
The Govt should set the example in jobs for citizens

Would the Govt heed the angry voices of the PMETs who have been displaced by foreigners in their own beloved country? Many are losing good jobs with good income, from $5k to $10k pm to foreigners and no longer able to find an equivalent. And they ended up as self employed agents or taxi drivers. Not doing anything to protect the better educated citizens that are professionally qualified will spell doom to the ruling party for sure. You cannot bluff the people all the time.

The main reason for opening the flood gate for foreigners is to create more and better jobs for the citizens, not cleaners, not downgrading to lesser paying jobs. This is a betrayal of the whole mission. More foreigners mean more good jobs for Singaporeans, NOT, more foreigners mean lesser good jobs for Singaporeans but more good jobs for them.

There are many jobs in the govt, in the stats boards, in GLCs that need not go to foreigners. The Amy Cheong case will stand up like a sore thumb. So would the PR of SMRT. Are Sinkies that dull that these jobs must go to foreigners? The govt must adopt a Sinkie first policy when jobs are concerned. The civil service, the stats boards, the GLCs, must recruit Sinkies first. Only specialised jobs that no Sinkies can do or qualify to do should they go to foreigners. There is no reason why such jobs should go to foreigners in the first place. It is not the responsibility of the Govt to provide jobs for foreigners, even public housing. And foreigners should include PRs.

Let the foreign companies provide jobs for foreigners and for Sinkies. And make sure they are good jobs. This is what it is all about in opening the gate to foreigners. It must not be the other way round, providing good jobs to foreigners and bad and lowly paid jobs to Sinkies. And the deception of printing pink ICs to foreigners to call them citizens would not be tahan for long. The slew of hands has been exposed.

Can the Govt get its priorities right?  The votes for the govt come from the citizens. The Govt has a social contract and responsibility to its citizens, not to foreigners, not to PRs.


Anonymous said...

What makes you think the Pro Alien Party wants to see Sinkies gainfully employed?
If gainfully employed, then will become like redbean. Too much time & money can afford to blog and say bad things about our Leeders.

We want Sinkies to be taxi drives.
Then will be too tired to blog.
And have to ask the Pro Alien MP for help.
Better still if the Sinkie emigrates. Then got no more share in our reserves.

The best way to protect our reserves is to get rid of all the Sinkies and leave all the money to SingLeePore.

What is good for Singaporeans is NOT good for SingLeePore.
This is the rules of the game in SingLeePore.

Anonymous said...

To get the immigration policy right. They first need a coherent strategy to grow and sustain the economy without generating extraneous grief for all. But this ppl do not even have a strategy. All they seem to do is to leave it all to the vagaries of the free market (happy-go-lucky style).

So Chin Leng, is iit such a wonder that the displaced and marginalized middle classes have given them all the thumbs down and now many of them are migrating to greener pastures?

If you really want to know how useless, unimaginative and lazy a government really is, just pay close attention to how many quality citizens decide to say bye bye for a better tomorrow elsewhere. That to me is the acid test of good governance, that unfortunately is one subject that the govt doesn't dare to talk about.

And that I can fully I understand and appreciate why.

Darkness 2012

Anonymous said...

"Opposition Not Ready To Form Government" Hazel Poa.


So what skill set is needed to form the government of Singapore?
In my view, only one skill is needed. A sincere desire to better the lives of Singaporeans.

Any other type of expertise lacking.
We can employ & import some real foreign talents to advise our future Opposition led government.

In my view. The Opposition is ready to form the next government in GE 2016.
What do you think?

Anonymous said...

Red bean, if the policy can turn a very strong pap supporter like me to opposition vote, if they still do not want to change course then I think the 60% may become 40%in due course.

Anonymous said...

You only need a govt of people with a good heart, to serve the people and the people's interests. The civil service with all its talents are there at their disposal, to provide the continuity.

Gintai_昇泰 said...

Many PAP supporters are going to the dark side. Just look around you at the HDB coffee shops and you could sense the bitterness and hate of the heart landers. Sadly, they don't realize this fact.

Gintai_昇泰 said...

The Amy Cheong is a classic example of employing FTs at local expense by a govt body - union some more. What do you expect from the private sector if the govt body favors FTs over natives. I don't believe there is no local qualified for Amy Cheong's job? We have lost our birthright as the original indigenous natives if this land. You pink IC is not worth a dime! We are no body in our own land. They do not care abt the ppl. They care only for themselves and their greed for more and more obscene profits at the expense of natives. Sad isn't it?

Veritas said...
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Veritas said...

Today, in this racially driven FT policy, I see some Muslim blogger fanning hate against Chinese Singaporean, as if they do not know Chinese Singaporeans suffer big time under PAP.

Barrie the Bear Roam Free try paint Malaysia as totally non-racist in his "Malaysia's education system preserves Chinese traditions better than Singapore's".

He took up issues on SAP schools never mentioning anything on historical context that all Chinese schools are shut down while Malay still have free hand on Madrasas. See his "Heng Swee Keat avoids answering racially sensitive question on SAP".

Its really tragedic that minorities identify PAP as Chinese although their leaders are in fact Chinese+Malay bastard peranakan. Pure Chinese elite do not entirely have no responsibility in this. Many pure Chinese though their father are former supporters of Barisan become westernize. They are recruited into PAP. PAP policies hurt the Chinese as well, but they think of Chinese and next westernize Indians, as a ally against other minorities.

I agree Malay suffer under PAP. But we should speak the truth and not fan hatred with lies. I see FT policies may result to racial riot when Malay rise up and question why so many of their tribe become janitors.

(I have no problem with Janitors. In Europe, sweeper and Janitors are respectable jobs. They key is pay)

Anonymous said...

There is meaningless to voice our concerns unless sun rises from the West.

Those able locals should unplug themselves and leave the country for goods....

Anonymous said...

"Those able locals should unplug themselves and leave the country for goods...."

And this is the real reason for the Foreign Talent Policy.
To drive out the capable Sinkies so that the Opposition will be deprived of capable leaders.

Anonymous said...

Porn scholar 'Alvin & Vivian" really prove and double confirm:
The Pro Alien Party is just throwing away Singaporean taxpayers money like it's toilet paper.


And Sinkies are really daft to vote for the Pro Alien Party.

The way the Pro Alien Party spend Singaporeans' money;
Really wonder if our reserves are safe?
Uncle Tony was a former Pro Alien Millionaire.
Wonder if he is working hard to safeguard our reserves.

Hey Uncle Tony.
Have you done anything yet to reduce the number of man-years needed to come up with a list of Singapore's assets?

Anonymous said...

whatever PAP doing is good for Singapore (LHL always mention that).
So listen carefully, it is for Singapore (including MIW's bonuses) not singaporean.

Anonymous said...

Why do u need an immigration policy, when u havent even tried to help or tap on the local/native resources, giv me 400mln budget, i'll giv 10k for hospitalisation for each son n daughter of Singapore born, tis will take the burden off couples starting their family.
The lag time is 20 years, but i am sure we will hav many more blue blood.
Where's the money going to come from? Cut the defence spending, implement a FT (NS) tax on corporations that wish to hire FT, as these pp are here to enjoy the security that SG provides for them n their families. Even the al long know how to take care of their runners when they are caught n jailed.

Anonymous said...

Thanks for this article. I penned my comment in TRE as follows. For your reading pleasure:

I am 42 now, I was retrenched in late 2008 and found a job in HK only 1.5 years later – so I was around 38 then. When I am back from HK in early 2011 I was scounting for a job locally for almost 6 months. Recently I left my current employment because I have strategic differences with my boss, we mutually agree to part and now I am third time on the job market. I am in finance, senior management level, getting between $150 – $200k a year. I am stating this becasue in some (not all instances) I actually quoted a lower expectation hoping to get an interview.

I have on all 3 occassions wrote in to GLC, Stat Board and what have you -all the government related entities and I shall name them here:
Spring Singapore
Energy Market Authority
Health Science Authority
IE Singapore
Ministry of Finance
Ministry of Trade and Industry
Singapore Workforce Development Agency
Plus a few other quasi-government departments. I even wrote in to CPIB.

The role are mostly advertise via jobstreet / jobdb or careers@gov website and typically would be where my relevant experience and skill sets lies such as account & finance, corporate strategy, management, research & analysis, investment, fund management even administration etc.
In all, I figure I could easily wrote in between one hundred to two hundred applications. Obviously careers@gov has my profile.
My point is as follows:

I am not blaming the government that I lost my job.
I would not blame the government if I am not selected for the job: –

I paid my tax, I voted for the government even during the last election – (yes I am that stupid 60.1% , Yes I confess I am that stupid) becasue when I work in HK and I travel frequently to Thailand / China I felt in totality this place compared to the many places I have been to is still a decently governed country – little corruption, clean street, good quality health care, well run public school etc. But tell me why should I vote for you again come 2016. When you get my vote but give jobs to foreigners. I know for a fact, GIC / Temasek hire largely foreigners. I know you are reading this, feel free to approach me for a discussion if you think I am not telling the truth, I am happy to meet.

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headhunter said...

I definitely agree their, "The Govt should set the example in jobs for citizens". They need to do their job well, not just giving a job for the citizens.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi headhunter, welcome to the blog.

The govt has a responsibility for the well being of the citizens. If they forget this, they don't deserve to be the govt.

Kevin said...

Red bean, if the policy can turn a very strong pap supporter like me to opposition vote, if they still do not want to change course then I think the 60% may become 40%in due course.

Accounting Jobs said...

Its really important and The Govt should set the example in jobs for citizens i think.

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