
Xi meeting Jack Ma - Second chance for Ma to redeem himself

  After being left out in the cold for his rudeness and audacity to want to meddle with China's politics and economy, Jack Ma is given a second chance to redeem himself. He is invited by Xi for a meeting together with the top AI movers in China. Just like Trump, Xi is now personally involved in the AI war and gathering his best AI generals to chart the course for the next 5 or 10 years or more.

How would Jack Ma play his role this time? Jack has enough wealth to buy and enjoy everything in life. Money is no issue to him. He can retire happily to live a blissful life of plenty. Or he can continue to contribute to the Chinese economy and to China and the Chinese people, to bring glory to the Chinese Civilisation and leave a good name in the history of China's rejuvenation to become a great country in the 21st Century.

Many rich and successful Chinese could do the same, to use their wealth to the fullest to do something positive for posterity, hopefully not to act unthinkingly to harm their motherland, China, and the Chinese people. They are blessed with wealth that is beyond their needs. What are they going to do with all the wealth in their possession when throwing aside a few hundred million means nothing to them?

Elon Musk is about the most sensible billionaire around, a good role model to follow. He gave Trump a few hundred million to buy a place in the White House so that he could contribute positively to make America great again. Money and wealth not used wisely is simply a wasted opportunity presented to these rich individuals. Make your wealth counts in the best possible ways, not just blindly hoarding them, keep wanting to add more when every million is meaningless in terms of material comfort or ego.

Fortunately, many wise rich billionaires are doing their part to contribute positively to society and country, instead of wasting away their blessings in wine, women and song, and worst, like the kind like Jimmy Lai, or a few scums in Taiwan, wanting to harm the Chinese people and the rejuvenation of China and the Chinese Civilisation and ended to be called traitors in history.

Jack Ma's forced retreat in the last few years may make him a wiser man, with enough time to think through the bigger purpose of life. Hope he would use this second chance wisely and become a well respected and highly regarded Chinese citizen, playing a role not any ordinary Chinese has a chance to do.


Anonymous said...

I beg to disagree with your view that Musk is doing his service for the country. That snake oil salesman extraordinaire used hus money yo buy power which he flashes to satisfy his ego and narcissistic tendencies. He's exactly like his boss, the orange loser. They may seem to get on now, but you can't have 2 tigers in a cage. They'll fight in the end. Let them annihilate each other while we sit back and watch.

Virgo49 said...

Have one also from Sinking or Sinkiesland that long time ago lucky lucky made the correct bets on the Manipulated Stocks Exchange and made his millions now multipy into Billions brought a White Football Club and been scorned and jeered by these White Barbarians that Coloured Beans especially the Yellow Ones should NOT be their Owners of their Assets especially their Idol Worshipping Uncivilised Game of Slaughtering and Maiming each other on the playing field.

Hey, can't you see that this our most beloved true life sport of you cannot win the other party you must maim and chop down your opponents by any means even though the Whole World may cursed you and given many many RED cards for infringing their Red Lines.

How can a Chinkee of all peoples owned one of our club just because he got the monies and.we have none bankrupt. Also Chinkees are GOOD in managing any businesses by hooks or crooks means.

Think only many Chinese Philanthropists are mostly in China where they are been bred through their years of Humilations by the Whites and their thoughts to bring back glory for their Motherland.that they are willing to contribute their Wealth for their own peoples and Country.

Whereas Those in the Capitalist White Style of Mentality mostly you die your business countries are NOT be generous and willing.

Who asked you NOT so smart as me!

Now the Government of these Countries are also smart smart.

They knew that these Wealthy Nuts besides their Wealth also wanted Fames and Face!

So the HongKees Chinese Leaders started this.

In Hong Kong the Chinese there are all the while been the fittest survive under the Brits and would not spare a thought even seeing a life died on their roads as too bad destined to die like that.

So their Leaders very smart smart told these Egoistic Wanted Face Ones that if you were to contribute a sum of your Wealth for building up an Institution or Hospital or any Government Facility we shall NAMED that Facility, Hospital or Building or Institution in your NAME.

Wow, Tok Kong man ok 👌

This now Sinkieland also smart SMART followed their style.

That's the way for these that made their Wealth on the blood and sweat of the others to part some of their Wealth.

Mostly Enterpreueners NOT Government Officials Millionaires and Billionaires.

For them its still NOT enough!

How can we lose to the Businesses Billionaires when we are the Ones who called the shots!

Thus they have to raise all they can their salaries, incentives and what's performance bonuses so as not to lose to the other Wealthy Ones.

We also wanted Face and Status Man!

That's why the Whites and the Indians Wealthy Ones in India does not follow the Chinese Philanthropists to even donate a cent as they are monies grabbings and capitalists in every sense of the meaning.

Whites are Whites lah likewise in Sinkies Land Whites.

That's why even in the President Charity or even other Charity did you ever see Sinkieland Whites donate a single cent?

No right! and they even cajoled the poor Sinkies to contribute now also minimum wow liao eh $5.00 or $10.00

Real selfish

Anonymous said...

It is good that Peter Lim bought over an English Football Club. More Asians should buy over these clubs and make them work for us, and we pay them.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Anon 10:16am, Musk is doing a good service to the USA by destroying it first so that it cannot do more evil to the rest of the world. The combination of Musk and Trump is a formula made in Heaven. Without Musk and Trump, this evil Empire would not collapse so fast. A revolt is in the making.

Virgo49 said...

Right you are Mr RB.

It's Heavens Decreed that the UASSA SHALL perish with the two Messiahs that going to save the Rest of the Humanity of their long long Evil Deeds and Crimes of Wars and Killings.

See how Elon Musk shook the very fabric the Corruptions and cronyism of their Past Administrations

NOT the 2nd.coming of Jesus but the fore front Emissaries to cleanse the Americunts.


Anonymous said...

Trump is the projectile. Musk is the propellant. Together they make it a bigger and faster bang, LOL.

Virgo49 said...


It's all started when a Dumbass meets another Dumbass and another Dumbass that going to destroy the UAssA

Forerunners of The Second Revelation


Anonymous said...

What is the point of having all the money in the world when one ends up being remembered as a traitor to one's country or Civilisation in the history books?

Anonymous said...

God works in his mysterious way, to get the daft Americans to vote for Trump believing that Trump is their saviour when Trump is in fact one of the four horsemen. And Trump has roped in more horsemen to put an end to this evil Empire.