
Ukraine - The Americans hijacked the agenda and narrative, continue with war is imminent lie

1. Biden warned Russia to withdraw to avoid needless death and destruction.
2. Russia and the US competing to write the narrative of Ukraine crisis.

Read the above two headlines in CNA.  The first one about Biden telling Putin that it would be needless death and destruction is pure American comedy, as if the Americans care. Not bad for a senile old man to still remember such lines. No one, not the Ukrainians or the Russians, not the Europeans, would want an unnecessary war that would lead to their people being killed and country destroyed. Only one country wants this war and is fanning the fire, making all kinds of silly statements to create a sense of fear that war is about to start.  

The Americans even got all its allies to pull out their citizens, plus Americans, from Ukraine to give the impression that war is imminent. And they got the cheek to ask China why it is not pulling out the Chinese as orchestrated by the Americans. The Chinese are not going anywhere and staying put to call the American bluff. 

And the second headline about Russia and USA hijacking the agenda to talk up this war. The Americans are in control of all major English media and all singing what the Americans wanted them to, that war is imminent. Ukraine and the boy President have been shut out. They have no say and whatever they said would not be printed. The Americans are in charge and writing and directing the plot for war.

This is 'How to start a war 101' from Washington.

All the agreements between Russia, Ukraine, Germany and France about a ceasefire, no invasion, have been cancelled. The American message, war is still on, 16 Feb, during the Winter Olympics, with aerial bombings from the Russians, oops, or would it be from the Americans and blaming the Russians?

Zelensky better play by the American playbook, to keep harping about war or else. Some of his generals are already doing so. If Zelensky is not for war, he could be terminated with extreme prejudice to create chaos and panic, and a pro war, pro American general would seize power to start the war. 

Who would be the losers and who would be the main beneficiaries of a war? The Europeans better get together to hold fast their no war position, or they would be the biggest losers, suffering from massive destructions and casualties. The Americans would continue to have their hamburgers and watching baseball or playing basketball. After Europe is destroyed, the Americans would walk in to offer to rebuild Europe and Europe would be fully in debt to the Americans. Debt trap anyone?

What a beautiful script. Pelosi would repeat her favourite statement, what a beautiful sight to behold, when Europe is on fire.


Anonymous said...

If you’re American and oppose war with Russia, expect to be smeared as unpatriotic
Pro-war hawks in the West have resorted to overt hostility toward those who argue against conflict in Ukraine

Anonymous said...

American lapdog ah loong also ask sinkies to pull out..haha

Anonymous said...

The Americans are stoking tension in Ukraine to destabilise the region. Good for sales of weapons. So ordered all the cronies and lackeys to pull out their citizens to make it more real.

Anonymous said...

The West is shocked:

'Speaking in a briefing on Monday, defense spokesman John Kirby set out his view on the increasingly close collaboration between Beijing and Moscow in the face of mounting Western pressure.

“We certainly have been watching the – at least public – burgeoning relationship between Russia and China,” he remarked, commenting on Russian President Vladimir Putin and his Chinese counterpart Xi Jinping’s declaration calling for a halt to NATO expansion earlier this month.

“Their February 4 joint statement certainly provided further evidence that China has decided that they’re going to stand alongside Russia with respect to what’s going on in Europe,” Kirby said. “We would say that their tacit support, if you will, for Russia is deeply alarming.'


Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

Relax lah. No one has money to wage war. All broke and printed out to fight COVID. Plus can't get fuel, or supplies due to disruption caused by shutting down productive capacities.

Make no mistake, they want to fight and annihilate each other, but for the moment, they can't. If they start, they'll be stopped due to logistics and financial realities.

Tensions could remain high as all sides chest beat and saber rattle, typical display of "alpha male dominance". Putin is no fool. He holds the "energy card" being the supplier of oil and gas to the EU.

Anonymous said...

Tensions in Eastern Europe can remain high, but the Russians can just sit around, drink Vodka, talk cock and sing song all day long.

But a long tension will be extremely costly affair for the USA and Eu, not just about fuel shortages, but troop morale will be affected as well. Russia has oil and gas in abundance, so that is not a problem for them. They just have to station their troops in their front yard or backyard and sit tight. Their soldiers can even go back home to rest by turn. It is just like sitting at home, as everything is home ground to them.

That is why the USA is so desperate to start the war as early as possible. They even planned to start that exactly on the 16th February, maybe with a false flag, in order to be that certain. Everybody expected that to be a false flag if it happened. The longer they waited, the advantage goes to the Russians.

The other point is that so long as Russia does not invade Ukraine, all the talk about sanctions cannot be put into effect without a reason. Or would the USA fabricate one? In any case, whether those planned sanctions will have the kind of touted serious consequences for Russia is yet to be seen. Russia is not alone and has China behind it's back.

Doubtless, such sanctions will surely have an effect on Russia's economy, but so does the EU that depends on Russian gas. And when the EU is affected, the USA is not going to be left unscathed. Trump attempted to punish China with stiff tariffs, but the USA itself is suffering the consequences, more so than China.

All in all, the most likely way that the war will start is a USA false flag, now that support for war is not in the EU and Ukraine's interest. Germany and France remain skeptical while Ukraine's thinking on a Russian impending attack runs diametrically opposed to the USA's.

A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

US Preparations For War In Europe


“Exercise DEFENDER-Europe 20 is a U.S.-led multinational exercise, including NATO's participation. It is the largest deployment of U.S.-based forces to Europe in more than 25 years with 20,000 soldiers deployed directly from the U.S. to Europe.”

Dynamic Mongoose 20 is a NATO-led exercise that took place from 29 June to 10 July 2020 in the High North. Ships, submarines, aircraft and personnel from six Allied nations (France, Germany, Norway, UK, Canada and USA) exercised off the coast of Iceland for Anti-Submarine warfare (ASW) and Anti-Surface warfare training. According to scientists, sonar anti-submarine trainings during Dynamic Mongoose 20 resulted in disastrous consequences for the population of whales in the North Atlantic. British zoologists have recorded the death of at least 29 marine mammals over several weeks across Europe that caused irreparable damage to the fragile marine ecosystem.[8]

Six U.S. Air Force B-52 Stratofortress bomber aircraft from the 5th Bomb Wing, Minot Air Force Base, North Dakota, had arrived Aug. 22, 2020 at RAF Fairford, England for a long planned training mission where the aircraft conducted theater and flight training across Europe and Africa.

The strategic bomber missions “Bomber Task Force”, which have been occurring since 2018, provide opportunities for U.S. integration with NATO allies and put pressure on Russia.

On September 4, the American B-52s entered the airspace of Ukraine for the first time in history, where they made a long flight along the borders of the Crimean peninsula.

On Sep. 25, two U.S. bombers staged a mock attack run on Russia’s territory in Eastern Europe. The flight path allowed the bombers effectively to fly a circle around Kaliningrad, a Russian exclave on the Baltic between Poland and Lithuania. The simulated raid on the Kaliningrad region was a test case of destroying Russian air defense systems located in the region.[12]

Altogether, in August-September 2020, American nuclear weapons carriers flew at least 18 times to Russia's northern, western and southern borders during the operation, which is an unprecedented event since the end of the Cold War.


Defender-Europe 21, one of the largest U.S.-Army, NATO-led military exercises in Europe in decades, began in mid-March and will last until June. It included "nearly simultaneous operations across more than 30 training areas" in Albania, Estonia, Bulgaria, Romania, Kosovo and other countries.[14][15] Gen. Christopher G. Cavoli, commanding general of the United States Army Europe and Africa, said that "While we are closely monitoring the COVID situation, we’ve proven we have the capability to train safely despite the pandemic."[14] Russian Defense Minister Sergey Shoigu said that Russia has deployed troops to its western borders for "combat training exercises" in response to NATO "military activities that threaten Russia."

CAPABLE DEPLOYER 2021 – NATO Allied Force Interoperability Exercise, which is planned and coordinated by the Multinational Logistics Center. The exercises will take place in Romania from May 2 to 23.

Wind Spring 21 – Maintain the operational capacity of planning and executing joint and multinational NATO military operations in Europe. 2- 27 May Romania

Ramstein Guard 3 21 – The NATO Electronic Warfare Force Integration Programme with regional elements of NATO’s Integrated Air and Missile Defence System conducted through the Combined Air Operation Centre's (CAOC). 3 - 14 May Portugal


"Neptune Strike 22" started in late January with aircraft carrier USS Harry S. Truman and its battle group coming under NATO command for patrolling exercises in the Mediterranean Sea.[17]

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

20 Feb would be the day the evil Americans would strike Ukraine or Russia to spark a war. Beware, this is no joke. This is like the WMD warnings against Iraq in preparation for an attack.

Only good thing is that it would happen in Europe and Europe would be bombed to Stone age.

But China must be on full alert against the aircraft carriers around their shores that could launch an attack against China like the Japanese sneak attack against Pearl Harbour with no declaration of war.

Anonymous said...

I would not bet against a desperate falling empire not resorting to false flag to start a war. It is their modus operandi for decades. They also instigate internal unrest in other countries by supporting and funding internal political factions in other countries. In other words, interfering in the internal affairs of other countries, when they themselves do not tolerate others interfering in their internal affairs, like Russia being accused of interfering in the 2016 Presidential Elections. That, in any case, was not even proven to be able to stand up to investigation and scrutiny.

All the wars that the USA waged since their ascension to global prominence, have been waged on other people's soil, except Pearl Harbour, which is far from their homeland actually. The only way to teach the White Curse a good lesson is to strike their homeland, so their own people can understand the sufferings of those countries in the Middle East, South Asia, Korea and Africa, resulting from their forever wars.

That is why hypersonic nuclear missiles is perceived as such a threat to the USA, and Russia and China can talk back without retaliation. Smaller countries without such deterrents will be fair game for the USA to step on, like Iraq, Libya, Afghanistan and Syria. Now that North Korea is said to have tested it's hypersonic missiles, that is another problem for the USA to untangle.

Since the USA and UK have given Australia access to nuclear submarines, a clear nuclear proliferation put into practice, Iran would not be that far away from becoming a nuclear state as well.

Sure, Israel and the USA have threatened to nuke Iran if it becomes a nuclear state, but Israel will itself be obliterated from the Middle East. That deterrent is too much a risk to take for Israel, but not for the USA though. Israel's obliteration is just collateral damage to the USA. After all, the Middle East has lost it's significance for the USA with the world migrating to clean and renewable energy.

Anonymous said...


Not 20 Feb --- it's 21 Feb @ 0300hrs.


Whatcha gonna do?!?!?!?


When war starts too late liao, all these stocks chiong already.









A-Non-Yes-Mouse said...

In addition, the aggressive and evil intent of the US, using NATO, has been shown by absorbing 14 of the 16 states that were part of USSR, leaving only Belarus and Ukraine yet to but constantly being coerced into joining NATO, under the US command.

The intention of the US is to leave Russia with no buffer zone to protect herself from any US-NATO SURPRISE INVASION.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are crying wolf to frighten the Ukrainians and to demonise the Russians.

The fiercer they shout, the more risky would be the life of Zelensky as the Americans want to push for a war but Zelensky is in the way and needed to be got rid off.

Anonymous said...

Time for Russia, China and Iran to conduct Military Exercises a regular event. Time for Russia, China, Iran, Venezuela and Cuba to form their own "QUINT' grouping to gather strategic information around the world to rival the 'QUAD'

This would be a more formidable outfit with Russia monitoring Europe and Central Asia, China keeping watch over East Asia, Iran monitoring the Middle East, Venezuela keeping vigil over South America and Cuba watching Satan. With all the satellites flying around, monitoring is not difficult.

That arrangement would elicit lots of howling among the doggies for sure.

Anonymous said...

Russian foreign ministry spokeswoman, as reported by RT, had this to say of the dates of Russian invasion of Ukraine as pointed out by the USA:

"A request for US and UK misinformation media like Bloomberg, The New York Times, the Sun etc Please announce the schedule of our invasions for the coming year. I would like to plan a vacation."

Queen of Hearts said...

The US will be using a drone attack in Eastern Ukraine, near the border of Russia, at the Ukrainian separatists, in order to provoke Russia to retaliate and then the Ukraine government will be instigated to counter Russia's retaliation by launching a counter retaliation using the Ukrainian armed forces.

This will start the war that the US has been hoping for, in order to justify deploying US forces in Ukraine and turn it into another US military base like Japan and South Korea.

Russia must never allow this to happen.

Anonymous said...

Sounds logical and that is why the USA is moving its Embassy westward closer to the Polish border and evacuating it's citizens. Likewise they have told their allies to do the same. They truly are going to create a false flag with a drone strike against the breakaway republics, dragging the Russians in like it or not, and claim it as a Russian attack. That will start the war.

The dates are fixed by them, right? How accurate can one fix a date for war other than a false flag? What else is missing from the puzzle?