
Americans kidnapped Duterte and taking over the Philippines

 First they blackmailed the Philippines President with the loot worth billions in the USA. Then they made him give up land for the Americans to set up military bases in the Philippines, turning the Philippines into a de facto colony of the American Empire. Then they turned the Philippines into an American pawn to provoke and start a war with superpower China. Trump had warned against little countries not to take on a bigger country in a war they cannot win. They thrusted the Ukraine recipe for destruction to Marcos to implement.

The latest, the kidnapping of the former President of the Philippines, Duterte, the most respected and loved President that has a 80% popular support from the people of the Philippines. Marcos had said that he had nothing to do with the kidnapping. Who else in the Philippines has the power to conduct such a crime against the people of the Philippines if Marcos had nothing to do with it? Is the Philippines Police that powerful to act against the President, against the people of the Philippines?

The main culprits behind this kidnapping, in the Philippines, using the Philippines Police personnel, is the new colonial master, the Americans. Only the Americans have the power and resources to provide the aircraft, pilot, finance and people to coordinate this kidnapping in front of the Philippines media, aloof, arrogant, above the law, to kidnap their well respected former President from them and smuggled him straight to the Hague, more than 15,000 miles away, to be charged by a gang of criminals in the International Criminal Court. The ICC is not called a Criminal Court for nothing. It is a court run by criminals. And the former President of the Philippines, an independent nation state, not a member of this criminal set up, is now in their custody, in their prison, to be charged by them in a kangaroo court.

The Americans are the mastermind behind this whole operation. And they can only do it because they have full control of the Philippines government, a colony of the evil American Empire. And the President of the Philippines cannot do anything about it, cannot stop the kidnapping of the man that generously helped him and his family when they were chased out of the Philippines, and generously helped him to get elected as the current President of the Philippines. Is he a wee bit grateful to the Dutertes for all their help, kindness and assistance? How despicable and ungrateful can Marcos Junior be to allow the Americans to kidnap Duterte and make him look like a criminal in the eyes of the world, to be humiliated and charged by a court called Criminal Court?

Would the Philippines people allow their frail and medically ill former President to be humiliated in front of the whole world and may even be killed by the criminals behind this kidnapping.


Anonymous said...

ICC stands for 'International Court of Criminals'. These criminals have no courage to issue arrest warrants for George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, Tony Blair and their criminal gang when threatened. Are they cowards? Cowards as well as criminals for not upholding justice that they are supposed to be created for.

Time for ICC to be disbanded for being a useless body whose only purpose is making a mockery of justice.

Anonymous said...

The American terrorists kidnapped Philippines' former president with the help of Ppines' police and government officials. What a shame.

Anonymous said...

Why Americans want to arrest Duterte? Because many of the drug dealers killed by Duterte were American agents. CIA is the world's biggest drug dealer with many operators all over the world to poison the social security of countries with drugs. This is also one reason why the Americans are against death penalty for drug crimes, to protect CIA operators.

Anonymous said...

That was what I had been thinking of.

Anonymous said...

And Mickey Marcos said that he is not aware of the kidnapping. Imagine the leader of a country not knowing what is happening inside the country. That must be the mother of all jokes. Mickey Marcos probably had a spy watching Duterte 24/7.