
US GDP growth by printing money. Sanctions, tariffs and trade wars mean big decline in trade, negative growth

 The USA is relentlessly printing toilet papers to prop up its economy, particularly propping up Wall Street, the bellwether of the USA's economic situation. Professor Richard Wolff said that printing more money to grow the economy is all rubbish, as nothing is produced in exchange for goods made by others. The USA is discreetly exporting its inflation to the rest of the world through its US$ hegemony, but that is not going to be sustainable.

But the USA desperately needs to do it in order to give the impression that it is growing so fast that China cannot ever catch up. Many people are astonished by the trillions added to the USA's GDP every year, despite its growth averaging 2.5% over the years. How is that possible?

Why is Trump so desperate to lure manufacturing back to the USA if its economy is doing so well, just by printing toilet papers? Why not just continue with it, simple and convenient way of growing a country's GDP?


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