
Trump is throwing a ball into Xi's court hoping that Xi will notice it

 Trump is throwing a ball into Xi's court hoping that Xi will notice it and give him a call. He has even set a date in April to visit China, without having any invite from Xi yet. How is that for desperation?

If Trump gets an audience with Xi, he is probably going to spin it that Xi has no hands to play and no cards to deal, just like Zelenskyy. Trump can continue to fantasize about his 'Art of the Deal' in front of Xi. Xi must tell him not to show his dirty pussy-grabbing hands in front of him and that it is not going to work. Not anymore.

China is not going to play the hot and cold game of tariffs with Trump. The fact that China is retaliating big against Trump's tariff threat is strategic. Let the tariffs make life miserable for the USA citizens and see the self-destructive move do more harm to the USA than what China needed to do. Trump is making China even greater again. More MAGA hats and USA flags will have to be made in China. Trump is going to negotiate for a better deal over MAGA hats using his 'Art of the Deal' expertise, LOL.

Those dirty pussy-grabbing hands seems to have lost its effect in front of Canada, Mexico and even the EU. India may have succumbed to it, out of desperation. Even Japan is not convinced and selling off its holdings of US Treasuries and bonds, just like the UK.



Virgo49 said...

Good morning All

Xi as a Gentleman to show his willingness to have a good relationship with that Tramp had ok to meet him somewhere in Ah Poo this is Iranian word for April this coming months.

Now, China should just give him a grease layers Aircraft disembarking ladder for this Nassacistic Ego Mentally Unstable Tramp instead of a Red Carpet with Full Guards Honour.

See whether he stumble like that Bidamn.

Just like that Tag along Ursula Undress BORN THE LIAR EU Chief which is not any Government Offical except just a Organisation Chief.

Also that German Gas Buttocks who thought that she be welcome with Red Carpet and Full Guards Honour.

Last time wasted so much time and efforts to Honour him and even into the Great Hall or the Peoples where he and his family saw China's Finest that immediately went back with so much jealousy and hate and straight away about turn changed Face.

On way out please go for an Customs and Immigration check with full inspection whether he steal any artifact from the Grand Palace

Give him this treatment to show China's now Powess


Anonymous said...

According to one report, Trump is going to China to 'confront' Xi over the Chinese stance of being 'ready to fight any war' with the USA. Notice the use of the threatening word 'confront' being used against China, as if China is now shivering in its pants. Moreover, all the talk of Trump going to Beijing is just a one-sided narrative from the USA's side, with Beijing not saying a word.

China must not give Trump any special welcome if that happens, just the minimum protocol called for, just like the Saudi's giving Biden the cold shoulder when he visited in August 2022, to beg Mohammed in Salman to pump more oil. It failed miserably. Compare that with the ceremonial welcome accorded to Xi, with much aplomb and pageantry, when Xi visited Saudi Arabia in December of that year. There was a jet fly-past and a guard of honor that truly makes Biden's visit look trivial.

If Trump goes to Beijing on his own accord without being invited, it will be to China's benefit by being seen as behaving in a position of strength. It is no longer the trend of countries hoping for an invitation by the USA to visit and thinking that as an honor. More often than not, countries are being forced to fly to Washington to pay respect to the emperor in the White House. All 49 (or 50) African countries were being summoned to Washington in 2022 for a summit of listening to the emperor's edict. In October 2023, eleven South American countries were also summoned to Washington, with some opting out, to attend another Biden lecture or face threats. That is changing.

Anonymous said...

Xi must not pick up that dirty ball touched by Trump's pussy grabbing hands. Venereal disease is affecting Trump's brain and his behavior, LOL..

Virgo49 said...


Interesting Article how a China's city growing chilli's became a diamond industry!

That's innovations!

SinkiesLAND can only bow bow good morning Sirs and madam, welcome welcome.

Only good for arrangements of koh tais shows of Swift Taylor and Lady Gaga for third world's Servile economy.

Decadence and Whites druggies lifestyles

All services industry of hawkings, food and parcels delivery men and women and taxi driving.

Somemore go for upscale and ungrading!

These current jobs no need such ungrading waste of time!

Tied up with those anti UAssA dying industries into oblivion!

No eyes see ah!

Virgo49 said...

Cannot join BRICs and kena BRICKS

Joined Vietnam another chow kow!

UAss dying Industries?

Pity the young Sinkies!

NEW POOR down the road@

Mo Gan.Thye

Virgo49 said...


Prepare for Recession UASSA.