
QUAD hierachy


The AngloSaxons sit on top. The two eager beavers, Japan and India get all the shit and very happy about it.  Willing buyer willing seller. Japan as a semi colony of the USA has not choice. When the Americans say fetch, they would go fetching. As for India, with its ambitious superpower dream, wonder why it is willing to be shitted on by the Anglo Saxon countries. 

India's population is 4 times the combined population of the other 5 countries. And Japan, once a super power, still with an economy in the top 5, both have to sit at the lower rungs, to be shitted on by the AngloSaxons and very proud of it.


Anonymous said...

Further down, little red dot is below India . .

Anonymous said...

That is by choice. The imbeciles love it.

Not being influenced or forced to be there. No country can influence or force red dot to do what it did not want to.

Anonymous said...

Ya, NTUC . . .

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ all

That's precisely why I don't believe in nation-states as the best way to organise the planet. What ends up happening is that power accrues to the few, and the rest end up like what the picture says.

The only way out of this is to think and act as an individual with the ability to shift locations according to the level of "threat" in the geopolitical situation.

Try not to have political alliances and keep focusing on one's own self-interest . No single person can influence geopolitics. Like all politics it is downstream from culture, in this case the clash and commonalities of various cultures. "Don't worry about what you cannot CONTROL" and concentrate on what you can: your mind, your actions and choices.

The rise of cryptocurrencies/ tokens, DAOs (Decentralised Autonomous Organisations), the Metaverse will disrupt nation states and global political hierarchies and within about 2 or 3 generations the idea of nation-states will become OBSOLETE.

On-line culture will become more universal and overcome the "power" of ethnic cultures. You will have "ethnicity" but that will slowly be replaced or integrated with more universal themes.

Thankfully most of us here will be dead by then, and so will all the USELESS ideas of our generations.

The world changes one funeral at a time! ⚰️ ☠️ 👍🏻 👍🏻 🥂

Anonymous said...

A picture speaks a thousand words.. now that's a great picture

Anonymous said...

Japan had been yearning to be classified as Whites decades ago when they were at the pinnacle of the economic ladder two to three decades ago. They even demanded to be treated as Whites in Africa and South America, where they were investing over there. Lest we forget, Alberto Fujimori, a Japanese was at one time even the President of Peru.

As for India, their superpower ambition is just a feel good dream. Unless the USA, China and Japan all fall apart, their dream will never be fulfilled. Even when the USA destroy China or vice versa, the prospect of India taking over is negligible.

India's political system is the one factor that is hindering it's rise as a superpower. There are too many hindrance in the way, and the Government policies cannot move except at snail's pace. Even acquiring land for high speed rail met with roadblocks that took ages to resolve. How to progress like that?

But sitting there at the bottom of the hierarchy, among the Whites, is already a proud achievement, and seems satisfied enough for them.