It is too late for the USA to cry over spilt milk. USA nuclear research and development, rocketry, cutting-edge semiconductor developments were all contributions by top-notch Chinese scientists in the past. Some may have come from Taiwan, but still also Chinese, like Morris Chang.
Most have now returned to mainland China, to teach and nurture younger Chinese scientists and engineers, in universities, research facilities and private enterprises like Huawei, SMIC, BYD, Alibaba, Tencent and others. There is no shortage of opportunities for them in China today. The sky is the limit.
When the USA talks about trying to lure these scientists back to the USA by making working environment safe and welcoming for them, I just could not stifle my laughter at their stupidity. First you chase them out with atrocious claims and punishments and now asking them to return is no more than a sick joke.
Moreover, China is building universities like no tomorrow and needs talents to staff critical departments. And these academics are well versed in the English Language, which is a bonus for China in its attempt to lure foreign students to study in China. What is now a growing stream of foreign students in Chinese universities is going to become a flood very soon. And that is going to be detrimental for Western universities charging sky high tuition fees that have become unaffordable even for USA students.
The fact that China now holds the greatest number of patents in science and technology is not lost on those scientists, engineers and academics still working in the USA. More will return, knowing that China is where the action and innovation is happening.
Perhaps the day will come when the USA might go ahead to accuse China of overcapacity in providing university education for the rest of the world. Never underestimate the mindset of the Hillbillies.
There is no shortage of Chinese people who wanted to be banana or White people wanted to be durian and move to China. The world situation is changing and people will act according to their self interest. No doubt USA used to be great But now it China time. Just like the decline of PAP politicians, now it time to give the opposition a chance to manage this country.
Convicts Aussies had one of their White guy carried a large gun into a plane and had to summon outside Polis for help.
Whereas their damn Arrogrant and Racists Immigrations picked on passengers and travellers in into the country.
Especially on Asians, ahem Chinese and also the Coloured Peoples.
What's sorts of damn Security?
Only kind laxed and Others Trashed.
Want to fight China Somemore.
Must be tried of livings.
Just to add only daft stupid beans wanted to go to the Western Barbarians Places.
Where they are been discrimated and intimated.
Just how stupid Trump was by imposing tariffs on Canada and Mexico is now fully exposed. Trump actually does not know the reason and is just acting on autopilot. Where are his advisers and strategic planners? Now Trump is basically walking back on his tariffs on these two countries that dared to retaliate.
Earlier, we were told that the tariffs were needed to punish these two countries that were ripping off the USA and stealing USA jobs by luring USA manufacturing especially to Mexico, with even agricultural machinery icon John Deere shifting some production out to Mexico to take advantage of lower wages and cost. Trump threatened to impose 200% tariffs on John Deere machinery made in Mexico and sold in the USA. This means also punishing USA farmers as well. This was the same mantra thrown against China then and now, having been accused of stealing USA jobs. Ironically, Canada had been selling highly discounted oil to USA and how could Canada even be said to be ripping the USA off?
When all these accusations failed to hold water and as a result of retaliations that were obviously detrimental to the USA, the Trump administration is now inventing new narratives to justify his actions, not due to these two countries stealing USA jobs, but surprisingly due to failing to control the influx of fentanyl into the USA. How does fentanyl influx into the USA have a bearing on USA jobs that needed tariffs to protect is an amazing look inside warped mindset?
Just as Trump does not know how tariffs are supposed to work, just because he came across that word and claims it is the most beautiful word in the English Language, he does not know for what reason he is using tariffs against Canada and Mexico.
Having said that, even if manufacturing entities do return to the USA, Trump and his advisers are well behind the curve when it comes to understanding how factories are being operated today, with robots doing most of the jobs done in the past by thousands of workers manually. Job creation is not going to be what Trump expects, with automation now the norm elsewhere. A factory could be running with just a dozen workers manning the operation of machines making the products, not thousands of workers as in the past.
With people like Trump running the USA, China does not even need other enemies of the USA to help its cause. The USA is just self-destructing right before our eyes.
Perhaps tariffs are needed to protect the USA's own fentanyl manufacturers. You never know, when it is Empire of Lies that is creating all the diversions.
You are spot on. The Americans are the one producing all the fentanyl but as usual blame China, now blame Canada, their standard practice of diversion and distraction. Americans are the main manufacturers and suppliers of fantanyl. Just like they are the world's number one terrorist state but blaming others as terrorists. They are the world's warmonger but blame others.
The CIA controls the drug trade of the whole world.
Dotard Trump thought that by imposing Tariffs on the whole World firstly he is the White Emperor and that all shall suffered and have all their industries swiftly back or no choice invest and set up industries in the UAssA.
Stupidity just a simple Trade Barrier he thought all shall meekly obeyed like his doggies and cronies obeyed immediately.
Who wants to trade with a BANKRUPTED country with their non stop printing of no assets and no collaterals HELL Notes.
Still thought that the UAssA is the World's Biggest DemoCRAZY which produces nothing except Military Arsenals.
Even the socalled Technology Corporations and Applications are just empty Tools with no real assets fundamentals and could like bubbles burst anytime.
Their shares are just their own hypes and inflated by.their manipulations of insider tradings and also BS Billions investments.
Even those High Tech manufactued chips are by Foreign Companies NOT their own.
Theirs only MacDonald Potatoe Chips.
All the countries were to trade amongst themslves and nothing for the Americunts they shall have to beg for mercy
Still wants to actsy borak ah!
China no need really to tick for tack their stupid only simple act of Tariffs.
China just simply get her essientials from others countries and NOT buy from the UAss and they shall die cocks standing.
Also China could produce all most essientials for their own domestic markets.
Also in UAss$$ then they could do likewise to seize and.confiscated the same like Russia.
Follow India's style of what's contravening their laws and taxes and have All FOC.
The UAss is knocking their.own nails into their coffins.
Now should be screwing no more nailings.
Agree. If TSMC, Nvidia and AMD were to move out, America would only be left with MacDonald making potato chips. Intel is about to fold up, like Motorola and SeaGate etc.
Netherlands with her what's high tech machineries that the UAss demanded NOT to sell to China.
During the Covid-19 Pandemic have to even import Ventilators and Masks from elsewhere.
Another round, think they won't dare so soon to release another round of deadly virus as their Millions would die again.
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