
The white curse in its last breath

Why are USA citizens shunning the vaccine? They have now realised that the USA MSM and the White House had been lying to them on many other things and cannot be trusted to tell the truth.
USA citizens now knows that the USA MSM and Government are incapable of telling the truth, cannot handle the truth, and are distorting facts and fabricating lies to suit their agenda. Now the consistent lying has come back to haunt the country. The pigeons have gone home to roost, like the COVID19 virus.

The USA is going to self destruct sooner or later with all the problems at boiling point at home and abroad. At home, the debt, the homeless issue, the drug problems, the falling infrastructures are all to be fixed.

Outside the country, the USA is loosing support in South America, Africa, Middle East and Central Asia. The USA is instigating unknowingly the breakup of NATO, with some countries within NATO totally disillusioned with the USA flip flop policies.

Now the USA is pivoting towards Asia to spread their toxic poison of subterfuge and instigating conflict. That has already started in Myanmar, Cambodia, Thailand and soon Malaysia, not to mention the standoff already in the South China Sea and Taiwan against China. ASEAN will not be peaceful anymore when the White Curse comes around.



Anonymous said...

If even their own people now do not believe or trust them, how could the USA think that the world still believes in their lies and fabrication, even if they are telling the truth. Hence the problem with vaccination stagnation. Crying wolf too many times has it's consequences. You can't fool everybody all the time.

Anonymous said...

Even the Saudis, the hardcore ally of the USA is having second thoughts. They probably know the US Dollar days of oil trading are numbered and ds looking towards the East.

Last I read was that the new gas deal between Russia and China will be done in Euros, avoiding the US$ completely. Even the Euro is just a temporary haven with the Chinese eyeing future deals in Yuan and Rubles.