
Virgo's Morning Bread on the chaos and infighting among the white states

 Good morning All

The Americunts especially that Dotard Donald Duck Tramp had a bone to pick with the Euro Nuts of his mentality that the Nuts Europa all the while been sponging the UAssA with their somewhat's Free Mafia Protection from the UAss.

But in reality the Americunts in there and also in so many daft doggies vassal countries are for their own self interests of protecting Americunts interests and influence.

Now because of their crumbling deficits and mounting debts that unable to further sustain these bases that they now wanted to talk peace with Russia.

Dotard now main Agenda is to wean Russia away from China as he knows that UAss cannot confront China if Russia were to be on China's side. Also cannot even have a fight with these two powers together.

So don't be surprise that he may also instigate and cajole Putin to be the now Main Big Bro and Handler of all these Nuts

Also getting all their Whites to Unite again and like in the old colonise the Coloured Peoples again.

That's their Main Business of Lootings and Robbings.

As for NATO aka No Action Talk Only Nuts they are slapped on the Face by that Dotard Tramp.

Internationally be a Lame Duck and no more teeth all extracted out.

Also they the Nuts are also not happy that the Americunts are taking over the Biggest.Chunk of Meat out of Urukiane and only bones for them.

So they trying to salvage some Pride but unable and too weak to fight Russia as their Main Gangster and Big BRO is NOT helping them anymore.

So that damn Brits also sore been replaced by the Americunts been Number One last ago now tried to be GungHo to instigate the Euro Nuts to their Deaths knowing Full Well that they are isolated from harm. But not so as Putin had warned them it's be their First to be bombed.

This is the Main EVIL Agenda of the Americunts to threaten and whipped the Euro Nuts and also the Dafy Natives and Running Doggies of Asia to make sure that China is down as she is perceived to be the Biggest Threat to them as the Sole Power of the UAssA.

As usual they have those imbeciles to die for their Prosperity and Power.


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