AEC, looking forward to it
The Asean Economic Community is shaping up nicely behind closed doors. We can expect the borders to become more porous with lesser restrictions to travel and work within the Asean countries. The impact could be tremendous but like the impact of 6.9m, no one is particularly interested to tell the public how it would affect their livelihood. The most immediate impact would be out entry points when a normal half an hour wait may now take half a day to cross if all the Asean workers are marching to Sin City. Come to think of it, the checks on security threat could come in very handy and we have plenty of practices to regulate the flow of traffic at the checkpoints.
What I am looking forward to is actually the exchanges of personnel at the top levels, not the PMETs. If we could exchange govt leaders and pick the best for our city, it would be real nice. Top on my list is Yingluck. It would be so nice to see her in Parliament as our PM. Attendance would be perfect and the galleries will be full. You may even have to queue for a gallery ticket months ahead just to have a seat at the gallery. And the MPs would be asking a lot of questions and trying their very best to impress her with their wits. No more absentees or too busy with their private commitments.
The other top seat that needs a change of personality is the Presidency. We need a strong and powerful dare devil to be our President. The best candidate is Aquino of the Philippines. He is the only President in the world that dared to tell China that it is preparing its military forces to fight with China. This kind of bravery is rare and if we can have him, no one would dare to tell him it would take 56 man years to come up with a report. And being paid in the millions, the jobs must be more than just shaking hands with visitors to the Istana and kissing babies. Not to forget, Aquino can stand in for the Pinoy President when the Pinoys here celebrate their Independence Day, so convenient.
Aung San Suu Kyi could be another good choice but her kind of values on happiness may not go down well with our money minded populace. We don’t believe in happiness. We only believe in money, money and more money.
The Malaysian Home Minister Hamidi would be a good choice for our Home Ministry. We would not have anymore Mas Selamat problems or Malaysians gate crashing through out check points. But what impressed me about Hamidi was his comment on the fair treatment of minorities during Obama’s visit. When asked if Malaysia was fair in its affirmative policies to the bumiputras he quoted the examples in the US to support his case. The US also has affirmative policies for the minorities. So there is nothing wrong for Malaysia to have affirmative policies for the majorities.
Wish he can be our Home Affairs Minister and introduce affirmative policies for the majorities here.
His comrades Hishamuddin would be a good one for Transport Minister. He is so experienced in handling the media and with so frequent breakdowns in our trains, he would be like fish in water, holding press conferences daily like a cake walk. He will definitely enjoy his job here and we can have free publicity to the whole world.
It would be a tough choice to swap our Foreign Minister with Natalegawa of Indonesia. Between him and Shanmugam, close fight. The only reason to replace him with Shanmugam is the cost. If we pay him half of what we are paying Shanmugam he will be so happy that he would not hesitate to take up citizenship here and may promise that his sons will do NS. He can also tell his generals not to anyhow name their warships. Diplomacy is key man.
From Vietnam we could have a war veteran as our Defence Minister, someone that have really gone to war and seen what was like fighting in the battlefields. That would would be real stuff, not paper generals.
As for environment, media, housing, I think we can stick to our own talented ministers. Oh, I nearly forgot, Health Ministry needs a helping hand. The Malaysian Health Minister Subramaniam is doing a hell of a good job producing local doctors at about 500/600 a year. That kind of experience is very good for us. We must produce more local doctors to meet the demands of the AEC. But more important is the free health care for the citizens. We would not be complaining if he introduced a flat fee of $5 per visit for outpatients, medicine included. That would be real nice.
I think the number of changes is about right. We need to keep some ministries for our locals to helm. Cannot give all positions to foreign talents, Singaporeans and locals must come first. Hope AEC would not put too many of out ministers out of job, being replaced by foreign talents.
Kopi Level - Yellow
Two possible Manifestos for the GE
could be the platform for the next GE.
for my party for more population and more growth.
for my party for higher minimum sums in your CPF.
for my party for more foreigners to create more jobs for Sinkies.
for my party to serve super talents, and prepare to pay them more.
for my party to have no ending tenure in political office.
for my party to have more quality medical care from foreign talents at
affordable fees.
for my party to have affordable public housing.
for my party to defend and die for your country but not allowed to buy public
for my party to be your own boss, like driving your own taxis.
possible Manifesto
for my party to put a stop to population growth by importing foreigners.
for my party to half the pay of ministers.
for my party to have really affordable public housing, not market pricing.
for my party so that every Singapore will be eligible to buy public flats.
for my party to bring down the cost of medicare.
for my party so that PMETs will not be replaced by foreigners.
for my party so PMETs no need to drive taxis but by choice.
for my party to bring down cost of living.
for my party to limit political office to two terms.
Obama has removed his mask
all the pretensions that the USA was not trying to contain China or trying to
form a military alliance against China, the latest trip by Obama said it all.
It was all about containing China and supporting its allies
to challenge China’s rise as a superpower.
Obama has removed his mask to show what this trip was all about.
China better stop fooling
around with Obama and start to take Obama and the Americans as what they really
are. All the niceties to appease the Americans, to cajole them even to the
extent of strangling the North Koreans to please the Americans are futile. It
is now serious business and China is best to strengthen its
military alliances with the North Koreans and the Russians to take on the
American alliance head on. The responses can be calibrated and need not be
military. It can be economic and political in nature. China must use its economic and
political leverage to squeeze the Americans where it hurts. China must come out openly and
positively in support of Russia and North Korea like the Americans
supporting its allies. Doing otherwise would undermine its own position with Russia and North Korea.
the case of dealings with the Japanese and the Pinoys, China must be prepared to play
hardball as hardball will be what these two countries would want to play. China has to gear up for more
provocations by Japan and the Philippines in the seas around the
disputed islands. The military wargame has been set on play mode and the level
of play will escalate to higher levels by the Americans and their allies.
China cannot avoid an open
conflict with Japan and the Philippines and it better make its
stand clear that it would take them head on if provoked. Only then would the
two take China seriously and be more
circumspect in their devious military schemes. Whatever, the Evil Empire would
be there to pull the strings.
American pivot? It is naked American military expansion and aggression in Asia. It is all about
confronting China militarily. China needs not be polite with
nice words and simply stands up to the Americans. That is the only thing the
Americans understand. If China, India and Russia would to stand up to this
bully, it would be the end of Pax Americana. China and Russia must go all out, openly,
in support of North Korea, Iran and Syria and all the countries
being condemned by the Americans. The Americans are gearing up for a fight and
there is no where to run.
Kopi Level - Green
Leon Perera and Firuz Khan for WP
Two big names were on the Workers’ Party list of candidates for the GE.
Leon Perera, 44 and Firuz Khan, 48, are two good catch that would do a
lot of good to the WP. This is only the beginning and if they could
present another 10 or so such candidates before the GE, the WP is in
serious business. With more professionals joining the party, it means
that the party is able to attract serious minded people to join its rank
to challenge the ruling party.
If the other opposition parties could also do the same and attract similarly qualified candidates, the battle ground is going to change dramatically this time round. And the voters cannot complain of not having any choice. Those who had been voting for the ruling party out of no good choice but wanting to vote otherwise would now have no problems making their choices.
It is now very interesting to see how many more professionals the opposition parties could bring out this time to give the PAP a run for the money. Could we see a real battle in the making and not another round of walkovers or underweights bashing against the PAP machine? I think it is going to be exciting.
PS. Perera has a double first class from Oxford. He was a former head of an EDB division, a high flyer in his own right. He is now CEO of Spire Research and Consulting. Firuz is in the banking and retail industry and a council member of WP's Youth Wing.
If the other opposition parties could also do the same and attract similarly qualified candidates, the battle ground is going to change dramatically this time round. And the voters cannot complain of not having any choice. Those who had been voting for the ruling party out of no good choice but wanting to vote otherwise would now have no problems making their choices.
It is now very interesting to see how many more professionals the opposition parties could bring out this time to give the PAP a run for the money. Could we see a real battle in the making and not another round of walkovers or underweights bashing against the PAP machine? I think it is going to be exciting.
PS. Perera has a double first class from Oxford. He was a former head of an EDB division, a high flyer in his own right. He is now CEO of Spire Research and Consulting. Firuz is in the banking and retail industry and a council member of WP's Youth Wing.
Labour Day Protest – Protect the Singaporean Workers
Gilbert Goh is holding a Labour Day Protest tomorrow, 1 May, at Hong Lim
from 4pm to 7pm. According to him this year’s theme is Protect The
Singaporean Workers. In his message on this protest he said, ‘We will
also publicly shamed companies on that day which have a history of
errant discriminatory employment records.’
The main issues undoubtedly will be ‘the influx of foreigners who have robbed us of our rice bowl, the lack of proper representation when there is a contractual dispute with the employer and the perpetually-low wages which ensure that Singaporeans continue to struggle in our small city state crippled by ever-rising cost of living.’
Gilbert also wants to ‘remind all our participants that this is a protest and not a rally or picnic – we need you to come prepared to shout and raise your fist at the errant pro-employer policies of our government.
Don’t bring your picnic mat or sun glasses but do bring along your voice and anger so that we will roar together as one body and that people’s power will be on show for one more time!’
Gilbert needs all the support the people can give him by being there. It would be a big let down if after working so hard over the years and the turnout is poor. Would Singaporeans be motivated and inspired by the work of this lone soldier soldiering tirelessly to promote their interest and the well being of all Singaporeans and march with him?
PS. Please note that there is another protest rally on 3 May at 3pm at Hong Lim led by Leong Sze Hian.
The main issues undoubtedly will be ‘the influx of foreigners who have robbed us of our rice bowl, the lack of proper representation when there is a contractual dispute with the employer and the perpetually-low wages which ensure that Singaporeans continue to struggle in our small city state crippled by ever-rising cost of living.’
Gilbert also wants to ‘remind all our participants that this is a protest and not a rally or picnic – we need you to come prepared to shout and raise your fist at the errant pro-employer policies of our government.
Don’t bring your picnic mat or sun glasses but do bring along your voice and anger so that we will roar together as one body and that people’s power will be on show for one more time!’
Gilbert needs all the support the people can give him by being there. It would be a big let down if after working so hard over the years and the turnout is poor. Would Singaporeans be motivated and inspired by the work of this lone soldier soldiering tirelessly to promote their interest and the well being of all Singaporeans and march with him?
PS. Please note that there is another protest rally on 3 May at 3pm at Hong Lim led by Leong Sze Hian.
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