This guy Nate Vance is JD Vance's cousin.
How many Americans are fighting in Ukraine? Europe has broke ranks with the Americans. Why would Trump plead with Putin to spare the lives of the mercenaries fighting in Kurst? Trump would not have reason to intervene if the mercenaries were Europeans. Very likely many were Americans, ex marines, temporary resigned to fight in Ukraine, but still marines.
Remember the attempts by the Ukrainians to rescue its forces hiding under bunkers at a steel plant in Eastern Ukraine that fell to the Russians? Among those hiding underground were obviously USA and other NATO military leaders, which was why such dangerous and disastrous attempts were made to carry out a rescue at all costs, that failed miserably, leading to the loss of several Ukrainian helicopters, pilots and crew. I guess that has been swept under the carpet, since the no boots on the ground mantra must be justified.
How the USA can lie and how people still continue to believe in its lying is beyond belief, which goes to show how successful the brainwashing had been over the decades. Now, the lying about China has been laid to rest with Rednote destroying all the money spent on decades of propaganda about China. Trump now knows the cat is now out of the bag and is cutting off all funding for propaganda exemplified by USAID and Voice of America, leading to massive loss of jobs for the latter in many countries around the world.
Lest people are not aware, Trump is killing two birds with one stone. Trump is saving costs here and there to fund his tax cuts for the super-rich, like himself and Elon Musk. US$4.5 trillion tax cut is the figure trotted out by analysts that has to come from somewhere. It is just robbing Peter to pay Paul and pulling wool over citizen's eyes. When Trump steps down and another Democrat takes over, everything goes back to the status quo of more propaganda to start more wars. It is all in the playbook, and Trump is not going to kill it for good. Trump is just an opportunist, making hay while the sun shines.
Any boy n girl still blindly believing in American lies? Americans are honest, peace loving bums, never cheat, never lie, never steal, never kill?
That threat 'You are either with US or against US' is enough to instill blind belief in the USA, a coalition of the unwilling I would say.
Thanks to CNA and Shitty Times with their brainwashing (or Whitewashing).
USA is honest, peace loving, never cheat, never lie and never steal is already the mother of all lies. Believe at your own risk!
Europe breaking ranks with the USA is just a ploy. They all have to make sure the USA sole superpower status survives at all costs. What they are doing is just, what we call, a division of labor, with the Europeans taking over to face Russia while the USA pivots to the East to confront China. Just look at all the posturing by UK and France and you will understand.
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