The poser: If you see an Anglo-Saxon terrorist and a snake which will you kill firtst? The answer is obvious. The snake will just glide away if it is not provoked or agitated. But an Anglo-Saxon like the thug Trump will just hit you and kill you.
White men especially Anglo-Saxon Americans and British are irrational, erratic and prone to attack and kill even without cause or reason but just simply their hatred for others . They are just wild and savage and barbaric beyond comprehension. It is in their nature to be quarrelsome, bellicose, to attack, destroy and kill and to rob and steal. They are psychophants and misanthropists who just simply hate other people other races. They cannot coxist peacefully with other races. They just irrationally want to have full control and dominance over all others.
It is a waste of time to engage with them in peace talks and negotiations. They don't believe in that. To them peace talks and negotiatoions is a stratagem stalling for time to take advantage over antagonists and strike hard at the highest opportunity while catching the opposition unaware. They are capricious and full of deceptions. In fact they always get what they want through deception and subterfuge. Never trust a white man especially the Anglo-Saxons British and Americans. Just remember native Americans warning, "White men speak with fork tongues and can never be trusted".
The evil Anglo-Saxon Americans had deceptively plodded the European countries and Zelensky to go to war with Russia over Ukraine.When the Ukraine War is going bad on their side the Americans hope to reap the benefits by deception and subterfuge through their fraudulent peace talks and negotiations with Russia. Terrorist Trump and his cohort of barbaric warmongers want to have a hold on all Ukranian mineral resources, wealth and riches through frudulent deals with Russia.
Trump and all his fellow Anglo-Saxon terrorists are most untrustworthy sadists and psychophants. They are the embodiments of all things evil. President Xi Jin Ping must be beware of them and be alert to all the dirty things, diabolical plots and their hidden daggers.
It is essential for China to expedite building up all her arm forces and economy to the full so as to defeat the warmongering American barbarians in case they spring a sudden attack on China.
Wednesday, 26th March, 2025
Reasons why you need to kill the Anglo-Saxon Amreican or British first: rather than the snake or if it is a tiger, lion, hyena, bear or crocodile. Compare their evilness, wickedness, poison and destructive power in proportions:'
One evil Anglo-Saxon American = 20 cobras
= 10 tigers
= 12 lions
= 15 hyenas
= 20 bears
= 30 crocodiles
Chavez Gonzales
The opposite of White is Black. Hence, white men opponent is black men, the Black race will topple the Whites. As the White & Black battled one another the one who really win is the Yellow, it sounds no logic because Yellow has wits n will overcome all, look at the Sun colour of golden yellow that shines.
The Blacks in USA are the minority, like the Native American Indians. They can do nothing. Do not talk about Black Lives Matter. That is just an eyewash to fool them and keep them under control.
But do not underestimate the Blacks in Africa, helped by the Chinese. The Anglo-Saxon Whites looked down on the Chinese in the past. Now they fear the rise of China. Africa will likewise rise. It is just a matter of time.
There is a narrative floating that according to Nostradamus, the Red Dragon will rise next and then fall. Of course, Empire rise and fall, and China cannot continue to be at the top forever. This is to be expected. Now the USA is reading too much into Nostradamus' prediction and is fearful of China's rise. It is using every mischief to make sure China is impeded - economically and if necessarily militarily as well. The latter is an option which the USA is not sure of winning, not with Russia closing ranks with China.
That is why Trump is trying desperately to pry apart Russia and China, even to the extent of giving in to the demands of Putin regarding Ukraine. China has indicated it will never ditch Russia just to pander to the Europeans. Sergei Lavrov on the other side has said that Russia will always honor its commitment towards China. That says it all.
The last netizen's comment after Anonymous 2:20pm comment has been sabotaged and deleted .It was a good logical comment . Please repost your comment again . Don't allow pro American lackeys to sabotage .
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