
China must not trust the AngloSaxon devils

 Australia is a member of the Five Eyes and AUKUS. These two bloc's formation and agenda are to confront China. These White Trash all spout the same nonsense and are all about preserving the USA hegemony, under which they could then also gloat about their superiority complex by hanging on to the USA's coattails. Do not expect them to act otherwise.

China must be very careful not to trust any Anglo-Saxon White country and keep them at arm's length and should never be close. Engaging in trade yes, co-operation not advisable. Australia has been blowing hot and cold in relations with China, depending on what the USA dictates, and China must be wary of its agenda.

We have to remember that both the USA and Australian Whites are descendants of the Brits, the original perpetrators of the genocides committed against the North American Indians and the Australian Aborigines. The original British pilgrims that landed in North America and the British criminals deported from the UK share the same evil DNA.

And that evil DNA has never been expunged from their behavior ever since. The same evil nature is predominantly displayed in USA, Europe, UK and Australia today. And they are planning more evil deeds going forward, fabricating threats, instigating regime changes, creating chaos and being given platforms to advocate their evil designs.

It is sad that non-Whites are not as united, which is the result of the divide and rule brainwashing by the White colonialists, and they are leveraging on this weakness to exploit the situation, for example in the Middle East and East Asia.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Trump is desperately seeking a meeting with Xi, intending to visit China in April.

Before that happens, expect a provocation to be made by the USA to show that Trump is negotiating in a position of strength. That had been the modus operandi of the USA in the past - antagonizing China first before any talk and then hope for China to bow down to pressure. Not this time and age anymore, when 2025 is China's coming of age. China is not playing around this time and is telling the USA that enough is enough with bullying.

Playing around with tariffs is dangerous, when countries have the means to retaliate. What Canada has done is already a handful for the USA, with Canadians not visiting the USA, boycotting USA goods and selling oil to other countries in the EU. The reality is that the USA is not the only country to visit, nor the only country producing all the consumer products that Canadians need. The next PM is also continuing with the same response against the USA.

Now Canada is not a big country in terms of population when compared to China. Just 40 million as against China's 1.4 billion, and the effect of a bigger trade war is going to decimate the USA. Agriculture is the nerve center of the USA and hitting that is what China can do now, with its supply chains secured with agricultural products coming from Brazil, Argentina, Russia and soon Indonesia, all big agricultural countries. They are having incentives to expand production in areas that China needs. Moreover, China is fast developing its own agricultural and aquaculture sector for at least partial independence. What does that leave the USA farmers? China's targeted retaliation is more productive than the USA's haphazard tariffs and sanctions, that even failed to put down North Korea, Cuba, Venezuela, Iran and not to talk about Russia. an industrial, resource rich and agricultural monolith.

And the USA wants to target China using the same modus operandi?