
Trump only trust white Australia. White Ukraine already sacrificed. Are the Pinoys and Taiwanese whites?

 What all the support for Australia by the USA and the West is all about is to cultivate Australia as the Israel of the East. Being in Five Eyes and AUKUS says it all.

Even Japan, a colony of the USA, is deemed not trustworthy enough to undertake the job of heading the USA's mission in Asia in countering China. The Philippine seems to be the chosen proxy looking at all the provocations it is making against China in tandem with the Aussies. Mickey Marcos must be very happy to undertake the mission for the USA.

However, the Philippines is not a White country, and it must be understood that it is still not trustworthy enough in the eyes of the USA to be fully trusted and cultivated for the main agenda of the USA, not with White Australia around and ready. The Pinoys are just Cannon fodder to be used against China, nothing more, and to be discarded when it has served its purpose.

The USA now has a stooge under its complete control and willing to be sacrificed like the Europeans. If even the Europeans are expendable, the Philippines must be aware what is in store for them to keep supporting the USA against China. Henry Kissinger's warning should be heeded.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Marcos is not just a puppet or Mickey mouse. He's a slave to the yanks. And you thought slavery is ended in the sickest country on earth. It's thriving and there's plenty of takers.