
American soldier saving a child - more children would be available after the Americans start a war in Ukraine and Europe


After the war and bombing, this poor child will be saved by the kind American soldiers. And it would be front page news.

With the US adamant in starting a war in Ukraine/Europe, this child could be a Ukrainian or a Russian. The Americans are so nice and kind people, protecting homeless children. Dunno who destroyed their homes and killed the child's parents. The child will grow up very grateful to the Americans, just like the bananas and coconuts around the world, forever grateful and thinking how kind and good the Americans are.

A lot of such children from Afghanistan, Iraq and some other Arab countries must have been brought home to safety in American homeland and would grow up as Americans and would fight and die for the Americans.

To start the war in Ukraine and Europe, the Americans are sending Blinken to brief the UN of their 'intelligent' report, just like Colin Powell did before their invasion of Iraq. This time dunno what Blinken would bring to show to the UN. Definitely not a vial of washing powder. This act cannot be repeated to have some credibility.

The UN should just believe whatever the Americans said. A war in Europe would be the best news for the rest of the world. Let these warmongering savages kill and destroy themselves and the rest of the world be watching them on TV, sipping tea and coffee.  

Nice, very nice. It would be a wonderful sight to behold.


Anonymous said...

Mdm Dowager

Viruses do not necessarily evolve to be milder …

It’s a matter of chance what mutations appear.

The mutations which take root are the ones which make the virus more infectious.

If along the way, it also has mutations that make it more virulent, then we would go down a deadlier path.

If along the way, a more infectious variant is milder, we count ourselves lucky.

There could be many forks in the road ahead.

If the virus picks up the deadliness of SARS or MERS, then we would be in a much more dangerous situation.

So we must remain watchful.

With the way the world is going, we no longer have the opportunity to stop the spread of the Covid virus.

That is a collective failure of humankind.

Let’s hope that a sterilising pan-Sarbecoronavirus vaccine can be developed that can effectively prevent infection.

That will take some doing, and unlikely to be available in 2022 this year.

Anonymous said...

Someone suddenly becomes viruses expurt in two years!

A Jill of All trades, master of none, obviously.


Money talks, anything walks.

Anonymous said...

Such kaypoh, kay kiang, and self-interest people usually selectively choose what to write and what not to write. This is called disinformation and misinformation.

During this Pandemic, the greatest culprits who gave disinformation and misinformation are those in authorities (government personnel) and those with authorities (medical specialists).

Such problems are driven by profit motives and corruptions, as well as uncalled for zealousness of charlatans.

So, it is wise to read with plenty of caution and discernment.

Anonymous said...

People are so envious of us talking freely and talking cock here.

So want to talk cock here also.

Anonymous said...

Isabella Jones • 24 minutes ago
Contracts have been unearthed showing Turdeau gets a kickback from every vaccine shot into someone.
He's just another kleptocrat like his Seppo mates.

Queen of Hearts said...

Perhaps, other countries that use Pfizer and Moderna vaccines are also receiving or have received kickbacks too?

With a profit of US$35 Billion in 2021 and an expected US$80 to US$85 Billion in 2022, a combined total of US115 to US$120 Billion, the two Pharmas can easily bribe all the key government leaders easily without any further funding from anyone or anywhere else.

Anonymous said...

The USA used Napalm bombs and Agent Orange in Vietnam. Besides causing untold human sufferings. nothing grows in those places sprayed with Agent Orange and those affected have gone on to produce seriously handicapped and deformed off-springs. This is not a war crime?

I always say those world bodies like the UN, ICC were created just to protect the biggest perpetrator of war crimes, which everyone know is the USA.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

I have the usual main issues with "documentaries" like this.

1. The people get the govt and the country they deserve

2. Politics is downstream from culture

Of course, these 2 basic points are never addressed. People (ex-spurts) like to overcomplicate matters and offer long and laborious explanations just so they can seem more important or smarter than they actually are.

Anyhow, not a bad place to learn how this stuff works, once the dicatators seize absolute power.

The Dictator's Playbook

Anonymous said...

Pfizer knows Singapore is a good testing ground for God knows how many more jabs will be given.

Elsewhere, they are facing headwinds from the people. Understand lawsuits have been made. Makes sense doesn't it?

Anonymous said...

Did he also say create jabs? Oops, sorry should be jobs!