
Abe not good enough

ABE not good enough. No, I am not referring to Shinzo Abe but A level grade. When a ABE grade cannot find a place in the local universities, this is going to be a bigger issue than the UNSW. In the latter, it concerns only 250 students, and maybe half are foreigners. For a university place, it is going to affect many Singaporeans, dotting parents and their precious wards. Now people are going to question why their children with reasonably good passes are not going to find a place in local universities. Admittedly what are reasonable grades may be subjective depending on the standard of the affected parties and the universities. What will eventually be dragged out to air will be the number of places given to foreigners, including scholarships using public money, and how many local children would have been displaced from such a policy. The parents are now up in arms. We are the citizens of the country. We are the taxpayers. We are the people to defend this country. I could here them say...Welcome to the Hotel California, such a lovely place, such a lovely place...


Anonymous said...

Not only are the foreigners given tuition fee grants and scholarships, they are competing with the Singaporean students for the same jobs after graduation. This is a real slap in the face.

No wonder we are said to be second-class citizens in our own country.

Anonymous said...

Firstly, do you even know what courses she had applied for ? With ABE, she'll definitely not qualify for the more popular courses like Medicine, Dentistry, Law, BizAd and Accountancy. Secondly, if she could not get in, that has to mean she is not good enough. Why should it matter that the better student is a foreigner ? As long as that student is better, then he/she deserves that place more than someone like this wanker's daughter who didn't meet the grade. That is what meritocracy is all about.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

with that kind of grades she would not be thinking of any popular courses.

as to giving the place to a better qualified foreigner than a local, that is a policy of insanity. it is a policy of self destruct.

bet you if policies of similar nature will to continue as they are, pap will not be in power for long. when the bottom line is hit, the people will react with their guts.

Anonymous said...

Anonymous said...
Not only are the foreigners given tuition fee grants and scholarships, they are competing with the Singaporean students for the same jobs after graduation. This is a real slap in the face.

There are alot of rumours abt what you said, but I thought it was a just myth. I dun see any published figures on that part.

The rumors were that millions of dollars were given out in no string attached scholarships to chinese students to study here. This generousity is also rumored to extend to students in neighbouring countries as well, such as indonesian islands where no strings attached bursaries were freely given.

There should be compiled datas and figures to confirm the grants and scholarships involved and transparency on this issue to dispel rumors like these. But if the rumors were true local taxpayers would question whether we should have given the benefits and freebies to our citizens first before we think about others.

Anonymous said...

The tuition grants given were not rumours. It is a fact that foreign students pay only very slightly more (hundreds - I don't have the exact figures)) than Singaporean students in fees, but upon graduation they have to work here for three years, to serve their bond, to to speak.

The irony is that by having to work here, they are in fact competing in the job market with the Singapore students.

Can someone with more recent information please enlighten us, because my information may be dated.

Anonymous said...

Published data? Not possible for everything. Not needed to illustrate what their insane policies will hv U rather not know.
The signs are already there. It's all "make money" in all their consideration..

Anonymous said...

To Anon 4.15pm 30th

Go to NUS website and you can find the details of tuition grants given to international studetns/permanent residents. There is no myth here.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

have we forgotten that the nation or country is for the people, its citizens? if we don't put our own people as priority and put others before our own, we have a fundamental problem.

but people who are intoxicated would not know that they are drunk.

Anonymous said...

Sad isn't it, as i said forget about yr citizenship, s'pore is belong to arrogrant millionair leaders. Let stop NS to protect this nation anymore, during 1998 economic crisis, we citizens are the only one who bite the bullets, stupid isn't it, accepted pay, cpf cut, job loss & competing job with foreigners & even our degree scholarship r given to foreigners so freely as well master courses.

Let me share once incident with you guy, my younger happen to enrol the master course with NUS. A staff told him straight away, the vaccancy are reserved for foreigners scholarship so my brother was rejected at counter without further explanation. look guy, we as a citizen has no right to upgrade oneself & how are going to compete with non-stop blooding foreigner.

Our leaders thought they did the best & shameless enough to demand pay rise, even our basic needs are rising non-stop - transport, medical, housing, food etc. So are we going to carry on to give in anymore, guy u decide.

Anonymous said...

Redbean, don't talk cock lah. It has been proven beyond any reasonable doubt that Singaporeans are a bunch of gutless wankers. All they are capable of doing is cry ma, cry pa for 5 years then when the time comes to make a difference and be counted, continue to give the mandate to people who will screw their arses sore for the next five years, and the cycle continues. What a bunch of losers. Serves you guys right for being overrun by foreigners.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

thank you sgpean and turaikiller for your comments.

the saying that you can't bluff all the people all the time still holds true.

the might of internet is still growing and its full force has yet to be felt.

Anonymous said...

Bullshit. The first commercial ISP opened for business in Singapore in 1994. That's a full 13 years, and in that time we have seen four general elections, with the same script played out in each and every one of them. The Internet is not a panacea for your problems Redbean. It is of no value to mindless drones who cannot think for themselves, which is what most Singaporeans are. The Internet has been credited with assisting in the overthrow of several authoritarian governemnts around the world. Wonder why that hasn't happened in Singapore ?

Anonymous said...

Sgean No More, the majority of Singaporeans in Hougang and Potong Pasir did not give the PAP the mandate you talk about. And they are certainly not mindless drones making mindless generalisations.

Anonymous said...

Hey Anon above, before you make mindless allegations, please go back and re-read my post. I did say MOST Singaporeans, arsehole. Tell me is 66.6% not considered MOST ? Who's the mindless one now, eh ?

Anonymous said...

Hey sgean, are you not that phuket-puss in disguise? Why speaking like her eh? ;P