
USA wasted trillions fighting wars and fighting China. China spent the same money building infrastructures and in high tech

 While USA was investing lots of money in wars, churning out propaganda, instigating regime changes, carrying out assassinations, funding the creation of unrest, sanctioning every Tom, Dick and Harry, China was undertaking more productive investments with its money. And Elon Musk is now peeling away the facade of money wasting endeavors by previous USA administrations over the decades that achieved nothing. The revelations just add to the derision of the USA's dirty tactics and criminal activities worldwide.

China's investment is getting more bang for the buck, literally. Just looking at the scientists and engineers China has trained, now repaying all the investments that China made over the decades. Now, this does not come about by chance or at warped speed. It was all planned and thought out over the decades, a generational move, when China decides what it needed to do for it to rise. Manufacturing was the path chosen. It provided the jobs needed to be created, the economic benefits of exporting finished goods and the rest is history.

What has the USA achieved in underwriting the war in Vietnam? Did Vietnam become democratic after all the lives lost?

What has the USA achieved in Afghanistan? After dumping US$2 trillion into going after the Taliban, it turns out ironically that it was the Taliban that finally chased them out. That US$2 trillion could have been used more meaningfully to eradicate homelessness, rebuilt failing infrastructures and provide a better life for USA citizens. But the USA chose to waste it on wars.

What has the USA achieved setting up the propaganda machine that was being used to demonized communism, Russia and China. In one swift unintentional move, Rednote exposed all the lies of the USA dream by showing USA users the real China that their Government and MSM had tried to lie to them for decades. Foreign vloggers also helped to dispel the propaganda trotted out by the West about conditions in China. The US$300 million investment had been all wasted for nothing.


1 comment:

Virgo49 said...

White Men DemoCRAZY and Freedoms of Speech and Livings are ALL HAMBUG and BS.!

Only benefitted.their.Elites Capitalists.

Now proven Socialism is the Better System and in time to come many shall follow and abandon this BS Western Propgrated BS DemoCrazy

New World Order even admitted and fears by Sinkieland Leaders.

Soon their Good Lives be gone.