
Americans losing all the wars since Vietnam, and losing trillions of dollars and tens of thousands of American lives

 The USA could not overcome North Vietnam, even with all the help from allies like South Korea. They USA was not even using proxies but fighting the war directly against the North Vietnamese. With half a million USA troops in Vietnam at some stage, they still failed to put down the North Vietnamese. However, with the support of China and Russia, the North Vietnamese were able to defeat the USA. That, by the way, was the USA at the peak of its military power.

Now, let us talk about the Taliban that did not even get the kind of support that North Vietnam had, but they had the perseverance to keep fighting against massive odds and they finally won. The USA thought that with their massive logistics, defeating the Taliban will be a piece of cake. They miscalculated and after pouring in US$2 trillion into the war, achieved nothing. No minerals deal and no compensation like Ukraine. Oh, I forgot that Afghanistan was then not a friend of the USA, but Ukraine is, until now. Friends have to be treated specially in the mindset of the USA.



Anonymous said...

Trump is contemplating returning to Afghanistan, wanting to reclaim the Bagram Airbase and asking for the return of all the weapons left behind by Biden. Did he asked the Taliban to agree? Would the Taliban oblige?

The Taliban still have cards to play and hands to deal. If he cannot force the Taliban to acquiesce like forcing Zelenskyy, he would have to start another invasion of Afghanistan. Using the excuse of taking out terrorist like Al Queda, he needs inventing and fabricating another lie, maybe a false flag attack on USA assets like 911, and then designating the Taliban as the terrorists responsible.

Would Trump now also threaten Vietnam to let the USA station troops in several USA bases in South Vietnam which they occupied prior to the Vietnam War? How about compensating the USA for more than fifty thousand USA troops killed in the war?

Having said that, Trump will not be asking Japan to compensate for the Pearl Harbor fiasco, would he?

Anonymous said...

Having lost all the wars that they fought, the USA therefore feared being dragged directly into another massive failure in Ukraine, and just content sitting on the sidelines providing weapons and urging Zelenskyy to 'fight baby fight'.

There is a Native American Indian saying that when you see two fish fighting in a pool of water, look around and you will see a White man standing nearby waiting to reap the benefits.

In any war against China the Japanese, South Koreans, Pinoys and Australians will be pushed to the frontline in a war against China. The USA direct involvement is not going to be a sure win scenario, and these guinea dogs will be testing the ground for them.

Fighting a major war far from home is not as easy as the USA thinks. This is China's front yard, with logistics and supplies easily available. The USA does not have the benefit of knowing how strong the PLA is today and what weapons have not yet been unveiled, a strategy in the Chinese DNA that goes back to ancient times when Chinese kungfu-masters never teach the most important moves to those outside the family.

China has its 'Art of War' against Trump's 'Art of the Deal". Who is going to win?