
Hobson Choice, from a demented President to an unsound President

  From being led by a demented President to a mentally unsound President is what the USA is turning into. The game of playing musical chairs for a two- party state is unravelling. And USA voters have nowhere to run, being given a 'Hobson's Choice'. It is a choice between the devil and the deep blue sea.

Trump is threatening to escalate his tariffs over those retaliations. What if countries do not want to export anything to the USA? Remember that there is now a BRICS and Global South market, and the USA is not the only market left for them to be held hostage.

Moreover, manufacturing, especially of consumer products in the USA, is still only at the hyping stage. It is still in the process of luring investors to build factories in the USA, sourcing stage for raw materials like the Ukraine minerals deal, and the need for skill development still to be implemented through a change in the education system. How long are those going to take? Will Trump still be around?

What are USA consumers going to do in the face of that shortage of imported goods? Sit around, twiddle their thumbs and wait for those factories to be set up to turn out highly expensive products for them to buy?



Anonymous said...

The way Trump is doing, walking back and forth with his tariffs is doing more harm than good to the USA economy. USA investors are at a loss as to know what to expect and are holding back, especially in the manufacturing and agricultural sector. In honesty, Trump is just like a headless cockroach, not knowing which way to move and could land up in the sewers. This is certainly not what he expects, thinking that it is easy to con people using his six-time bankruptcy experience. If he is not careful, he may chalk up another monstrous bankruptcy - that of the USA itself.

Since Trump took office, the Dow has lost more than three thousand points, and a recession fear is surfacing. Trump has no clue whether to go ahead with his tariffs or backtrack on his actions. In trying to collapse the Global economy and that of China and allies, he is in fact doing more harm to the USA.

Suffice to say, Trump is making BRICS even more relevant and China even greater today. Of course, he does not know that he is falling deep into the trap set by China, punishing even allies and trade partners that have huge Chinese investments in their country. What he does not understand is that the USA too have investments in those countries, such as vehicle manufacturers like Tesla and Ford, and they are being punished as well by Trump himself, shooting his own foot.

Instead of shouting 'Make American Great Again', the reality is that Trump is doing everything to 'Make China even Greater again'. I do believe in Karma.

Virgo49 said...

Aiya just a ploy and CON!

Those Billionaires are in Cahoots to fleece the Daft and Stupid GREED investors of their monies.

Playing a Hot and Cold Game of SeeSaw or Roller Coasters.

Unfortunately, that Witch Nancy Pesi Cola's hubby has no more insider info of their manipulations and the chance to be million hairs or airs.

Only Foolish Beans parted their monies on these Scam Cons.

More chances playing investments in the Casinos than stocks and shares.

Hello Genting, allahmak understand your profits not so good ah!

Long time no investments there liao since after that damn Americunts Virus Pandemic.

See you soon, cheers

Virgo49 said...


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