trump told reporters as he visited the Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts in Washington while talking about the Chinese leader.  CNA

The evil American Empire has started an undeclared war with China in every field except a military war. Trump had thrown many punches at Xi unilaterally like a gangster. Xi was doing his best to block the punches and throwing bad a few weak punches hoping not to escalate the war. Trump does not appreciate Xi's restrained response, taking it as a sign of weakness, that he is winning in this game. Trump has lined up more punches to throw at Xi and now demanding that Xi meet up with him to talk peace, meaning to cave in to Trump's demands.

From Trump's first term till now, it was always Trump that threw the punches, doing all the attacking, all the blaming and demonishing of Xi and China. Trump the gangster knows only one game, to win by force or by cheating. Now Trump is expecting and waiting for Xi to back down, to beg for mercy.

Trump's red herring of an impending visit by Xi to see him in Washington is a one sided affair. Trump is calling the shot and expect Xi to comply. What could Xi gain to walk into the gangster's territory? Trump the gangster and his bunch of lying hooligans would hold no punches when Xi present himself on the chopping block. This is likely the pathetic fate of Xi if he is gullible enough to walk into Trump's trap thinking that he could outwit or out talk Trump. Nobody can outwit or out talk Trump when his defence if needed to is to lie and to cheat and to play rough.

Xi is no match in a colosseum filled with gangsters, thugs and unscrupulous animals. Would Xi walk into this set up specially arranged for him by the biggest and most dishonourable gangster and conman in the USA? When Xi is in American soil, the American terrorists can do anything to him and he is hapless, just like Meng Wanzhou in Canada.


Anonymous said...

Xi is not going to Washington. Trump is just farting from his vagina mouth to give the impression that Xi is desperate to want to talk to him in the face of his tariffs. Xi does not even want to attend his inauguration despite being specially invited earlier. Does that not tell us anything? Trump is desperately seeking an audience with Xi. But it will not happen in Washington for sure.

China already knew long ago, during Trump's first term, what to expect from Trump this time around, and If I may say so, China is more in favor of decoupling from the USA than the other way round. Not going to Washington will justify my view of the situation.

What has China been doing just this past decade? China has been expanding its market for its exports in Africa, Asia and South America, knowing that this is the future for its manufacturing and could see that the USA is no longer the priority for its exports. Even ASEAN, that used to be pro-USA in the past has chosen to go along with China. While the West completely ignored ASEAN, China was the first country to sign a free trade agreement with ASEAN in 2000 according to Yansi Varoufakis.

What has China been doing since Trump's first term and starting his trade war? China realized it has to source for food supplies from many countries to be secure, instead of relying on the USA and be held hostage in times of crisis. Now, China is moving away from the USA in food supplies and giving Brazil, Argentina, Russia and soon Indonesia much needed boost for their agricultural sectors. The USA farmers can just look on, bang their heads and salivating.

China's Belt and Road is another important milestone for securing trade with other countries in Central Asia and another access route to Europe bypassing the choke points of Straits of Malacca and Suez Canal, killing two birds with one stone. Moreover, it is another avenue for China to invests its trade surpluses which would otherwise have mainly to be diverted towards USA Treasuries and assets that are now deemed to be extremely risky. Financing and building those infrastructures for other countries is safe, beneficial without the risks of seizure by the Mafia.

And of course, BRICS is also very important for China and its fellow members. Make no mistake, economic relationships are a very important weapon when it comes to de-dollarization. Yanis Varoufakis in a lecture said that the USA's confrontation against China is all about stopping BRICS from coming up with an alternative system to bypass the US$ hegemony. The USA is paranoid and nervous about the agenda of BRICS, and we can expect more threats from Trump going forward. His 150% tariff threat failed to move the needle as far as BRICS members are concern.

Anonymous said...

China adopting NeZha's words : 我命由我不由天” or My fate is decide by me not by God. China will do whatever they can to break the Americunts' barrier.

Anonymous said...

Making China collapse is different from collapsing Japan and Germany. Even Russia is not that easy to take down as can be seen happening before our eyes. The collapse of China had been gloated more than twenty years ago and is now being renewed on a year-to-year basis. China will still be standing and be around while Gordon Chang may never live to see its collapse.

China has been blessed with two advantages, a big domestic market that others covet and a manufacturing hub that others cannot replicate. Japan and Germany may be manufacturing hubs in their respective high point, but do not have domestic market to leverage on, relying on the USA to their detriment. Therefore, taking down China is no piece of cake, not when the USA depends on 80% of its consumer products from China. Without Chinese manufacturing, Apple, Walmart and Amazon among others would not be what they are today. Even big names in high end goods have to be sourced from China.

Going back to basics of attracting manufacturing back to the USA with coercion, subsidies and threat is not going to work and easier said than done. Costs alone is not going to make such manufacturing successful and the lack of a big market like China is detrimental. Who wants to set up factories to suffer losses just selling in the USA alone. Investors go for the money making, not the hype. Subsidies can only go so far, and when you move into building factories in the USA, those subsidies are not going to be forever. Once the fish bites the bait, it is caught with no way out.

Anonymous said...

Hope very soon we'll see a civil war erupting in USA when the hillbillies face hyperinflation and no markets for their farm goods, thanks to the orange loser. The rest of the world just need to sit back and watch the fireworks from the implosion.