The EU countries had been thinking that by supporting the USA's 'Rules Based Order' they are going to enjoy the same standing and exceptionalism as the USA and that it will benefit all the Anglo-Saxon Whites clinging on the USA's coattail.
By being sidelined in peace talks between the USA and Russia and being economically destroyed by supporting the USA in Ukraine, it is time for them to realize that everything is all geared towards looking after the interest of the USA alone. Every other country that helped the USA and suffers calamity is just considered as collateral damage. The USA could not care who they are stepping on as long as the goal is in the USA's interest.
Having said that, I do not think the Europeans have learnt any lesson so far. Instead of upgrading their defense capabilities themselves by action rather than just talking, they still think that without the USA they cannot survive with Russia at its doorstep. Who is threatening whom by trying to expand NATO? This is giving Trump an ego boosting sensation that is going to make the USA look down even more on the Europeans.
It is the same member of the gang, the NATO gang dividing the workload. It is just a 'division of labor' as espoused by Brian Berletic on his site 'The New Atlas'. The USA is going to take on China, so Ukraine is delegated to the Europeans to take care now. The USA cannot fight two wars at the same time, right?
But it is really a blessing in disguise for China. Now the NATO Europeans have their hands full confronting Russia in Ukraine without the USA. They are in no position to help the USA in taking on China, right? Oh, forget the Brits. They are just toothless barking dogs still trying to scare everyone, including Putin.
Russia keeps the Europeans busy in Europe. North Korea can always tilt the balance of power regarding the participation of South Korea and Japan if they try to get involved with China. North Korea cannot afford to let China fall to the USA, as their survival is more or less dependent on China and of course, Russia.
Oh, just read that the South Korean military jets just bombed their own citizens. How about that? Thankfully, South Korea did not blame the North. Kim must be laughing, enjoying his French brandy in hand.
Europe can defeat Russia the Europeans are now telling Zelenskyy. I belief it is all in the pipe that they were smoking. What was Europe doing and not defeating Russia over the last three years? 32 countries are overwhelming and yet achieving little or nothing.
Sending British Challenger tanks was a game changer, sending German Leopard tanks was another game changer, sending USA Abram tanks yet another game changer, big guns, big talk and yet unable to reclaim an ich of Ukrainian soil now under Russian control. All the game changers did change the game, acting as target practice for Russian rockets and fighter jets. The Challenger tanks even had to hide in a bunker for fear of being struck by Russian artillery. The Abram tanks was unsuitable and liable to flip over operating in Ukraine's tough terrain. They can only be operational on flat, smooth surfaces, just like the F16s, LOL. What game is that supposed to change I am at a loss to understand.
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