
Arabs and Muslims need a NATO. Call it AMTO or MATO

 The fate of the Arab and Muslim nation states is precarious. The American and Israeli terrorists have been planning for years to invade and take over their lands to form Greater Israel, comprising all the Arab and Muslim states in the Middle East. This is not a secret. It is open secret. Just because they did not talk about it every day does not mean it is forgotten or not going to happen. Of course the Arab and Muslim states are praying and hoping that the Americans and Israelis would give up on this idea. That is all they can do while not really doing anything to protect themselves from being obliterated by the two vicious savage tribes, one the world's number one terrorist state, infamous for genociding more than a hundred million native Americans, and the other, calling themselves God's chosen people, and with God and the Bible to justify their mission to create their Promised Land from the lands of the Arabs and Muslims.

Why would the Arab and Muslim states be so hapless, and willing to put themselves at the mercy of these two vicious savages and wishing and hoping that it would not happen, that they would be spared? Why don't they help themselves from being decimated in this modern century when the balance of power has changed, when they could not only count on themselves but also other countries to be on their side to save them?

The vicious lies about Iran or their neighbours harbouring ill intention against them were American and Israeli lies. The real threat to their existence is the Americans and the Israelis. And every day they are working towards their elimination, one by one, sowing discord to keep them at odds with each other, divide and rule, with one final goal, Greater Israeli. It is unbelieveable that the Arab and Muslim states could go to sleep every night without thinking about their tragic ends, when what is happening in Palestine and the Palestinians would be happening to them, every one of them from the sea to the river! Do they think they have time to survive this Arab and Muslim holocaust by not doing anything?

The only way to survive and protect their sovereignty, independence and their lives is to unite, to form a military alliance like NATO, to tell the Americans and the Israelis that an attack on one is an attack on all. Is that so difficult? Are the Arabs and Muslims so stupid that they could not put aside their differences for their own survival? 

Israel alone is no threat to the Arab and Muslim states, Israel is as big as a Mickey Mouse without the evil American Empire. But the American Empire is no longer the superpower it used to be, invincible. The combined strength of China and Russia would be good enough to take it down. And the Arabs and Muslims can count on Iran, North Korea, Pakistan and many countries of the Global South to be on their side against the evil American Empire and the Israeli Mickey Mouse. The Global South have had enough of being oppressed and bullied by the evil American terrorists and wanted to break free and be truly independent states, to live their own lives, not being controlled and dictated by the white men.

It is time to put down all the differences to unite and defend themselves against an existential threat that could turn them into slaves of the evil Americans and the Israelis, if they survived the Arab and Muslim holocaust being planned for them. An Arab Muslim Treaty Organisation or a Muslim Arab Treaty Organisation is their only hope to survive. Let them be no delusion, no disillusion. It is a live or die situation and the window is closing quickly. Let this organisation have one key mission, an attack on one state would be an attack on all, and all will unite to fight against the enemy. All other differences can be set aside, be put down just to form this organisation.

Inshallah, the Arabs and Muslims would unite to save themselves, with the help of the Global South and the people of the world. There is hope if there is a will to fight and live.

PS. Stop believing in the Americans or the white men. They are up your ass. They cannot be trusted! Stop wasting time talking to them. And Israel continues to attack Syria and West Bank, and scheming to continue to massacre the Palestinians in Gaza. The fake ceasefire would not last until all Palestinians are dead or driven out of Palestine.


Virgo49 said...

Good morning Mr RB and All

That's a brillant idea!

The Middle East Countries shuold have an ALLIANCE that tell the White Barabians and Savages we are UNITED and ONE for ALL and ALL for ONE.

Try to bully or invade One and We Shall have ALL of Us on your Arses.

For a change not on our camels.

If possible have Russia to be the HEAD just like that damn UAss as the Main Shits Stirrers and Instigator to the Euro Nuts and Dafts.

Too many self interests of Monarchs Ruling and too scared to lose their Kingdoms.

They be one by one manipulated and swallowed up by the Whites Colonisers.

So for now can only be BOTOL!

Anonymous said...

The Arabs can't go against the West. They have huge investments to lose if they do so. That is why the USA, and the West had them by the balls.

Anonymous said...

Sinkieland also had it balls in the hand of the US. That is why every year our military expert mr chicken spend billion to buy expensive american military toys. Not to forget also to organise the talk cock sing song session at shangrila hotel using million of sillyporean money. Very soon sillyporean money will be used again to invite Trump-Kim over for holiday and selfie taking session for our ministers.

Virgo49 said...

Now have to spend billions on additional buying their military arsenals as demanded by Dotard Trump or else ahem ahem our Americunts alreday defunted useless industries going to be commanded by us to kaput.

Long time you imbeciles should have engaged China for her High Tech Industries.

Have your hundreds of thousands gainfully employed instead of be parcels and food delivery men.

Put all eggs into one basket and now all going to be smashed.

Too little too late liao!

What's nonsense Careers Jobs Forward?

Upgrading? Upscalng?

To be Scaled more appropriate!

Thousands gonna be fried cuttlefish soon.

RTS aka Roam.The Streets

Mo Gan Thye!

Anonymous said...

Having lured all the investments into the USA, that is now a weapon of control. That is why de-dollarization is needed to kill the octopus that has its tentacles enslaving the world.

Anonymous said...

Any silly bugger still mouthing about the American gangster Rules Based Order? Think the Arabs and Muslims are smart enough not to speak about it. Unless they are reminding the Americans that they are American cronies and the Americans must know that they are American ass kissers.

Anonymous said...

Our Principled one was saying that upholding inclusive 'Rules Based Multilateral System' is the only way forward. That was in 2022 when he said that.

Fast forward to yesterday, March 3, where he was reported to be saying that ' 'Rules Base Global Order' at risk of degenerating into law of the jungle.

Is there a difference as I am no political analyst?