Revival of colonialism is easy when every other country is weak as in the past. African countries were weak, South American countries were weak, India was weak and South-East Asian countries, particularly Indo China, were weak. The Whites just walked in and divide them according to their fancies. Where they could not use discovery nonsense to justify their claims to annex weak countries, they used force to colonize them. They tried that with China and failed.
This is not the old days. There are nuclear countries all over the world. There is Russia. There is China, North Korea, India and Pakistan which are all nuclear nations. And adding Iran will make a big difference to the balance of power. And these countries are not inside the Anglo-Saxon colonial clique.
And even small countries fight back today as in Africa. Iran is also fighting back, but that cannot be said about other Arab and Muslim countries in the Middle East. Therefore, the Middle East is viewed as the best place to start the recolonizing and imperialist re-expansion.
The Middle East Arabs and Muslim countries are weak, except Iran. That is why a regime change in Iran is necessary and on the cards for decades. Therefore, the Middle East is the region picked to be the test bed for the revival of the USA's and Anglo-Saxon White's imperialistic ambitions.
There is no country in Africa to carry out the divide and rule mission, like Israel in the Middle East. Africa is therefore shaking off all Anglo-Saxon White colonizers and killing the Anglo-Saxon Whites ambition to reinstate colonialism in Africa.
South-East Asia or ASEAN knows who is more important for their destiny. China is more important economically than pandering to the Imperialistic ambition of the USA. Therefore ASEAN, like Africa has already chosen its path forward, with economic priorities more important than supporting imperialistic ambitions and end up like Europe.
Just imagine Trump giving ultimatums to people in Gaza to leave their homes for Israel to walk in. Does the USA own Gaza? Hamas must never give up the fight and succumb so easily. The USA and Israel are creating all the problems and expecting other Arab and Muslim countries to absorb the people chased out of Gaza. What has Human Rights Watch been doing? Supporting the USA's action?
What happens if Trump were to tell all Chinese in Singapore to go back to China, Malays to Malaysia, Indians to India and use Singapore as the USA's military control center for carrying out subterfuge against China and BRICS countries like Indonesia, Malaysia and Thailand? Just thinking, LOL.
The USA could not overcome North Vietnam, even with all the help from allies like South Korea. They USA was not even using proxies but fighting the war directly against the North Vietnamese. With half a million USA troops in Vietnam at some stage, they still failed to put down the North Vietnamese. However, with the support of China and Russia, the North Vietnamese were able to defeat the USA. That, by the way, was the USA at the peak of its military power.
Now, let us talk about the Taliban that did not even get the kind of support that North Vietnam had, but they had the perseverance to keep fighting against massive odds and they finally won. The USA thought that with their massive logistics, defeating the Taliban will be a piece of cake. They miscalculated and after pouring in US$2 trillion into the war, achieved nothing. No minerals deal and no compensation like Ukraine. Oh, I forgot that Afghanistan was then not a friend of the USA, but Ukraine is, until now. Friends have to be treated specially in the mindset of the USA.
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