
Gaza Genocide - The American terrorists continue to massacre the Palestinians in Gaza

 Marco Rubio continued to spew venomous lies about a non existing  genocide in Xinjiang to demonish and tarnish China. This is about the only thing in his pea brain. If there is genocide in Xinjiang, it would not be so peaceful and prosperous. The Arab and Muslim leaders have all visited Xinjiang to see it with their own eyes and are happy with the lives of the Muslims in the region. Only the very thick that have swallowed every lie that the American terrorists have spread would still think the Muslims in Xinjiang are discriminated and living a harsh life, victims of human rights abused as fabricated by the evil Americans.

The evil Americans are the worst terrorists in committing genocides against natives of countries they invaded. In North America alone, they have genocided more than 100m native Americans since their invasion and occupation of the native lands. They even sterilised the native women to prevent them from having babies. This is how evil the AngloSaxon tribe was and is till today.

The genocide in Gaza has killed a few hundred thousand Palestinians and has started again right before the eyes of the whole world. The one month ceasefire was a lie to allow the American terrorists to refurbish all the weapons and bombs in the armoury of the Israeli terrorists. Now that they have topped up all their weaponry, it is time to massacre the Palestinians again, by crooked lies and false flag incidents.

This time the massacre would be more brutal as the American terrorists have fully armed the Israelis to completely wipe up the Palestinians. And the Palestinians are out in the open, among the ruins of their cities and homes bombed to pieces by the Israellis with weapons supplied by the American terrorists. This time the killing would be fast and swift. The Palestinians have been misled and walked into a killing field set up by the Americans and the Israelis.

Lo behold, Allah too would not be able to do anything to save them this time round. The ruthless and merciless Israelis led by war criminal Netanyahu and his gang of butchers would be rubbng their hands in glee. The American terrorists would do all they can to supply them with all the bombs needed to finish the job. There is no mercy. No one is there to stop this genocide now.


Anonymous said...

One thing is for sure and can be investigated and seen by every Muslim around the world. Muslims in Xinjiang are much better off than those in Gaza, or the Middle East for that matter. The USA is using Israels war with Hamas to chase out Palestinians from Gaza and forcing other countries to take them in.

Who is treating Muslims better? Just use the head. Marco Rubio can just talk the talk, but it does not change anything. The more he talks about it, the sillier he looks.

Anonymous said...

USA is now at war with the Houthis in Yemen. The Houthis have attacked a USA aircraft carrier, in retaliation for the USA's attack on the Houthis.

The latest news is about the USA teaser talking about having boots on the ground in Yemen. Obviously, the USA leaders have not learned any lesson in Afghanistan. Make no mistake. The Houthis are no lame ducks and will make life miserable for the USA should USA troops be carrying out an invasion, which will drag Iran into the conflict. Supposing the USA takes down the Houthis in Yemen. Will the Houthis just fade into the background? Like the Taliban, they have all the time to wait for the USA to exhaust itself militarily, morally and economically, achieving nothing. This is their homeland while the USA is fighting a war thousands of miles away from home.

Trump and Rubio are touting about 'raining hell' against Yemen. Well, it works both ways. Trump had in the past also gloated about bombing North Korea and flattening it to dust, and into the stone age if Kim does not de-nuclearize. What happened?

Anonymous said...

White terrorists, white savages! Why no condemnation by Channel News America? Oh, killing coloured people by white savages is ok. Killing Arabs and Muslims are ok. Channel News America is paid by the Americans.