After inventing the earth shattering fake moon landings in the 1960s and 1970s, NASA has practically stood still, with nothing to achieve. It even failed to send its own astronauts to the International Space Station and needed Russian and SpaceX rockets to bring them there. Oops, it has achieved a new feat recently by sending two astronauts to the ISS and extending their vacations from a week to well, nearly a year and still did not know how or when to bring them back.
In the meantime, NASA is not going anywhere and acting like keyboard warriors, taking photographs of space and outer space from their offices to prove that they are still a key player in space explorations, and showing the photographs, probably photoshop jobs, to the world about meteors, asteriods, planets, and black holes in the extreme edges of the universe, knowing that no one is there to call their bluff.
Lately their imaginations get wilder, claiming that their Mars rover took pictures of discarded robots in Mars. Did they really have a rover in Mars? Who is going to prove or dispute this feat? And this imaginary rover in Mars is now discovering strange things that no one can prove is real or false.
With this kind of keyboard jobs, the authoritarian regime in Washington can afford to cut off 90 per cent of their budget for obviously doing sweet nothing. Maybe it has already done so as 4 of senior administrators had been sacked, and they have no fund for anything else except punching the keyboards to impress the world of their great photography and photoshop works.
Their next big job is to photoshop the great rescue of the two stranded astronauts in the ISS. Unfortunately, this part is a bit tough as they need to be sent back physically to earth for all to see. No amount of photography and photoshop jobs can make fiction into reality. (PS. Musk came to the rescue and brought them back on 18 Mar. Thank God or they would have the first death in the ISS).
Musk may be in the process of sending letters to the employees of NASA to justify their values and existence or be axed.
'Nasa was facing new challenges – including the loss of its chief scientist – in the first round of cuts ordered by President Donald Trump and in the midst of uncertainties about its own Mars mission....Nasa’s 2025 budget, which is expected to be released soon, is rumoured to include cuts of up to 50 per cent for science programmes. MSN
Hi all, For some unknown reason I am not able to post in the morning. So I have to post at night while in China. Cheers.
If SpaceX didn't send the astronauts back, there'll be a first 'colony' in space. There'll be children, kindergarten and later on a university. The yankees can claim they're the first to colonise space!! Kudos to them. NASA can then post beautiful photos.
The Soviet Union did not have the financial muscle to compete with the USA in space in the sixties and was to take a back seat in space exploration. That was a pity, because the Russians built the International Space Station in 1993, after the fall of the Soviet Union in 1991, said to be in co-operation with the USA and many other countries. However, the Soviet Union was also the first to send a man into space in 1961, beating the USA. That was why the USA probably invented the moon landing in 1969, when John F. Kennedy threw down the gauntlet to NASA to do something to take back the USA's lost pride. Many we not convinced that the USA really went to the moon. It was more like the moon in a Hollywood Studio. Had the Russians not be constrained by financial reasons, it would never have lost the real space race to the moon.
China on the other hand is financially stronger to do better than the Soviet Union and is giving the USA a run for the money today. The rescue of the two stranded astronauts on the International Space Station has been made into a song and dance by the USA. Much ado about nothing really in the hands of the Russians or the Chinese. Hollywood will probably do a blockbuster over the fiasco.
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