
Covid19 vaccines - A matter of science, politics or economics


The protagonists of mRNA vaccines have been blowing their trumpets daily about how good these vaccines are and playing down on the risks and adverse events and encouraging the public to go for their jabs. They refused or have yet to tell the story of the other side of the coin to give a balance picture of the pros and cons of these vaccines, to educate the people and let the people make an educated choice.

On the other hand, there are scientists and experts who put their reputation and standings as experts on the line to say that the spike protein of mRNA is toxic or poisonous. In the scientific field of research, when faced with two contrarian views, the logical and scientific approach is to debate on the two opposing positions, do more scientific research to establish the truth. This is science.

Any scientist that refused to acknowledge a different view, in this case a very dangerous point of view that could cause lives, and turn away, not wanting to know or talk about it, is not behaving like a scientist. If this toxic interpretation of the vaccine is false, fake news, that the politicians can pofma them, even arrest them and charge them for spreading lies and fake information.

What is the scientific community going to do about this? Are the real scientists going just talk and talk like the ah pehs in the kopitiam and go home and have a nice sleep after that, without clarifying anything? Or are they going to take the matter up to study them scientifically to get to the bottom of it?

When this toxic claim is not dismissed, those that continued to praise the goodness of the mRNA vaccines, encouraging people to be jabbed, are no different from snake oil salesmen.

If the other party turns out to be right, that the vaccine is indeed toxic, and if the protagonists and govt refused to do anything about it but continue with the jabs, sometimes in the future, the surviving generation would look back in shock and horror and asking, 'Why did they do that, injecting the population with toxic potion, the scientists supporting it, the govts encouraging it, the people happily queueing up like sheep to be jabbed?'

This matter of toxicity of the vaccine cannot be ignored and simply brushed aside as if the other party are queers, laymen or ignorant quacks. They are professionals, scientists and experts in their own rights and did not publish this for fun. When they say it is poisonous, toxic, this must be proved or disproved for the sake of humankind.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Like that very very xiong leh!

So Sg how? Finished?

Majority mRNA-ed!

Anonymous said...

Now they will again fail to exterminate coloured people with their vaccines. First their virus failed in China. Then their vaccines, which is their plan B, also facing backfiring, because those vaccines are mostly given to the Whites, not to save the poor coloured people of Africa, South America and the Chinese on the mainland. Heaven has eyes!

I believe they underestimated all the negative effects of their vaccine and this is going to backfire badly on them once again. Their vaccines were rolled out in a big hurry to corner the market, even having a 'no liability clause' to cover their back. Long term studies were put aside and this is going to be one big problem for them to unravel going forward.

The final plan, if all else fails, would be a nuclear war. A war that will end one and all.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Anon 11:27am, I just wrote a piece very similar to what you said. Would post it tomorrow.

SSO said...

As I see it, the COVID-19 vaccines is not a matter of science, nor politics, nor economics.

It is a matter of the Blind leading the Blind.

And as RB has so often said it, "Stupidity has no cure!"

And if stupidity has no cure, how can the stupid scientists and leaders ever find a cure for the COVID-19 diseases?

Anonymous said...

Two days after Taiwan started inoculations with the AZ vaccine that was delivered from Japan, the island recorded at least 13 deaths, although local authorities were reluctant to classify those deaths as being related to the vaccine, local media said.

Most of those who died were aged between 60 and 90, and some had a history of chronic diseases. The sudden deaths after vaccination made many elder people and their relatives worried, and they feared that it would be all right if they did not get vaccinated, but there would be a danger to life if they did.

Kaohsiung on Thursday reduced the vaccination venues from the planned 34 to 27, and some sites had more medics than patients, local media reported.

A Beijing-based immunologist told the Global Times on Thursday that some European nations such as Denmark had stopped using the AZ vaccine, although the European Medicines Agency listed the blood clots with low blood platelets that were strongly associated with the AZ vaccine, as a rare side effect.

The immunologist suggested that Taiwan should suspend administering the AZ vaccine for the sake of public health, to allow more detailed investigations and evaluations of its safety.

The deaths may not be directly related to the vaccine, but still some Taiwan netizens worried that Japan was just dumping the "questionable" vaccine on Taiwan. The AZ vaccine is not included in the inoculation plan in Japan.

Anonymous said...

Maybe Taiwan, taking orders from the USA, will blame China for those deaths. They already blamed China for the delay in receiving the vaccines from Pfizer.

You see, the blame game is so popular nowadays with the USA, so much so that even Putin said that it is a surprise that the USA has not yet blame Russia for the BLM issue. The whole world knows the USA's history of fabricated lying in everything under the sun. They blame everyone else for everything that is going wrong with their country, except that they forgot to look into the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Japan is not in the business of humanitarian reasons for support of Taiwan. It is just a political stunt, pulled by Japan knowing China is not seeing eye to eye with them in the G7 and the Quad, all anti China groupings.

Whether this is to spite China or instigate escalation of the breach between China and Taiwan is not clear, but never ever expect the Japs to be doing things based on humanitarian grounds. Or if they do, there would be a long rope attached, you can be sure.

Anonymous said...

Some Taiwanese have Japanese blood. So Japan hoping to have half breed Jap/Taiwanese to join them to fight China/Chinese.

Anonymous said...


'Significant' problems linked to Sinovac vaccine in other countries: MOH official

SINGAPORE — There is a significant risk of "vaccine breakthrough" with the Sinovac vaccine, or CoronaVac, with international evidence showing that many who had taken it were later infected with COVID-19, said the Ministry of Health's (MOH) director of medical services Kenneth Mak on Friday (18 June).

Addressing reporters at a virtual media briefing by the multi-ministry taskforce on the coronavirus, Associate Professor Kenneth Mak said that Singapore has been assessing the experience of countries such as Indonesia, which has vaccinated a "larger proportion" of the population using CoronaVac.

Alluding to recent reports that more than 350 doctors and medical workers in Indonesia were infected with COVID-19 despite being vaccinated with CoronaVac, Associate Professor Mak noted, "It's not a problem associated with Pfizer. This is actually a problem associated with the Sinovac vaccine, and in other countries, they are now starting to think about booster vaccinations, even six months out from an original vaccination for some of these vaccines as well.

"So it does give the impression that the efficacy of different vaccines will vary quite significantly," said Prof Mak, stressing that Singapore has "great confidence" in the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines, of which more than 4.7 million doses have so far been administered in the country.

Prof Mak was responding to a question on whether Singapore intends to introduce the Sinovac vaccine into its national vaccination programme. On Wednesday, 24 healthcare institutions were licensed by the Ministry of Health (MOH) to provide the Sinovac vaccine to those who wish to take it.

The 24 institutions were selected under the Private Hospitals and Medical Clinics Act (PHMCA) to be licensed providers under the Special Access Route (SAR). A number of the approved institutions have been seeing long queues of individuals forming at their premises, with some saying their telephones lines have been ringing non-stop in recent days, according to local media reports.

Sinovac remains unregistered and is not authorised by the Health Sciences Authority (HSA), and is to be provided only under the SAR framework. As such, it will not be covered under the Vaccine Injury Financial Assistance Programme (VIFAP) meant for the national vaccination programme.

Prof Mak noted that there still is some "outstanding data" on the vaccine that Sinovac has not provided to HSA, which is required to give "complete assurance" about its quality and safety profile. "We look forward, if data becomes available for us, then to (commence) this process of evaluation but unfortunately we're not able to do so."

Anonymous said...


Not enough data to approve Sputnik V, Sinovac, says Sahpra

The South African Health Products Regulatory Authority (Sahpra) insists there is not enough data to approve the Russian Sputnik V and Chinese Sinovac vaccines.

Sahpra chairperson Professor Helen Rees made the remarks at a media briefing hosted by acting Health Minister Mmamoloko Kubayi-Ngubane on Friday.

“For the Sputnik there are two applicants and what they are doing is called a rolling review so as they get data they are submitting it to the regulator and the regulator is reviewing that data on a continuous basis and that speeds things up. They are still submitting some of that data, so we don’t have that required for a complete review yet.

“Sinovac similarly when they first applied we needed more data and so there’s been ongoing dialogue with the Sinovac applications as with all these applicants for the vaccines. The Sinovac applicants have now submitted to the regulator the same information that they have submitted to the World Health Organisation (WHO).

“Many of you would’ve heard that the WHO in the last couple of weeks gave what's called an emergency use listing for Sinovac. In the last 24 hours we have received a dossier from the WHO of the Sinovac vaccine. That will definitely speed up what we have.”

The only vaccines that have been approved for use in the country are Astra-Zeneca, Pfizer and Johnson & Johnson.

On Thursday, the country bridged the 2 million mark in the number of Covid-19 vaccines that have been administered.

However, there has been growing criticism towards the country’s slow vaccination programme that began in March.

Some critics are accusing the government of placing "political pressure" at Sahpra.

But Rees has denied the claims.

“In terms of the political pressure, the pressure has been the country’s pressure. Everything has required urgent attention and creative thinking around the legislation and everything has had to be fast tracked. At no stage have we had political pressure around vaccine A or B or C or D. I can say that with absolute certainty.”

Anonymous said...

KNN. This "not enough data" shit excuse has been there for the past one year. It shows clearly to all of us the this Assoc Prof has been sitting on his bum doing nothing by himself or his team all this while, but simply waiting for the data to drop down from the sky, the easy way out.

Infections after taking the vaccines happened to Pfizer and Modena and other vaccines too. Some doctors in India, Israel, UK, USA and Europe, after taking the Pfizer or Moderna vaccines got infected and died too.

The MTF Chief's very pro-Western stance stands out very clearly for all to see. This explains why he is so reluctant to include the Chinese vaccines into the National Vaccination Program.

Real MF!

Anonymous said...

RB, 11:54 pm and 11:56 pm are from the same Anti-China IB infiltrated into your blog to turn it into an Anti-China platform.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Ya, I know, all from the same IB. I deleted 3 or 4 last night oredy.

These two examples, not too bias but the agenda is the same, Leave them there as evidence of what is happening and for you guys to whack.

Anonymous said...

All those in Singapore that have been infected after being vaccinated, what vaccine do you think they used and how effective are these vaccines?

Many cases of people infected after getting mRNA vaccines were not reported to give the impression that the vaccines are effective. Look at the cases in UK.

Anonymous said...

The Ministry of Health (MOH) told CNA on Friday that as of the end of May, it has detected 428 local COVID-19 cases with the more infectious B16172 variant – recently dubbed the Delta variant – of the coronavirus first detected in India.

The Delta variant has also been identified in 122 imported cases, MOH said....

The World Health Organization (WHO) has identified these strains as “variants of concern” as they are more transmissible, virulent, or resistant to public health measures or treatments.

There is no need to worry about the variants if the vaccines are effective. If they have to worry, you know the reason.

Anonymous said...

On May 24, CAG chief executive officer Lee Seow Hiang confirmed that the B1617 variant was part of what caused the cluster.

While the CEO said the airport had implemented “many layers of stringent safety protocols”, he acknowledged that “something changed” with the B1617 variant.

“It penetrated our defences and caused a community outbreak,” he conceded.

The Changi Airport cluster had 108 cases as of Friday, with the most recent cases reported on May 23.

Anonymous said...

According to GISAID, the UK had reported 46,890 Delta cases as of Friday, the highest number of confirmed cases in the world ahead of India (6,684 cases) and the US (2,853 cases).

Anonymous said...

The most effective way to prevent the spread of Delta variant is to close the border from high risk countries or to apply stringent control measures.

If suka suka let them in, we are asking for serious trouble. A lockdown cannot be ruled out if the jokers keep acting like jokers.

Anonymous said...

If they do lesser testing, that means lesser cases found, like India, from 400,000 to 60,000.

If they don't report on the adverse cases of mRNA, coverups, then you would not know about the serious cases, including deaths due to these vaccines. It is all about transparency, reliability of reporting, and politics.

Anonymous said...

In Britain this week, Prime Minister Boris Johnson, fresh off the world stage at his Group of Seven summit, announced that a long-planned final lifting of all coronavirus restrictions in England on June 21 would be delayed by four weeks because of the fast-spreading variant, which now makes up an estimated 90% of new cases in Britain....

The good news is that vaccinations still work well in protecting people who are fully vaccinated against the delta variant.

The U.K. studies show that both the Pfizer-BioNTech and Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccines are highly effective at protecting against symptomatic disease when the full two-dose regime is administered (with efficacy rates of 88% and 60%, respectively). However, the efficacy of both vaccines drops to 33% if only one dose is administered.

If the vaccines are effective, why the steep rise in cases?

Anonymous said...

The spread of the Delta variant follows the pattern of parasitic migration from its country of origin to other countries cannibalizing jobs and livelihoods of peoples of other countries.

Anonymous said...

Notice that if it's a virus, they want it to be called Delta and omit "Indian". But if it's Indians of other nationalities in high places in other countries, though not India citizens, the India media still proudly describe them as "Indian-origin" !