
China's Foreign Ministry needs to be caned. 该出拳就出拳。忍太久变成病猫。

  Is China a super power? Is China a dragon or a little lizard? When China was poor and weak, it was a case of no choice, to be bullied even by little Mickey Mouse. China today is a superpower in all aspects and in many areas surpassing the Americans. Why is China still behaving like a little lizard, to be bullied by Mickey Mouse and could not do anything about it?

A superpower must act like a superpower to be respected. If not, it would be ridiculed even by Mickey Mouse. China's Foreign Ministry can hold all the press briefings and warn Mickey Mouse states to follow the correct path, over and over again. But if China behaves like a little lizard, afraid to act as a superpower, the Mickey Mouse would treat China as a joke and would continue to give trouble to China, scratch China as and when they like. China must say and do what it says. If it warns the Mickey Mouse to behave or else, then it must follow through and whack the Mickey Mouse if it continues to misbehave.

No Mickey Mouse state would dare to do what the Pinoys are doing to China in the South China Sea if China talks, acts and behaves like a superpower. No Mickey Mouse state would dare to do the same to Israel or to India, both not exactly superpower. China must ask why Mickey Mouse Pinoys continue to provoke China every day and dumping a piece of scrap metal in China's territory for 25 years, and China could not do anything about it.

This is a sign of weakness, and every country is watching, especially the Asean states. If China is unable to deal with the Pinoy Mickey Mouse, it would encourage more Mickey Mouse in Asean to attack China, or to choose to be on the side of the Americans. China has been too patient and allowed the Pinoy Mickey Mouse too much face to mess around with China, infringing into China's territorial rights. China has given enough rope for the Pinoy Mickey Mouse to hang itself. The Asean countries may be unhappy if China whacks the Pinoy Mickey Mouse. But quietly they would accept that this is just dessert for the trouble making Pinoy Mickey Mouse. They may make some noise but would soon be forgotten.

The Americans and all its colonies and cronies would be ordered to attack China and called China an aggressor. This is to be expected. Even with the timid stance of China's Foreign Ministry in dealing with the provocative and aggressive Pinoy Mickey Mouse, they are still calling China as the aggressor. The truth, the Asean states would be very disappointed that China could not maintain peace in the South China Sea and allow a silly Mickey Mouse to stir trouble and destabilise the region. China must put the Mickey Mouse where it belongs for good and for peace and stability in the South China Sea.

China's Foreign Ministry has failed miserably in dealing with the Pinoy Mickey Mouse. They cannot be doing the same thing over and over again, saying the same thing over and over again, and hoping that the Pinoy Mickey Mouse would behave and stop creating trouble. Mickey Mouse is never afraid of little toothless lizard. The dragon must roar, and it better wake up fast to roar.

The meek shalt never inherit the earth. Did the American colonies and crony states called America aggressive for wanting to grab Gaza, Greenland, Canada, Mexico, the Panama Canal? No, they ran away and hide. Even all the big mouths in Asean also keep quiet. And China is afraid of acting against all the provocations by the Pinoy Mickey Mouse and afraid to act, afraid that it would be called aggressive?

China's Foreign Ministry needs to be caned for behaving like a paper tiger, or a little lizard. 该出拳就出拳。忍太久变成病猫。


Virgo49 said...

The saying "The Meek Shall Inherited the Earth" is just a ploy to con the dafts and Stupid by the White Crusaders to colonise and conquer the idiots to be their slaves.

China NOT roar but must Spat out FIRES to burn all these Scoundrels and Scums alive.

Killed a chicken to frighten the Monkeys.

But think now China is losing their patience by telling the Americunts you wants WARS come let's us send you all to HELL!

One report thinks not true lah that Lai Ching-Te said Taiwan is a Sovereign and Independent Country and the Dragon breathing Fires and is now furious preparing for Actions.

Virgo49 said...


George Yeo This is How to resolve the Taiwan-China Issue
