
China as a world mediator for peace. No need fake Nobel Peace Prize for warmongers

The Iran/Saudi Arabia deal, brokered by the Chinese is a very humilating setback for the USA. It shows that China is now more well regarded and recognised as the power that is overshadowing the USA's influence in the Middle East. For several decades the USA held sway over the Middle East, but instead of calling for peace, had been instigating conflicts between these two for decades.

Let us hope the Evil Empire does not sabotage the peace deal with a false flag. They are famous for doing that, and the whole world knows they are capable of carrying that out. Such sabotage may not be immediate, but will be discreetly planned and executed, like the Nord Stream pipeline attack. Some claimed that the bombs on the Nord Stream pipelines were already in place in mid 2022 and set off in September 2022.

They now have to plan if they intend to sabotage the Iran/Saudi Arabia peace deal, first finding a loophole to escape direct involvement and a scapegoat to take the blame. Israel comes to mind as it is already throwing disdain and unhappiness over the deal and had been posturing to blow up the Iranian nuclear facilities for years.

It is now up to Iran and Saudi Arabia to trust each other and not be suckered into believing any inpending attack as one side trying to destroy the other despite the peace deal. It is difficult to avoid that no doubt, when terrorist are planning an attack on the sly. 



Speedwing said...

Hi Uncle Redbean, Restoring normal relationship between Iran and Saudi Arabia is a good thing for the world, thanks to the initiative from China. This goes to show that China is a country that promotes peace and harmony in the world, unlike some other warmongering countries that instigate friction and war. Well done China, proud to be a Chinese.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Hi Speed, the world is changing at very high speed. In the next few years, the demise of the American Empire and western dominance would be unstoppable. The Americans are destroying the European states and also their own economy with their own hands and silly sanctions and weaponising of everything.

It is beyond belief that they dared to weaponsing the dollar to kill themselves by destroying the confidence and value of the dollar. Yes, the dollar is going to become toilet papers.

Countries trading with China or with other countries do not need to use the dollar. The US will end up with all the toilet paper dollars returning to the US to flush down the toilets.

Anonymous said...

Just calling a meeting is all it takes for China to solve the near decade long standoff between Iran and Saudi Arabia. I tend to believe that Russia too had a hand in this deal. But being directly involved in the war in Ukraine and trying to broker a peace deal between Iran and Saudi Arabia is too much of a risk to take, knowing that the USA and the collective West will use that as further ammunition to castigate Russia.

Does that tell us also why the USA and collective West is nervous and paranoid about China trying to broker a peace deal between Russia and Ukraine? They demonised the move by planting the seeds of doubt by insisting that China is not sincere in its desire for peace.

The USA is not going to allow China to take away any advantage it had gained through its investments in Ukraine, with all the effort and aid, by allowing China to broker a peace deal, which will possibly tempt Europe to return to Russia for its cheap energy once again. Not that Russia has not learnt its lesson as well so far over the sanctions.

What has happened with Iran and Saudi Arabia is indeed a serious humiliation for the USA. You can be sure that a wounded USA will, in time, resort to underhand tactics to sabotage the deal. It is up to Iran and Saudi Arabia to keep that in mind, about what the Evil Empire can be expected to do going forward. A leopard can never change its spots.

Anonymous said...

Another USA bank has gone under. Actually, it is the third, after Silicon Valley and Silvergate. Actually Silvergate Bank went into voluntary liquidation, but that is still going under, whatever they try to cover up. Why would a Bank go into voluntary liquidation if it is not in trouble?

Now, the third USA bank, Signature Bank is biting the dust. Who else is next is the question?

There will be chaos on Monday, with people rushing to withdraw their hard earned stash.

Virgo49 said...

Hi Anon 11.14

This is the Americunts trick to confiscate all the monies and assets of daft beans in their daylights robberies their most easy way.

They have their BS what's laws that murdered all and set fires to cover all evidences.

Why now most of the World's Awoken Leaders are abandoning the UAss $$
Because of the fears that they would be like the same victims like Russia and Afghanistan and so many others with their WEALTH in their holds been stolen.

This is the last straw that broke their Donkeys for Democrats and the Elephants for the Republicans Backs.

Anonymous said...

American Made peace is when they destroyed a country and then negotiate from a position of strength, ie the other country has to accept everything the Americans dictated to them.

This is what they hope to do to the Russians in Ukraine, defeat Russia, demand war reparation and the break up of Russia to become American colonies like Europe, Japan, South Korea and the Philippines.

Any Asean country want to volunteer to become American colony? Or they have already volunteered in secret.

Anonymous said...

Watch this, very interesting


Virgo49 said...


All their Pirates Bank's.

Defend their Banking Ponzis?

Anonymous said...

Why not let the failed banks to close like forcing Thailand, Indonesia and Malaysia to close their banks during the financial crisis?

Evil Americans.

Anonymous said...

If they let the failed banks to close, many are basically already failed banks on ICU to be sure, and more will close. It is sending a message to depositors to withdraw their money faster and that will create even more bank runs. The whole banking system will collapse.

No matter how bad it is, they will try to calm the situation and hopefully to stem the bank runs. But, as it is in the USA, big trouble is brewing. These banks failed all because of the raising of rates by the Fed in an attempt to tame inflation. The raising of interest rates did not do its job so far, and the Fed is basically paralysed. Either way it moves, inflation is going to be around for a long stretch.

Years of unrestrained printing of fiat money coupled with the slowing demand for US$ in global trade caused all the problems. The unrestrained printing of fiat money lead to an oversupply of money floating in the system inside the USA itself, and the raising of interest rates by the Fed in an attempt to soak up the excess liquidity is having a serious effect on the economy. Some are even suggesting that the Fed may have to instead lower interest rates to save the economy. Nothing is going to work to solve the problem of too much money still floating around and not moving fast enough overseas, which will allow the USA to export its inflation around the world instead.

The USA housing mortgage problem is also surfacing, with loan repayments presenting a new problem due to higher interest rates. That has not been on the radar so far with all the distractions - balloongate, Trump's January 6th insurrection attempt, Biden's hidden classified documents, Biden Hector's laptop, Ukraine War and Chinagate coming on steam.

Anonymous said...

And Biden is gloating that Xi is troubled by a lot of problems.

With a $31.4 trillion debt, if the interest rate is 4%, this is about US$125b of interest to pay annually. Every 1% increase in interest rate means $31b more interest to pay.

The printing machine would have to work overtime before it breaks down from over work and over heating.

The Americans think they don't have to pay back, can keep kicking the can further down the road by printing and printing money. Now every country is scared of this and feel cheated.

The collapse is coming very soon when no one wants to play the game of monopoly with the Americans.

Anonymous said...

Biden where got problems? He can't even remember what he ate this morning. Everything is decided by someone for him, even when to sit down and when to leave the rostrum after a speech.

Everything USA President is actually doing the same thing, ok, not as seriously as Biden, kicking the can further down the road. Which President ever thought of tackling the US debt problem or reducing the USA deficits or tackling homelessness? They just keep spending, and leave the problem to the next one, who will leave it to the next one and so on. Just enjoying their four years in office, talking cock and nothing to worry about what the next President does.

So Biden, where got problems? Biden's only problem probably is about his son Hector.

Anonymous said...

Does he remember he got a son?

Anonymous said...

Sooner or later he may think that Zelenskyy is his son, not Hector. Being afflicted by dementia, he is therefore excusable and exceptionable.