Mr Ng said that “America’s primacy has become the overriding consideration” in its foreign policy, at the expense of bilateral and multilateral ties. He added that Asia’s image of the US has “changed from liberator to great disruptor to a landlord seeking rent”. CNA
The above is a polite way of calling the American a landlord seeking rent. And American cronies would simply accept it without disputing if this is true. Americans cannot be depicted to be a bad guy, a gangster or a terrorist state. Americans are angels, very sweet guys, very nice people, protecting the world, maintaining peace, not the world's number terrorists starting wars everywhere and killing millions in their wars, bullying small states, imposing sanctions and tariffs, and twisting their arms to take sides, forbidding them to trade with China or Russia etc.
A landlord can only collect rent if he rents out his properties. No landlord can collect any rent when the properties did not belong to the landlord. Caveat, if the landlord colonised or robbed the land from the people, like North America, Japan and South Korea or Hawaii. The Americans are going to grab Canada, Greenland and the Panama Canal. It they succeed, they can then act as landlord to collect rent.
The European states do not belong to the Americans and do not have to pay rent. All the Southeast Asian countries are also independent states and do not have to pay rent to the Americans, unless the Americans seized the Straits of Malacca and start to collect rent for passage.
What the Americans are doing are gangster behaviour, demanding independent states to pay protection money. Definitely not collecting rent. Unless countries think they are colonies or cronies of the Americans, and their lands belong to the Americans. Then they should pay rent due to the landlords, like the Japanese and South Koreans and the Hawaiians, all colonies of the USA.
The Americans have been setting up bases in their colonies and crony states all over the world to protect the interests of the American Empire. Now they are broke and they changed the narrative by claiming that the military bases are there to protect their colonies and crony states from strawmen or fictional threats created by the Americans. The real threat to countries of the world is America, the world's number one terrorist state, everyday eyeing to grab countries using fictitious lies about American security and interests. Good examples are the military bases in the Middle East to control and threaten the Arab leaders to do as dictated by the Americans for the interests of the Israelis...against the interests of the Arabs and Arab states.
Any jokers still believe the American bases in Japan and South Korea are there to protect these two American colonies or to control and rule over them?
Good morning All
What's you expect from that HEN?
Or for that matter Sinkeland Bananas Leaders!
They are the Doggies of the UAssA!
Said here said there, its the LAME Duck U.N. Supposed to be the United Nations should be United Nonsense to be blamed as its PowerLess.
Only Powder for Whores make up!
The Whole Daft World is still in awe of the UAssA and readily obeyed their whimps and rantings.
Actually, see when you are been tortured and brainwashed for so long that there is still an after effect of fears of auto fears that they are still your handlers and masters.
Just like an elephant with just a simple chain on one of its hind leg and it is instantly docile.
But it could also trample on that puny bean when sometimes it became sick and tired of been chained and bully.
So hope that the Rest of the Coloured Peoples World and also the Global South and the M.E. shall just wake up and trample on the Evil Anglo Saxons to HELL.
Now, real mentally deranged that they are putting their Crosses of Crusade on their Foreheads and like in the Imperial Past wanted to colonise and invade all the non Believers conutryes again to save their Souls.
The Worse is that even those real stupid Chinkees are also following them as embraced in their EVIL Crusade of conquering the natives.
Their BS God of Love and Peace and Eternity!
Their Most EVIl Cult of Murderers and Savages
Anyway Sinking would be spared as too many also in their League.
That old Cock or Hen is the worst of its kind! A servile sheeple to his white master.
Impolite wise, USA is a Gang overlord or Mafia Godfather collecting protection money using threats, whether one wants it or not. Not paying obeyance means facing harassment or death.
Opting out also means death.
Long lasting respect is earned, not forced upon.
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