
Sinister dark history of AngloSaxons - genocides

To the USA this is small potato when they could even rob the land of the Native Americans. They even used genocide to make sure the Native Americans cannot have the numbers remaining to stage any attempt to take back their land.
In this world the most evil race must be the British, the forerunners of the USA, Canadian and Australian Whites. All three have committed genocides in the respective countries they seized and occupied. But they have slyly written out this part of history, and most people are unaware of their dark sinister history.

The Brits even tried the same vile tactic against the South Asian Indians and Chinese, but failed, because these two countries have their long civilised heritage of thousands of years and cannot be easily dominated, unlike the Native Americans and Aborigines of Australia. These latter Natives, innocent and with weak natural heritage, enabled the Whites to overwhelm them and seize their land.

In fact what happened in South Africa today is also a good example. The Whites overwhelmed the Blacks initially by force, but could not decimate them in sufficient numbers because the whole continent of Africa is populated by Blacks, who are not innocent Natives and their massive numbers enabled them to resist and take back their land.

The situation in South Africa is a reversal of what can happen when people in sufficient numbers fight back. That is the same that the South Asian Indians and Chinese did and were not overwhelmed or else they would have been forced to live in concentration camps or the sanitized version called 'reservations'. The same kind of reservations reserved for animals in a zoo.

It is a pity that the Native Americans and Aborigines have no way to reverse their fate.


1 comment:

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

The positive case for buying War Stocks, backed by science of evolutionary biology.

Humans and chimpanzees originate (genetically) from an ape-like common ancestor. In fact, humans share 98% of the chimps DNA. Whether you choose to “believe”, all the violent and social traits of the ape species are in our DNA, moderated only by culture, self-awareness and some “locus of control”where we observe laws and social norms.

Chimpanzees hunting genocidally, ripping apart their and eating their prey LIVE, then fighting and killing each other for dominance

There is no way humans can be more brutal or ruthless than the natural world; the jungle. If you think “You die, your business”, in the jungle it’s more extreme: “Kill and be killed, you are predator, then you are prey—-FOOD. You die, because that’s The Way.”.

The propensity to conquer is “hardwired” into our species. We’ll have peace, but eventually we will fight each other, or attempt to conquer each other. Doesn’t matter what the reason is. Our creative big brains will invent any reason to engage in combat.

Si viz pacem, para bellum : “If you want to live in peace, prepare for war”.

Those “conquered races” just don’t accept science. To the conquerer the spoils, the glory. Those who are conquered FAILED to defend themselves adequetly.

To have proper defence, you need systems and hardware, and an industrial base capable of delivering these vital goods andd services, so your society and civilization is “hedged” (insurance, optionality) against incursion by domestic or foreign threats.

Should you buy War Stocks? Your life, your choice. Human nature, is not a choice.