USA and India are now bonded tightly with super glue. Modi has nowhere to run except into the arms of the USA. It is a going to be a death hug for India. India's superpower ambition is dead, as the USA will never allow India to become another competitor to its sole superpower status.
I know it is not nice to talk about India, but the boasting of the Indians is getting people really upset and resentful. India and Modi have mammoth problems going forward. India chooses the wrong path by focusing on being a country doing outsourcing work for the West like call centers, rather than adopting manufacturing as its priority. Now, trying to do manufacturing is too little too late, with the need to source for manufacturing inputs, ironically mainly from China with its well-oiled supply chains. This is the chain that is difficult to be broken any time soon.
India needs job creation desperately with an expanding population. An expanding population is a bonus for a country like Japan with its industry short of new workers. India is at the opposite end of the spectrum, with poverty unresolved, infrastructure stuck in the age of British colonization, outdated laws inherited from the British, manufacturing in its infancy and adding to the misery is an expanding population. All that talk of a 'population dividend' is just a Western hype without looking at the real situation.
Now, hugging the USA, instead of getting help, is putting India in more serious trouble. Trump is deporting Indians by the planeloads, about to impose reciprocal tariffs on India, and now also discriminating against Indians trying to get into the USA to study and work. The same treatment that the Chinese faced after their contribution to the development of cutting-edged technologies of the USA. Now there is a realization that the USA is losing top Chinese talents to mainland China, helping China to break to the forefront of cutting-edged technologies.
Indian talents/elites greedily fighting for food in very embarrassing buffet brawl in front of foreigners at Global Investors Summit in Bhopal . . .
It is too late for the USA to cry over spilt milk. USA nuclear research and development, rocketry, cutting-edge semiconductor developments were all contributions by top-notch Chinese scientists in the past. Some may have come from Taiwan, but still also Chinese, like Morris Chang.
Most have now returned to mainland China, to teach and nurture younger Chinese scientists and engineers, in universities, research facilities and private enterprises like Huawei, SMIC, BYD, Alibaba, Tencent and others. There is no shortage of opportunities for them in China today. The sky is the limit.
When the USA talks about trying to lure these scientists back to the USA by making working environment safe and welcoming for them, I just could not stifle my laughter at their stupidity. First you chase them out with atrocious claims and punishments and now asking them to return is no more than a sick joke.
Moreover, China is building universities like no tomorrow and needs talents to staff critical departments. And these academics are well versed in the English Language, which is a bonus for China in its attempt to lure foreign students to study in China. What is now a growing stream of foreign students in Chinese universities is going to become a flood very soon. And that is going to be detrimental for Western universities charging sky high tuition fees that have become unaffordable even for USA students.
The fact that China now holds the greatest number of patents in science and technology is not lost on those scientists, engineers and academics still working in the USA. More will return, knowing that China is where the action and innovation is happening.
Perhaps the day will come when the USA might go ahead to accuse China of overcapacity in providing university education for the rest of the world. Never underestimate the mindset of the Hillbillies.
How about China stealing their students, LOL.
Trump is creating job for indian as translator, look at this:
Indians are creating jobs for Indians in Singapore. Call it Indianization of Singapore.
See any Sinkieland Advtgs for any Govt or commerical companies?
Front right in front ahem must be them!
Indiapore soon!
Also one Podcast by that an ex Politician Inderjit Singh and by ex NCMP Viswa Sadasivan the usual question will still poped up Why no appointment of Minister Shanmugan as DPM ah?
To your own imagination what's their Agenda is!
See this video for yourselves
LKY once said, he did not care about the private lives of his ministers. But once their personal lives become a public scandal, they would have to leave.
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