
Trump has problem with Ingrish and needs translator


Trump's Indian Translators. This 4 min clip of Trump's bromance with Macron. They like to touch each other, so loving, so touchy. There is also a little part on Trump meeting Modi. Modi was speaking English to Trump but Trump insisted on having translators. And both translators were Indians translating Ingrish to Trump. What a joke.


Anonymous said...

I thought the Indians speak English well, like the Englishmen. That was how they managed to wriggle their way up the ladder in USA conglomerates like Microsoft. The Chinese were said to be not on par. What a joke!

Anonymous said...

The decline of the white civilisation is unstoppable. Practically everyone in the authoritative Washington regime is a clown. And the hillbillies think a D grader is the smartest American they could find to be their president.
In Europe, the same picture. Silly boys and girls are elected to be their leaders. These clowns are no match to the Indians and would believe that the Indians are smarter than them, which is also true. Actually, half true, the Indians need only to sweet talk them into doing anything the Indians want them to. And the Indians need only to flash their degree mills minted first class degrees and the white men would all be floored, believing that the Indians are smarter than them. In England, an Indian was the smartest man they could find to be their PM. Not a single Englishman in the whole of England is good enough.