The ICC is nothing but a gangster organisation created by the Americans and the West to apply gangsters rules on the rest of the world, not to the Americans, not to the Europeans, not to the Jews. These countries are the world's terrorist states, committing war crimes and crimes against humanity but immuned from the ICC's reach. The Americans even threatened to arrest the gangsters in ICC if they dare to touch any Americans charged with war crimes or crimes against humanity. Netanyahu, found guilty of war crimes by the ICC, like many American and Brit leaders, are walking free and laughing at the silly ICC arrest warrants. Putin is also showing his middle finger to the ICC gangsters.
No respectable country would take the ICC seriously. It is a piece of shit, only used by the Americans when needed, to bully weak countries and countries deemed as enemies of the Americans. That is the role and mission of the ICC.
Marcos has used this rogue ICC to attack Duterte, arrested him for so called crimes against humanity when the Americans, Europeans and Israelis are committing worse crimes all over the world. Duterte was the president of the Philippines and acting in that capacity to stop drug activities in the Philippines. He was acting as the head of state, in the interests of the Philippines. What right has the ICC to issue a warrant of arrest on Duterte? The Philippines under Duterte had withdrawn from its association with this criminal organisation. The Philippines is an independent nation state. What is the ICC? The ICC has no jurisdiction over the Philippines.
Marcos conveniently used the rogue ICC to put Duterte behind bars. This is an insult to the people of the Philippines, to allow its former president to be arrested by a criminal organisation, the ICC, that no country respects and believes in.
Would the Pinoys stand up to this violation of their independence as a nation state and demand for the freedom of their former president or let him fall victim to this rogue organisation, victim to a political rival in Marcos? The fate of Duterte and the Philippines are in the hands of the Pinoys, not in the hands of a rogue organisation or in the hands of a dictator in the making, abusing Pinoy justice system, abusing the position of the president of the Philippines.
This act of arresting Duterte is so shameful and disgraceful in the eyes of the world, making the Philippines a laughing stock in the international community. The life of Duterte is being threatened. He could be killed or poisoned in custody or be quickly smuggled out of the Philippines to be handed to the gangsters in the ICC. The Pinoys that love their former president and their country must act fast to save Duterte.
What a joke! A foreign organisation can order the Pinoy government to arrest its former president? And the Pinoy police happily did it.
Marcos is simply using ICC knife to kill Duterte . . .
When a dog is ordered by its master to attack, it just do it to please its master.
Big protests and demonstrations for Duterte
People's Power will return to remove the second Marcos. Marcos better prepare to run to Hawaii again. This is the straw that breaks the camel's back. Pinoys would be on the streets again to stop this dictator to destroy the Philippines.
Who chartered and paid for the aircraft that took Duterte to Hague?
History is repeating itself. The Americans supporting another dictator Marcos and he will be driven out of the Philippines like his father by the people of the Philippines. People's Power has returned to the Philippines.
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