
Singapore is an immigrant country, so must always be an immigrant country?

Manpower minister Dr Tan See Leng reminded NCMP Mr Leong Mun Wai that both their fathers came from another country, that Singapore is an immigrant society, that he should stop rehashing the “foreigners are stealing our lunch” debate. In short, Dr Tan is implying that if foreigners did not sink roots here, becoming PRs and citizens, where would Singapore be?

Dr Tan has a point, except he forgot that when his father came to Singapore, it was not a country; it was a British colony where people far and wide came to make a living, and indeed, many went back to their country after accumulating some money.

It was only in 1965 that Singapore became a fully independent country, and with it, the process of building a nation began, and citizens had to make big sacrifices and commitments.... TRE

The above is the introductory paragraphs of a post title, Singapore is an immigrant society, by Foong Swee Fong.  It was written in response to Tan See Leng's rebuke to Leong Mun Wai's concern about foreigners stealing our lunch. Tan See Leng's position is that Singapore, being an immigrant society, must be grateful to foreigners and must continue to depend on foreigners to make Singapore great again. 

Singapore should be grateful to the foreigners that were here in our formative years in building up this island state. They sacrificed a lot, living on low wages, not million dollar salaries, to build the foundation for Singapore's success today. And these immigrants are the pioneers of independent Singapore, becoming the first citizens of Singapore. Singapore does not have to be grateful to future foreigners coming here until they have made their contributions. Some may and some will, but some may have ill intent, may sell out Singapore when they sink their roots here. There are going to be good and bad foreigners. It would be tragic to have bad foreigners destroying Singapore's social fabric and selling out Singapore to foreign powers in the future. Do not assume that every foreigner is good, an asset to Singapore.

Look at Australia, New Zealand, Canada and the USA, all are immigrant countries. Do they simply take in all foreigners unthinkingly? For centuries, they have their white immigrant policies, anti immigrant policies. Today they may be slightly more relax, but only after they have consolidated their power base, as the majority of these stolen lands, to let in a few immigrants but never to be big enough to remove them from power.

The convicts, the invaders, would not brag about their past as descendants of convicts or invaders. They would not allow convicts or invaders to their stolen lands. They would not blindly be grateful to new convicts and invaders and welcoming every Tom, Dick and Harry into the lands built by their predecessors. They would not sell out their stolen lands to newcomers freely, for newcomers to take over their lands.

Can Singapore learn something from the white gods in USA, Australia, Canada and New Zealand when welcoming new immigrants to the island? Fong Swee Fong made a pertinent point about Singapore not being an independent state, a colony of the British Empire when foreigners were brought in freely as cheap labour. Singapore then was like a no man's land, no ownership but a piece of loot of the Brits.

Singapore today belongs to Singaporeans, to the descendants of the pioneers, and some are still very alive today. Do not be confused between a non country and a nation state with responsibility to the real owners of the land. Bringing in immigrants profusely, is like giving the foreigners a share of the land and wealth of the country. Hypothetically, theoretically, if foreigners are let in continuously, and become a majority of the island state, it is as good as giving away our land and wealth to the foreigners.

Is this what we want? Is this fair to the descendants of the pioneers that fought for Singapore's independence and built it to what it is today? Don't forget, the reserves of the island state were built from the savings and blood, sweat and tears of the pioneers and the subsequent generations, NOT for new immigrants and future immigrants.

What do you think? Should Singapore be forever a migrant society, without roots and identity, without ownership? Would a convict country like Australia be proud to brag about its convict origins and want to be forever a convict country? Australia is a continent size island but they would not bring in foreigners in large numbers just to boost their economy. The consequence of losing their stolen land to the foreigners is very real. Same as in New Zealand, Canada and the USA.

Singapore is a nation state, NOT a hotel.


Anonymous said...

When talking about accepting more and more immigrants, size is of paramount importance. How big is Singapore compared to the USA, Australia, or even the European countries? Singapore has no hinterland to leverage on if things go out of hand, for example if it loses its importance as a maritime hub. That is why there is an unsaid fear over the Isthmus of Kra project and even the expansion of the Port Kelang facilities.

Immigrants, of course, contributed much to the escalating property prices, cost of living, prices of cars and crowded spaces on MRT trains, benefitting the Government coffers. What benefits have more immigrants bring to citizens is unseen, other than of tremendous benefit to the Government, property developers and employers.

Escalating property prices and astronomical car prices are being used to discreetly punish citizens. The rich made all the money investing in properties, benefitting from the misery of the poor. The same as in Hong Kong, with Li Ka Shing making all his money from properties and running to the UK afterwards, leaving Hong Kong people holding the baby with atrocious and unaffordable property prices. How long can the 'affordable' mantra continue in Singapore is a mystery. Just keep on raising the retirement age for Singaporeans to build up more CPF to buy a home? Just like the upgrading mantra some years back when it was gloated that property prices will keep going up and making people richer. Then the 99 years lease time-bomb exploded, and people became aware of their predicament. Upgrading was discreetly discontinued, as it no longer was a vote buying strategy. Was a POFMA being put down for falsehood? Oh, I remember there was no POFMA then.

Virgo49 said...

Sinkies Leaders thoughts are just making as much as possible.

Remember Performance Bonuses and each Ministry tried to overdo one another in seeing who's generated more wealth!

For example that White Haired still don't want to retire one that had a shuffle with one Sinkie during the last election in Pasir Ris makan stall said we shall take into consideration their performance record of that NRICs fiasco.

Meaning cut bonuses ah?

So they wanted millions in for the MND wow most monies making Ministry now with their BTO Pigeon Holes. Beat Mah Bow Tan's ERP and COEs. Built at cost thousands but sold at Hundreds of Thousands and still have the cheeks to say we ahem ahem subsidised you men!

Next we have the MRT and Buses that needed to be filled to the Fullest with human sardines so that Chee Hong Tat can have his Millions $$$$Bonuses.

For others just as well.

So this is the scenario of Sinkies now living in Spore.

Daft Stupid Sinkies with their megare struggling incomes elected the PAP Wallflowers MPs who tacked in on the tails of their So called heavy weight Ministers and with 20K each month also most times absent from Parliment and for a term of four to five years NOT even open their Golden Mouths to talk for their Constitutents.

So better vote for an Opposition MP that could talk for you.

Whats Nonsense Careers Forward Upscaling?

Upscaling where's no jobs for you.!

Only for the Foreigners!

No eyes see

Anonymous said...

Let these white supremo harp the immigrants sonata, in no times they wud have an Immigrant PeeAm ruled over them that will be a D day of Poreans in Sillyland Liao.

Anonymous said...

The immigrant PM would bring his whole village to fill up the parliament, claiming that Singaporeans have no talent. That would be the day.