
Fallacy of Invasion versus Liberation


Which is the truth? How many Invasion has Russia conducted?

How many Liberation has the USA conducted?

Which is more evil, more destructive, killed more people? Invasion or Liberation?

The wars in Iraq, Syria, Afghanistan, Libya, in Palestine, were they invasion or liberation?

The war criminals are still walking free.

The main western media have been feeding the world with a one sided story. The truth, Ukraine has been violating the Minsk Agreement that respect the independence and self rule of Donbass and Lugansk. Instead of leaving these two new states to be on their own, Ukraine has been shelling them for years and killing a lot of their people. Ukraine is not the innocent child like the boy President. 

Russia's terms for withdrawal are simple. Ukraine shall remain neutral and withdrawal all the offensive western weapons in the country threatening Russia. It is so simple to stop the Russian attack. The Americans refused to state that they would not allow Ukraine to join Nato, and Zelensky also refused to remain neutral nor to withdraw offensive weapons in Ukraine, like the alleged WMD in Iraq that led to the American Invasion, oops, Liberation of Iraq and the American forces are still there, refusing to pull out of Iraq.

Who is the devil behind this crisis? Russia is showing restraint and now using its air force to strike freely at major cities in Ukraine. Would the Americans up the ante and force Putin to conduct a full scale invasion of Ukraine?

PS. Two international institutions would be obsolete soon. The Americans had weaponised the American dollar as an international currency. Now they are weaponising the international banking system SWIFT. International organisations, systems etc etc shall remain above politics and not be controlled by a super power, to be politicised and weaponised. Once that is the case, it loses its usefulness and should be replaced.

The desperate warmonger Americans have started to burn bridges by weaponising the SWIFT banking system, be with us or against us. This is another nail in the coffin of the American Empire, self inflicted.

Russia could take the opportunity to leave the SWIFT system, and cut off its goods, including oil and gas, to Europe since it could not be paid.


Anonymous said...

The Americans are putting full pressure on its allies and lackeys to take sides. No, the Americans are not infuencing or pressuring their allies and lackeys. But the lackeys would do as told. Remember, allies and lackeys, you are with us or against us. No pressure, no influence?

Germany stands to lose its oil and gas supplies from cheap Russian sources and would have to buy expensive replacement from across the Atlantic Ocean, the USA.

Lackeys would lose their credibility as independent states, like puppets on a string.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians better not to escalate the current conflict. The Russians have yet to use the full force of their military might to bear on Ukraine.

The Americans on the other hand would want to escalate this into a full scale war. The Ukrainians would be sacrificed in the process. Would Kiev be flattened and the Ukrainians ended up like the Iraqis and Syrians as refugees in Europe and all over the world?

Anonymous said...

Now they planning to accuse Putin of war crimes. This must be the most hypocritical move of the USA and the West. What about George Bush and his gang, Cheney, Tony Blair of invading Iraq, killing millions of innocents, all based on Fabricated evidence? Did the ICC do anything?

What about spraying Agent Orange in Vietnam that caused so much sufferings on those that came into contact with that biological weapon. That must also be a war crime. When the USA and the West did mass killings they brush that aside as collateral damage. For others, it is a war crime, when the numbers of those killed are miniscule compared to what the USA killed in all the illegal wars.

Anonymous said...

What we are seeing on youtube about the events in Ukraine are slow motion images of what happened in Iraq, Libya, Syria and Afghanistan. The difference is that the attack is very mild, nothing compared to the massive bombings and attacks in the Arab and Muslim countries.

Here you hardly see any death, at least so far. The death toll and injured the the invasion of the Muslim countries were in tens of thousands but hardly reported. Arab and Muslim lives not important, war collateral, not to be seen, not to be pitied, no need for crocodile tears, as if they were nothing according to western media.

Here in Ukraine they are crying father and crying mother.

Queen of Hearts said...

By siding with the USA and the EU, Singapore has lost all its credibility of upholding neutrality and international laws.

Malaysia, Indonesia, Russia and China must be taking notes. And one fine day, one of these countries may want to do something about it.

Anonymous said...

When Satan offers help in any way, you can be sure it is a disaster in the making. Common sense will tell us that Satan harbours ulterior motives and help is the last thing on his mind. Yet the doggies swallow line, hook and sinker over the decades that Satan in angel's disguise is there to help them. When the shit hits the fan, they ran with tails between their legs, leaving those countries to face the music. Does Vietnam and Afghanistan fit the big picture? Now Ukraine is next in line.

The USA and NATO offered Ukraine the Sun and the Moon before the conflict started, but now they are standing far away from the disaster they created and telling Zelenskiy he is alone tp face Russia and they are not sending troops. That lame excuse that Ukraine is not a member of NATO holds no water. Will Taiwan face the same situation?

On MSM the onslaught on Russia is relentless. Some comments are laughable, even from top leaders, some ridiculous and some narrated just to split the Russian/China alliance. Putin and Xi have seen enough and will not fall for the hubris.

What the USA and the West still failed to realise is that playing the same game of pouring massive resources into fabricated news and lies is not reaping the same rewards as decades ago, when only the MSM rules the airwaves. There are so many sources to find out the truth.

By the way, there are plans afoot by the British to take out broadcaster RT TV in the UK because the truth hurts. Whether that will succeed is left to be seen. Political analysts like Alexander Mercouris and Brian Berletic have multiple platforms to put across their voices as they have faced previous interruptions by Youtube and have taken precautions by having access to their works on many platforms, even those run by the Chinese.

Anonymous said...

The Ukrainians have to be realistic of their fate. It is simply not right nor acceptable for Russia to have Ukraine bringing a potential adversary to its' door-step.
If Russia has to completely destroys Ukraine for the Latent Threat to its' security, it must be done, period. No sane and reasonable nation will allow itself to be betrayed, not even by its' own people.
Russia is just doing its' most important duty of ensuring its' own safety, security and well-beiñg. Like all sovereign nation, it has to ensure its' survival and well-being.

Anonymous said...

Just consider Russia having missiles in Cuba in the 60's trying to counter USA missiles placed in NATO. The USA could not tolerate that and almost lead to nuclear war. See how Mafia like they can be?

Putin did the right thing. Putin should keep the pressure on those ex USSR satellite states to keep the USA and NATO busy. After all Putin has no more to lose with all the sanctions placed upon already sanctioned entities His demands that missiles be withdrawn from Europe is going to keep NATO in perpetual tension as well.

The West still tried to give the impression that NATO is united when the reality is more like flogging a dead horse. The USA is desperate to remain in Europe and needs to keep providing intensive care to keep NATO united, by coercion and creating bogeymen.

As indicated, the USA is pivoting to Asia to create conflicts in this region. They already laid the ground work in some ASEAN countries by interfering in their internal political affairs with financial support for opposition parties and using fake NGOs to stir unrest. Providing Australia with nuclear submarines is further indication of their agenda.

The shifting of resources by the USA from the Middle East and attempting to release their tight hold on Europe is being derailed by Putin. Let Putin do the necessary by getting them stuck in Europe, so they do not create trouble in Asia and ASEAN. Notice the lull in the South China Sea and Taiwan amid the situation in Europe. In place of the tranquility in Asia, Kim Jong Urn is trying to create some entertainment by firing more missiles into the sea.

Putin besides taking care of Russia's security issues is indirectly helping Asia and ASEAN as well for now. That should buy more time for China to upgrade it's deterrent should the USA decide to up the stake in Asia.

Anonymous said...

Sanction against Russia is only making Russia more potent against the Sanctioners. Russia is one biggest fossil fuel producer. This is essential for decades to come for many to live.
The Sanction will deprives many people to live well. In fact, it shall make living difficult for most. Russia will actually have more customers than it could supply. With just China and lndia, Russia will have all it needs to sell to and be supplied with all the Needs of Living.
On the Other Hand, the West and Europe shall have to pay much more with their stupid sanctions.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ I don't take sides,

If crime fighters crime and firefighters fight fires, what do "freedom fighters" fight?

Weasponise SWIFT? Go ahead. They tried that with Iran, didn't work.

Weaponising SWIFT will be brilliant for blockchain technology and crypto

"Let's go Brandon!" Do it! Weaponise SWIFT, you brilliant tactician, you! 😂

The more silly stuff you introduce, the more trade opportunities open up in the markets. That's The Game, man! 🤑 Huat ah!

Anonymous said...

Though the Russia Ukraine War is far from Sin, it has consequences World-wide and on Sin.
Sin is the Only Asean Member to involve itself with the Feud for reason only the Sin Regime knows. It is definitely un-called for participation.
If and when Sin puts off the Other Asean Members and China, it shall face abandonment and isolation. This will hurt and breeds ill feeling towards it. Not a good thing to happen.

Anonymous said...

Right. They used sanctions on Iran and it did not work.

They used sanctions on North Korea, and it becomes hilariously funny that Kim is still able to fire missiles into the sea. Is Kim suffering? Understand he used to enjoy expensive liquors uninterrupted despite the sanctions. He even enjoyed fully paid holidays in Singapore and Vietnam. They embargoed Cuba for over 60 years and they are still surviving peacefully.

Countries have learnt to navigate amid all the sanctions, which is no longer the effective weapon of choice for the USA and the West. Use the same trick over and over and it becomes stale and ineffective to amaze. In fact, the more they tried to hype up the effects and when more countries targeted find such effects insignificant in reality, the faster it becomes useless and toothless and the more countries care little about it. That invariably makes the weaponisation of the US$ for sanctioning less fearsome as time goes by. It may even make the US$ go down the gutter faster.

Now they are hastily trying to weaponise SWIFT. That move will suffer the same fate as the US$. Russia, China and Iran have already expected this move and are working out their own system to circumvent it. Massive trades in oil and gas in their own respective currencies have already been done to avoid the US$. So, by weaponise SWIFT they will make the Europeans suffer even more than the Russians. Now Trump's trade war against China has created a heavier burden on US citizens than on China with the increased tariffs.

Does Putin care? Russia has already been sanctioned before this. The USA and the West can just continue to sanction the sanctioned, upwards and downwards, back and forth and left and right, thinking they will suffer more. Did they wonder why Kim is still firing missiles despite all the sanctions?

Anonymous said...

Ukraine is now providing guns to it's citizens to fight the Russians. How cruel and mindless is the idea that they are asking untrained civilians to go up against trained soldiers. It is pushing their own people to face certain death.

The aftermath of this stupid idea has been hijacked by factions capitalising on it and there are now reports that those weapons have now been used by some civilians to kill each other. Perhaps this will be blamed on the Russian soldiers who will be accused of committing war crimes.

Desperate people will think of desperate ways to fulfil their desperate agendas.

Ⓜatilah $ingapura⚠️ said...

@ 139

You're reading it wrong. You're not noticing the SPIRIT of the civilians. Putin might win against the military, but he'll never subdue the civilian population.

You want to talk about "patriotism"? Have a look at the average Ukrainian citizen, the old apeks and aunties...they will fight lah. They dun care if they die.

Don't be so sure that the civilians aren't "trained". Russia has been at their borders since 2014 in the east. They know what's what

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Facts on the ground.

1. Americans offered Zelensky to form his govt in exile...meaning they are seeing the fall of Kiev inevitable.

2. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians fleeing, including men of fighting age,18-60. The Ukrainian govt has ordered that these men cannot leave, so much for the Ukrainians taking arms, staying to fight. Many are running away, not wanting the fight.

3. The Ukrainian armies are keeping a very low profile, unseen. Whenever Zelensky appeared in the media, no generals is around him, meaning the generals are not with him other than the extreme rights and the opportunists already bought over by the Americans.

4. The fact that Russians could move into Ukraine so quickly and making a siege of Kiev with little resistance speaks for itself. The Russians would soon be taking over.

5. No big guns and weapons firing at each other. A few cruise missiles and rockets here and there, no staging of a major line of defence. What did all this means?

6. No amount of western propaganda can block out the truths on the ground, that the Ukrainians are fighting bravely. Only a few untrained citizens running in the streets defending the city. What a joke.

7. Some western media are even saying Kiev would fall anytime, in a day or so. That is how confident they are on the fate of Zelensky.

Anonymous said...

Putin already had that figured out. Among the issues he wanted to address, if talks takes place with Ukraine leaders for de-escalation of the conflict, he demands the civilians have to lay down their their arms, and also the removal of all military logistics from Ukraine soil, placed there by the West, which he knows is an issue difficult to address, even if he overruns Ukraine. Dealing with civilians or killing civilians could be a war crime, unless like the USA, just declare it as collateral damage.

Of course, as outside onlookers, we cannot be absolutely sure of how many civilians are indeed trained. But reading some comments, there is also the other side of the story that emerged, from one journalist interviewing Ukrainian soldiers, revealing that even some soldiers are not that well trained, and one even admitting that he only fired sixteen rounds from his rifle in his whole life. True or not is up to one to believe.

Hong Kong protestors were saying they would fight to the last man and even prepared to die fighting for democracy. When the shit hits the fan, the reality changes.

And that also brings into focus the purported strong support that the USA and NATO had been feeding Zelensky, only for him to be pushed under the bus when it matters.

Anonymous said...

One indication that shows the split in the Ukrainian Government is the revealing fact that Putin is reluctant to negotiate with Zelensky, who he know is being controlled by the USA and NATO, hence Putin's insistence is that all negotiations should be conducted with the Ukraine Military Leaders.

There was the earlier indication that Zelensky asked to negotiate with Putin, only to be called off. Obviously pressured had been applied to Zelensky and he changed his stance.

Anonymous said...

Even USA trained Afghan soldiers, touted to be better than the raggedly untrained Taliban, did not fight to the last man. Instead of standing their ground, they fled, leaving their weapons behind. They know death is their only fate if they stay to fight. And those are soldiers, not civilians. Those who say they are not afraid of death must be lying.

Anonymous said...

It is extremely callous of Zelensky to arm his people with weapons.
It is a crime to harm and kill civilians in war. However,
it becomes justifiable if civilians fight like the Army.
Russia has being restrained, it can issue and warn settlers to get clear of any targetted settlement. After which it will destroy the Target with missile. Russia can turn any settlement and installation at an instance.
Size and population matter in any war and in the Case of the Russia Ukraine War is concern, there is no running away from the Reality. So, unless Zelensky gets the Help from the Out-siders, his fate is sealed.
Like-wise, if lndonsia goes into war with it's neighbours, even Australia shall be vulnerable due to its' low population.
As for tiny speck, it could easily be snubbed out with two pinching fingers.

The Reality is always superior to theory and idea.
Be realistic, war as in love and if l may add hate, is all fair.

Anonymous said...

'Russia can turn any settlement and installation into a rubble at an instance...' to add and amend the Comment Above.

Anonymous said...

Many EU nations are blocking Russian airlines flying into their airspaces. Russia retaliate in return. Russia occupy.more than half of the European airpace. With those European airlines now having to navigate a longer route and the ever spiralling oil prices, looks like those countries are shooting themselves in their feet.

Anonymous said...

Midas touch in reverse. The Anglo Saxon downfall is imminent and they are bankrupt of ideas how to deal with Russia.

But on MSM you would have thought they have the upper hand, with all the fanciful ideas they are coming up with to punish Russia. You can be sure that Putin has thought long and hard and calculated the risk of his actions.

And with oil prices hitting the roof, this kind of action thought of by whoever in the EU must be a joke.

LPPL said...

Phone Conversation Between Zelensky And Putin, Biden, Johnson Moments Just Before Russian Troops Entered Ukraine

Zelensky: Hi brother, good morning. You have deployed at least 150,000 troops along our borders. Can you withdraw them, please...

Putin: Hello, don't Brother, Brother me. I am not your brother. You are a Russian Jew and a comedian. I am a pure Russian and I don't like comedians. By the way, there is no way I am going to withdraw the troops. The number is 200,000, not 150,000. And I have another 100,000 troops as Reserves, waiting to be committed for mopping up operations. You'd better denounce your intention to join NATO. If you still insist on joining NATO, I have no choice but to invade, in order to prevent foreign troops and weapons from deploying in Ukraine. It is too near for comfort. I won't allow that to happen. Can you remember the Cuban Crisis?

Zelensky: We, Ukrainians are not afraid of you. We have the US and NATO as our allies to help us if you really invade. Anyway, you can't tell us what to do.

Putin: Ok, fine. Very good. Don't turn around and tell others that I have never warned you.

Zelensky: HELP! Big Brothers from USA and NATO! HELP! The Russians are really invading our country, please send troops ASAP!

Biden: Don't worry, brother. I've your back. NATO will send 100,000 Pfizer vaccines to you. I will impose more sanctions on Putin personally and ban Russia from using SWIFT.

Johnson: Don't worry, Brother. UK will also impose sanctions on Russia. Meanwhile, you try your best to fight Putin's troops. If you don't have enough troops, make use of your civilians. Arm them with weapons and let them fight the Russians. If the Russian military killed any of those civilians, then we have an excuse to charge Putin for war crimes. This is playing dirty. But we British have always been playing dirty throughout our history. Everyone knows it. Nothing new.

Zelensky: Oh, no! You guys just talk only but no actions. We need HELP! Send troops immediately.

Booooom! One long-range missile drops through the roof of the building where Zelensky was hiding. Ahhhhhhh.....

The lights went out. Silence!

Anonymous said...

Why would Russians want to cyber attack Singapore companies? the answer is obvious, being the quickest and loudest voice in ASEAN to condemn when the rest are staying neutral!

Organisations here have been urged to strengthen their cyber security following warnings of increased cyberthreats globally arising from recent cyber attacks on Ukraine following the Russia-Ukraine conflict.

In a post on its website on Sunday (Feb 27), the Singapore Computer Emergency Response Team (SingCert) advised companies to strengthen their cyber security, vigilance and online defences to protect themselves from cyber attacks such as Web defacement, distributed denial of service (DDoS) and ransomware. DDoS attacks swamp targets with traffic and disable their IT systems.

"While there have not been reports of any threats to Singapore organisations in relation to the events in and around Ukraine, organisations are advised to take active steps," said SingCert.

Anonymous said...



We are at a transition phase, most likely to an endemic state.

Malaria and dengue are endemic in many parts of the world.

Endemic does not mean it is not dangerous - it simply means it is part and parcel of the environment, present and can be dangerous.

With vaccination and boosting, the risks of a covid infection is now much lower than before, 10 times lower on average. It is still twice as dangerous as seasonal flu.

Over the next 12-18 months, we can expect more and better treatments to be available, alongside with different vaccines such as nasal spray, compound or multi-valence vaccines. These will all help to reduce the risks from a covid infection.

Perhaps we may yet have a pan-coronavirus, or pan-coronavirus subgroup that could be useful in protecting against future coronavirus pandemics. This may take longer than 18 months, though there are various interesting and promising tracks in various parts of the world.

Even as we transit towards an endemic covid, there are many lessons which we can carry with us, and which we can update and refine as useful options for dealing with future pandemics, including those from non coronaviruses.

At the sophisticated end, are the mRNA vaccines as well as other technologies to speed up the devt as well as the rapid scale up of vaccines and treatment drugs in response to emerging pandemic pathogens.

At the simpler (and yet not so simple) end, we now have experience with tools like ART as well as non ART rapid test kits that can be deployed rapidly population wide.

Others like breath analysers, or air sampling systems, may also be more feasible in the not too distant future, to complement and supplement novel tools like waste water sampling as ways to track broad community infection levels, as community prevalence markers, etc.

Main thing about widespread use of DIY ART kits, is to have a simple protocol for the public to follow, including reporting of DIY ART results.

And do away with the need for going to the doctors or clinics for confirmatory tests when we don’t feel very sick, or have dangerous conditions like silent pneumonia or chest pains.

Anonymous said...

Wah! Huli Jinx has become self-appointed Chief Medical Research Scientist!

Anonymous said...

HANOI -- Foreign ministers of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations expressed concern over the Russian invasion of Ukraine, but without condemning Moscow's move, in a Sunday announcement by ASEAN chair Cambodia.

The ministers "are deeply concerned over the evolving situation and armed hostilities in Ukraine" and "call on all relevant parties to exercise maximum restraint and make utmost efforts to pursue dialogues through all channels," according to the statement dated Saturday.

The delay in releasing the ASEAN statement and the lack of explicit condemnation of Russia appear to reflect the bloc's mix of relations with Moscow. Vietnam and other members have close ties with Russia.

Anonymous said...

Singapore should be a responsible country with independent diplomacy and clear stance based on objective and fair judgment of the Russian-Ukraine situation, rather than a country with no independent thought that just blindly follows the West on every issue.

Anonymous said...

Not to worry. Singapore would not be influenced by any outside power. Singapore takes a principled position. Singapore would speak out based on its national interest and principles.

Singapore would punch above its weight. Who dares to influence Singapore?

Russia must get out of Ukraine. Americans must get out of Iraq.

Anonymous said...

Quite like Ukraine. Very brave.

Anonymous said...

The mouse roars with the West . . Foreign Minister Vivian Balakrishnan says Singapore will impose export controls on items that can be used as weapons in Ukraine to subjugate the Ukrainians; and will also block certain Russian banks and financial transactions connected to Russia.

"we have rarely acted to impose sanctions on other countries in the absence of binding Security Council decisions or directions" . . . but now . . "Singapore intends to act in concert with many other like-minded countries to impose appropriate sanctions and restrictions against Russia" --- ie ILLEGITIMATE as not resolution by the wider UN General Assembly which is formed of 193 member countries!

Anonymous said...

Vivian also added: "We must expect that our measures will come at some cost and implications on our businesses, citizens and indeed to Singapore. However, unless we as a country stand up for principles that are the very foundation for the independence and sovereignty of smaller nations, our own right to exist and prosper as a nation may similarly be called into question one day."

Does he mean that the rest of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN) countries are not standing up for principles that are the very foundation for the independence and sovereignty of smaller nations when they did not impose sanctions on Russia?

Anonymous said...

Why is it so hard to stay out of the way when elephants fight? Is it because of substantial pressure from the U.S. ?

Anonymous said...

Dr Vivian is a smart fellow. He sees the big picture. Singapore must arm up even more now. New citizens need to serve NS no matter what age they are.

Anonymous said...

Russia is taking actions to retaliate what Singapore has done.

Russia now bans SIA from flying into its airspace and freeze all Singaporeans assets in Russia, especially from DBS, GIC and Temasek.

More measures will be taken to criple Singapore's economy and stun its GDP Growth.

Great entertainment from the PAP Leedersheep.

Anonymous said...

The Smart Sin Leedership has out-smart itself.
