
G7 American led 'BRI' will be built in the air

According to the White House's fact sheet, the B3W infrastructure initiative will be a "a values-driven, high-standard, and transparent infrastructure partnership led by major democracies to help narrow the $40+ trillion infrastructure need in the developing world." ....

The White House is expecting the B3W initiative to collectively mobilize "hundreds of billions of dollars of infrastructure investment for low- and middle-income countries in the coming years."

The competition to win over participating countries has already begun: A Indonesian Ministry of Maritime Affairs and Investment spokesperson told Reuters that that while the country welcomes the B3W, they also hoped "this time they put their money where their mouth is."

Yahoo News

What is US$40 trillion? Just print and print. Or ask the European and Japan to pay. Interestingly Japan is going to be the key partner in this American BRI project. Now the Chinese BRI was said to end in China.  Looks like this American BRI will all end in Japan. 

How is this American BRI going to end up in Japan or USA? Like flying over China and the Pacific Ocean, like building castles in the air? It must be very futuristic, from Europe to the USA and USA to Japan, by air, transparent as well. Forget About Africa, the West did not see any good in Africa after looting the continent of its gold, diamonds, oil and slaves.  They have no reason to want to build roads and rails to Africa.

And what would the trains be carrying? American weapons, guns and bullets I supposed.


Anonymous said...

Yes, how is Japan going to be connected, I wonder. By bridge across the Pacific? Certainly not through China or North Korea. Maybe Taiwan, but from there to where or nowhere? Also must go through China.

Oh, they will build islands in the Pacific like the Chinese, all the way across and connect them with bridges. How too are the Europeans going to be connected to the USA I wonder. Never mind, Japan is rich and can pay for that. But the Europeans, some are almost bankrupt.

The problem is the USA cannot even solve their tent city problems and homelessness issue and wants to help the poor with development in other countries? I thought it was all along 'America First' policy? But then will it be others paying for it and Biden and the USA get the credit for broaching it, so why not. Those who are coerced into taking part better think properly, like the Indonesian who is skeptical at best.

Anything that comes out of the mouths of USA Presidents cannot be trusted or worth the paper it is written on in agreements. Even right after the meeting is concluded. Just days after the Geneva meeting to resolve issues, the USA is imposing further sanctions on Russia.

You see, Biden sure is, clear as daylight, not in control and cannot decide issues by himself. Reaching home, the Neocons and Hawks in the administration must have given Biden a piece of their mind and wants no peaceful resolution on issues with Russia. What else could forced Biden to turn around so suddenly and wanted further sanctions on Russia right after the meeting? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

There is a saying in Chinese, roughly translated depicts the situation of 'a pig being slaughtered will unload it's last puddle of shit to show it's arrogance'. The full impact of that in Chinese is much more forceful, the real impact being always lost in translation, of course.

The USA and the West are facing increasing pressure from China's development aid around the world, which they, as colonisers in the past, have failed miserably to carry out and they, on the contrary, have even exploited the resources in those countries to no end, even today, like in Iraq. The reality cannot lie as the projects completed by China are there for the world to see, unlike the truth about China in print, which they say are just propaganda stuff sponsored by China. They have no means to counter such developments.

Now, Canada is facing it's dark past, with the discovery of hundreds of unmarked graves belonging to Native Canadians genocided by the complicity of the Canadian Government and the Catholic Church. The issue had been kept in the dark for a long time, but the lid has been blown apart with the discovery of the 215 children buried in the compound of a Residential School or should I say a 'Concentration Camp' using religion to forcefully convert the Natives.

The Government and the Church thinks an apology is just enough to brush aside the issue. It is not. What the Church stands for today is revealed in what it did in the past Ever wonder why Christianity has so many followers today? The answer is clear as daylight in what the Church did in Canada, just decades ago, before those schools were abandoned.

This discovery in Canada is just the tip of the iceberg, as one expert on the issue being interviewed on CNA, apparently could not or do not want to answer, when pressed about whether this will result in further discoveries, not just in Canada but elsewhere in the USA. His reluctance to commit and the difficulty he enacted when faced with that question says a lot about the sensitivity of the issue. That look on his face was fear of the consequences if he goes further with his revelations.

Anonymous said...

Didn't they said, people living in glass houses must not throw stones?

Not only you cannot trust an American President, now the president is not only suffering from dementia, he has nothing inside his head. Just because China building the BRI, the daft President also wants to build BRI? China is building a BRI to connect Beijing to Europe and to Africa.

Where is this American BRI going to go to, from where to where? London to New York to Tokyo?

Anonymous said...

It is a daft decision, without a doubt. Blowing hot air is better than looking defeated. But it is a necessary move. How then can the USA show the doggies they are doing something to counter China's BRI reach?

But we know what will be the outcome. Much ado about nothing. After all, the doggies just wants to listen only to the good stuff. Tell them about a bone being thrown and doggies will be thrilled. They will bark louder the next time when demonising China. It is all predestined and predicted.

Anonymous said...

China's BRI was planned and studied over many years. Biden's BRI is just plucked from thin air, pronounced without careful study, and without thinking farted out like foul air from his backside. Don't blame him. It was a natural act that does not require using the brain. If indeed he does have a brain.

Anonymous said...

In India alone, it is estimated that as much as US$40 trillion were plundered by the British during their rule. This is only one country. How big was the British Empire and how much wealth they stole from others is unimaginable. And those countries are left to wallow in poverty with little to show in terms of progress. And the Brits had the cheek to talk about Xinjiang and human rights.

Anonymous said...

Cannot say bad things about the Brits. They are the masters of the bananas and the bananas will be angry. Their masters are so kind and so good to them. They did not know their masters killed their forefathers and stole their properties.

Anonymous said...

They did not know, and now they know, but they choose not to know and continue to be told.

Stupidity is one disease that cannot be cured.

Anonymous said...

The G7's alternative to the BRI would be all talk and a failure . The plan is for the BBB (build Back Better) scheme be totally undertaken by the private sector.

Understandably, the countries to be covered by the BBB are likely to include mainly poor 3rd world nations and some may be politically unstable. If these places were conducive to investments and guaranteed good profitable returns, wouldn't the private sector have already gone into them without the G7 broaching such this idea in the first place ?

China's BRI is able to do it because its the Chinese govt funded with the backing of the highest political leaders including President Xi himself.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Antony Blinken is even more ridiculous than Pompeo, and it looks like every successive administration is getting more and more downright pathetic people on board.

Blinken is warning that Russia would not be allowed to use the Nord Stream 2 pipeline as a coercive weapon against the USA's allies in NATO. He thinks he is talking to 3 year old kids? The one and only country that would weaponise anything to gain an advantage is the USA. The US$ being weaponised for sanctions is already one perfect example. When they say ignorance is no excuse, what he is saying is feigning ignorance in his position which is downright disgusting.

If he looks into the mirror, I think the mirror would crack, having the cheek to accuse others of what they have been doing over the decades.

As Putin puts it, if your are ugly do not blame the mirror.

Anonymous said...

Demcrats and Republicans, they are birds of a feather and aren'the actually a democratic choice. On China and Russia, each trying to outdo each other on lies and bravodo speak. So any difference between Trump and Biden, except one's a lunatic and the other senile?

Anonymous said...

No difference. It is just the left hand competing with the right hand. The one calling the shots is the Deep State, of which the Pentagon and elites of Wall Street are a part of that.

USA democracy is a farce, if you dwell deeper into the reasons why they created this system. A two party system is a convenient excuse to show that there is such a thing as freedom to elect people of their choice to lead. But the choice is as good as no choice, because both parties answer to the same master. It was all to fool the USA masses whose stupidity cannot be cured. The elites knew it and many outsiders knows it too.

Anonymous said...

Building infrastructure talk has been going on for years already, under many past USA Presidents. Nothing happened. All money used for war lah!

In the beginning of their term, every USA President will promise the sun and the moon, but in their four year term, nothing gets moving. When the incumbent leaves office without fulfilling his promise, the next one will use the same ruse to win votes, knowing that by the time his four years is up, he also does not have to fulfil his promise. See, how smart!

And they live happily ever after. Ignorance is bliss.

Anonymous said...

The only way they can control them is keep them daft, fed them lies, prevent them from knowing the truth and it is longevity rule for ten thousand years. How long have they ruled so far? A few hundred years only? Still long way to go.

Anonymous said...

Just imagine them not satisfied with looting the resources, they looted human lives to work as slaves. Worse than animals!