Dotard Trump thought that by imposing Tariffs on the whole World firstly he is the White Emperor and that all shall suffered and have all their industries swiftly back or no choice invest and set up industries in the UAssA.
Stupidity just a simple Trade Barrier he thought all shall meekly obeyed like his doggies and cronies obeyed immediately.
Who wants to trade with a BANKRUPTED country with their non stop printing of no assets and no collaterals HELL Notes.
Still thought that the UAssA is the World's Biggest DemoCRAZY which produces nothing except Military Arsenals.
Even the so-called Technology Corporations and Applications are just empty Tools with no real assets fundamentals and could like bubbles burst anytime.
Their shares are just their own hypes and inflated by their manipulations of insider tradings and also BS Billions investments.
Even those High Tech manufactured chips are by Foreign Companies NOT their own.
Theirs only MacDonald Potatoe Chips.
All the countries were to trade amongst themselves and nothing for the Americunts they shall have to beg for mercy
Still wants to actsy borak ah!
China no need really to tit for tat their stupid only simple act of Tariffs.
China just simply gets her essentials from other countries and NOT buy from the UAss and they shall die cocks standing.
Also China could produce all most essentials for their own domestic markets.
Also in UAss$$ then they could do likewise to seize and confiscate the same like Russia.
Follow India's style of what's contravening their laws and taxes and have All FOC.
The UAss is knocking their own nails into their coffins.
Now should be screwing no more nailing.
In Trump's mind he is the smartest. No one understands tariff more than Trump. He said it is the most beautiful word in the English Language, but how it works is a mystery to him. I rest my case!
I am wondering if Trump is more stupid, or the word tariff is stupid.
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