

China is a democracy by Lincoln's definition, says former Singaporean FM George Yeo. "My view of democracy goes back to the essence of democracy, to the Greek origin of what democracy is - which is the people as master. Abraham Lincoln talked about government of the people, by the people, for the people. By this definition, China is a democracy," Yeo says.

In an article published in The Economist on 17 November 2020, Kishore Mahbubani wrote: “Paradoxically, a China-led order could turn out to be more ‘democratic’ because China does not seek to export its model, and it can live with a diverse, multipolar world.”

"China is the world’s leading democracy. Though this claim enrages many Westerners, regardless of the metric employed, electively, popularly, procedurally, operationally, substantively, financially, and technologically, China is a thriving democracy and America is not." Godfree Roberts, October 14, 2019


PS. America is a fake democracy, rule by 1%, from the 1% , for the 1%. Internationally it is an Empire that ruled the world by force. No one is allowed to choose the political system or leadership without the approval of the Americans. The countries of the world have no choice but oppression under the evil American Empire. What democracy are they talking about?


Anonymous said...

USA is a democracy, ruled by demons. Everything is fake - elections, who to stand for election, is all predestined. The two parties are basically the right hand vs the left hand. Americans choose between the right hand and the left hand every four years or so. Having election in that sense does not a democracy make. Nothing more, nothing less. Both answer to the Deep State. And they have managed to fool their voters and the world.

SSO said...

USA Should Be Lawfully Known As The Unlawful States of America

The USA should be known by now as the Unlawful States of America instead of United States of America.


1. It does not abide by any international law, nor does it abide by its own laws in many ways, modus operandi and deeds.

2. It is obviously and very actively a Hegemonic Empire aiming to dominate, control and govern the whole world without any respect, with impunity, for any other country's independence, sovereignty and integrity whatsoever.

3. It has established and maintained about 1,000 military bases around the world for the purposes of suppression, oppression, subjugation, intimidation, coercion and containment upon/of other countries by using military might and muscles to achieve its evil and selfish strategic and tactical objectives.

4. It invades, destroy, capture and occupy other countries in the world by armed and military forces against the rules, conventions and resolutions of the United Nations and other legal World Bodies many times in the past and at present.

5. Its military and clandestine forces have killed, murdered and massacred millions of natives of other countries by force, by regime changes and by indirect proxy wars, without any qualms to commit crimes against humanity countless times.

Therefore. the world must only recognize it as the World's most Unlawful Country.

And, as such, everyone should from now on, appropriately, knowingly and rightfully refer to USA as the Unlawful States of America, not United States of America.

SSO - 29 June 2021.

SSO said...

China and Chinese must stop referring and calling USA as Mei Kuo (Beautiful Nation). In fact and in deeds, USA is the Ugliest Nation in the World.

China and the Chinese people should use a more appropriate label or name for USA, instead of calling it a Beautiful Nation.

Anonymous said...

The USA broke and defaced every definition that they profess to uphold.

Take human rights. Is imposing sanctions not a violation of human rights? The USA can, on their own, impose sanctions on others, but forcing allies and cronies to do the same is a travesty of human rights, clear and simple. The sanctioned country certainly has a right to do business with those they choose.

Take Freedom of Choice. Are countries not at liberty to choose their own political system instead of having to succumb to USA pressure to change their political system? This is all hogwash that only the USA can come up with.

Take Freedom of expression. Not their MSM of course, which are the mouthpiece of the Administration in spreading propaganda and have freedom to distort their expression, so long as they tow the line. Others who have axes to grind against the USA usually ended up by committing suicide voluntarily or involuntarily, like John McAfee, rather than facing trial in the USA. Edward Snowden predicted that Assange will face the same fate in prison. Had Assange been a Chinese, the USA and the West would be hammering day and night on his inhuman treatment under detention.

Anonymous said...

How did the Chinese gave them such a name as 'Beautiful Nation'? It must have been given during the days when Chinese labourers, seeking a better life, were lured with grand ideas of USA being a land of bread and honey, riches and wealth galore.

Those Chinese landed in the USA and were quickly forced to work in gold mines and railroad construction, clad in chains instead of seeing riches and wealth. The 'Beautiful Nation' turned out to be a hellhole for them.

Queen of Hearts said...

USA leaders have been using three propaganda selling points:

1. Democracy.
2. Human Rights.
3. Freedom.


USA itself has never been a Democratic country in essence.

It was meant to be a Republic, a country controlled by the members of secret societies through political elitism dominated and dictated by the Republicans and the Democrats. The two parties are actually two in forms but one in essence. They squabble in public to give a semblance of democratic processes but they are actually play-acting in order to deceive their own people and the world at large.

Read its constitutional documents properly and you will realise that their forefathers who wrote the US Constitution never wanted it to be a democracy that can be modelled for implantation into any other countries. In other words, it is not sellable not transferable.

All the talks about democracy and exporting democracy to other countries is a big bullshit.

Human Rights

Slavery was accepted, practised and upheld until Martin Luther King's movement to abolish slavery.

Even today, there is still some form of slavery in the USA. So all the talks about human rights is s big bullshit too.


Freedom is also just a gimmick to deceive innocent young people to support its cause of invading, capturing, dominating and controlling another country.

So, whenever any people from or represent the USA talking or debating about Democracy, Human Rights or Freedom, you can tell them to just shaft it up their ass.

Anonymous said...

No need to change their name. When it crumbles, like the British Empire, the glorified name goes with it.

What was it they called 'The British Empire' went down to 'Great Britain', to just 'United Kingdom' and next be just 'England' if Scotland were to be detached. Then it will be just "half a piece left". Pitiful! And they wanted to confront Russia like they were still an Empire to reckon with?

Anonymous said...

It makes sense that China is a democracy by definition.

Now, according to global survey, which country is the biggest threat to democracy? The USA of course, right? It makes sense now that the USA is a threat to the democracy of China. How ironic it has become.

Anonymous said...

The USA is an Empire. What democracy are they talking about?

SSO said...

A Hegemonic Empire is the biggest Dictator of the World. Whoever believes that the Biggest Dictator in the World is a Democracy country needs to have his head examined.