
American 'Rules Based Order' nonsense to dictate to the world

 The USA thought that with their military strength and US$ hegemony, it can continue to give orders around and control every country forever. They even built hundreds of military bases in other sovereign states to control them, invented their 'Rules Based Order' nonsense, thinking that other countries will be forced to follow their dictates.

Ironically, the Africans were the first to tell the Anglo-Saxon Whites straight in the face not to try to teach them about democracy, freedom and LGBTQ nonsense and what is good and right for their own country. The Africans have their own priorities to deal with, with fighting poverty, provide good infrastructure and housing for its people, and having food on the table rather than talking about democracy, freedom and the LGBTQ nonsense. Those are issues that the West will use later for erecting sanctions when the Africans fail to comply as dictated by the West.

The USA and the West had over the centuries been trying to impose their democratic values over the Chinese, hyping up the dangers of communism as trying to erode democracy around the world and calling all its allies and cronies to combat communism or socialism. Communists or Socialists countries were always the bad guys, while democratic countries were always the good guys.

The rise of Communist China, the lifting of hundreds of millions of Chinese out of poverty, the creation of a manufacturing hub for the world to enjoy cheap goods were to upend all the touting about democracy triumphing communism. There is no longer any use of touting that democracy is a better alternative to communism or socialism for the world. That is a dead ideology to gloat and compare now.

The decades of trying to make Communist China remain poor and the people to continue suffering, so that democracy can have a high horse standing, have all been in vain. Now, the whole world gets to see the comparison between life in socialist China and democratic USA and the vast differences it has become. Everything has been turned on its head over the last three decades. The effort to keep a lid by the USA Government and MSM about their dream has all but been exposed by Rednote, just one app alone. Now there is not even a squeak to belittle Communism in the eyes of the Anglo-Saxon White clique.

The USA wanted to keep out Tik Tok and it shot its own feet, and now trying to ban Rednote. Whatever for, since the horses have already bolted and closing the stable doors is an exercise in futility.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

The EU countries had been thinking that by supporting the USA's 'Rules Based Order' they are going to enjoy the same standing and exceptionalism as the USA and that it will benefit all the Anglo-Saxon Whites clinging on the USA's coattail.

By being sidelined in peace talks between the USA and Russia and being economically destroyed by supporting the USA in Ukraine, it is time for them to realize that everything is all geared towards looking after the interest of the USA alone. Every other country that helped the USA and suffers calamity is just considered as collateral damage. The USA could not care who they are stepping on as long as the goal is in the USA's interest.

Having said that, I do not think the Europeans have learnt any lesson so far. Instead of upgrading their defense capabilities themselves by action rather than just talking, they still think that without the USA they cannot survive with Russia at its doorstep. Who is threatening whom by trying to expand NATO? This is giving Trump an ego boosting sensation that is going to make the USA look down even more on the Europeans.