When Boris Johnson told Zelensky not to sign the peace treaty with Russia, the impression was that Boris was an American emissary and America was the real devil behind the war. Nobody then would have thought that the real devil was the Brits. No doubt the Americans were the main devil to bankroll the war then.
Today it is clear that the Brits were not just a secondary player tagging along. The Brits were an equal partner in pushing for war against Russia. This evil ex empire still think they still got it to start wars and fight wars when their economy is about to collapse. Now that Trump wants out, the Brits immediately step in to take over the lead role by Starmer's warm welcome for Zelensky after the latter was booted out of the White House. And Starmer immediately offered Zelensky a US$2.8b war fund to stay in the fight. Never mind if this sum may at most last for another month before drying up.
The French, Germans and Italians are just as eager to want to keep the war going. Weren't the Europeans meek American puppets being dragged into the war unwillingly by the Americans? Not at all. With the Americans wanting out, the sneaky Europeans are forced to the front to take on the Russians. They cannot play the role of unwilling collaborators anymore. It is now Russia against the European devils. No more pretences. With Trump and Putin not wanting to fight each other, Putin would have an easier task dealing with the European devils. Let's count which other European devils would stand out to join the Brits, French, Germans and the Italians to fight Russia. These four devils had all invaded Russia in the past, Italy during its Axis with Hitler in WW2.
This is a good thing for Russia. It would now see clearly who their real enemies in Europe are and who should deserve a few tactical nuclear warheads to teach them not to be silly. It is another replay of Mickey Mouse trying to take on a superpower. The counting starts now. And Trump and Putin would be watching them closely.
One thing is confirmed, the white savages have not changed over the last century. They are still as warlike and primitive as before and war is in their blood and hating Russia, wanting to destroy Russia is also in their blood. Putin and his Russians must have no more delusion that the Europeans would leave them alone. Let the show continues and let Europe burns. Putin has no reason to be nice, to want to sell cheap oil and gas to Europe anymore, and to think he can have peace with Europe. The four evil European imperial powers of the last century have stood up to be recognised.
Trump has done a big favour for Putin, to let him know who wants to destroy Russia other than the Americans. It is not Napoleon alone, not Hitler alone, not England alone, but all together, including Italy and maybe Poland. And there is clown Zelensky eagerly wanting to win this war.
We have watch them on TV with our pop corns. Let them fight.
Love to see Starmer and Macron leading a battalion of soldiers at the Ukraine front attacking Russia. They should put their money there their mouths are.
Ukraine lost everything for not signing the peace treaty with Russia in 2022, just after the start of the Ukraine War. Boris Johnson sabotaged the deal under the dictate of the USA. There is so much blood on his hands, same as Tony Blair in instigating the Iraq War with fake intelligence supplied to the USA.
And Starmer is trying to coax Zelenskyy to continue the war by pledging more aid. Instead of being a proxy to the USA, Zelenskyy is being cultivated into being a proxy for Europe and UK.
Trump knew that the Europeans, if they participated in the peace meeting with Putin, will never agree to end the war in Ukraine. The evilest country, the UK, will sabotage any attempt to come to a peace deal with their participation. Just as China knowing that any peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia will never be successful with the USA involved. China closed the deal between the Arabs and Iran, without the presence of the USA.
High and about time for the Whites to fight snd kill their Own for Debts Repayments in the past killing and enslaving and colonised the Coloured Peoples.
But reckon its just HOT Airs and Bravos.
This Frenchie Braggart Marconi and the Brits are just showing off.
Putin just gave them a taste of his Super Hypersonic Missle and they shall scattered to hide under their wives or mothers underwears.
Cowards and Bullies just wanted to form gangs and showoffs.
The irony is that all the real Crime Lords are the rulers of the Western powers all along. And they have all the sycophants carrying out their agendas.
And these white savages spread the lie that China is going to invade the world when China was a victim of their invasion. And they spread the lie that Russia is going to invade Europe when Russia had been invaded by the Europeans many times.
And silly third world countries believe in these lies, that the white savages that invaded and massacred them, raped their countries, colonised them are the good guys, the angels. China and Russia did not invade them or colonise them are the bad guys because the white savages lied that in the future China and Russia are going to invade them.
And the white savages and working with the Israelis to invade and take over the Middle East, committing genocide against the Arabs and Muslims, and many Arabs and Muslims still believe the Americans are the good guys. They deserve to be invaded and colonised by the white savages and ruled by the white savages.
They trusted the white savages, their colonial masters than China that has never invaded them.
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