
Europe looking for new leader to replace rogue USA

 The USA had been playing with boomerangs for decades and never seems to learn to be humble. If the EU break ranks with the USA, the USA is really going to be truly isolated. Canada is joining the EU in trade. There is now a rude awakening around the free world, which I thought would never happen. Europe is looking for a new leader of the free world. That is truly crass to say the least. How things are changing within the just the last couple of weeks.

In other words, the USA is going to be left with maybe seven Asian allies to play around with - India, Japan, South Korea, Philippines, Australia and New Zealand. They can now form the new G8 to fight against BRICS.

Truth be said, the exercise of 'exceptionalism' is no longer the prerogative of the USA. Untouchable in the past, it now looks fragile, fragmented and tottering.

It is really surprising that Karma is indeed working, but in mysterious ways.



Anonymous said...

Looking at the meeting of the Europeans, it looks like the UK is choosing itself as the leader of the free world, with Starmer holding court sitting in the center at the head of the table. Wow!

The USA may be out of Europe (or is it) but still has its proxy holding the Europeans transfixed with the UK flexing its muscle. The UK was the USA proxy that sabotaged the peace deal between Russia and Ukraine at the earlier stage of the Ukraine War. The UK is spending more on defense and trying to regain its lost imperial power.

Anonymous said...

But Starmer is a well trained, obedient lap dog of the yanks. He won't be allowed to do anything.

Anonymous said...

That goes without saying. Only well-trained dogs are allowed to lead the UK, just like Tony Blair and Boris Johnson. Which is they the USA needs regime changes to put obedient dogs in power to be able to manipulate them, like Zelenskyy.

Anonymous said...

The advice is never to allow any USA doggies to be included in any body that does not want the USA to be involved. Doing that is providing the USA a backdoor to control or spy on that body. Does BRICS come to mind?

Anonymous said...

Not necessarily allowed to do anything. Just allowed to bark will do.

Anonymous said...

There is now a crisis developing in Starmer's own party, Labour. UK's Labour Party is now literally in 'labour' with Starmer at its core.