
China could offer futuristic high speed trains to America


Wuhan train station. Photo credit to RT

Photo credit Xiaowu Express

The above is the future now in China. These fabulous modern high speed trains could be crisscrossing America and make life more comfortable instead of the ancient rundown trains they are having today.

All it needs is for the Americans to stop its warmongering, demonising and aggressive behaviour against China.  Think of how China could improve their standard of living and way of life with these beautiful trains.  Think of the trillions of dollars wasted in building more war machines.  Just spend a fraction of it and let China do the rest.

What do you think, Americans? War or peace?

PS. From RT. 'In this case, an attempt to compete with China on infrastructure is a nonstarter. America, of course, desperately needs better infrastructure regardless of geopolitical considerations. However, two very different systems of government mean the game in each country is totally different.'

PS.  This is where China spent its money. Where do you think the Americans spent their money? Weapons, wars and US$300m a year on a hate campaign to derail China's economic growth.




Anonymous said...

Better not China! This is a business China must do without. Help a snake and it will turn around and bite you. After using China as a cheap labour factory for their manufacturing, they now turn around and accuse China of stealing their jobs. Remember, they lie, cheat and steal and will accuse others of doing it. Half way through a project and they will find faults and then claim compensation from China. China should just continue with their HSR projects in other countries that appreciate their presence and avoid those that cast aspersions.

Further, China should never again be lured to co-operate or be totally dependent on USA entities, be it agriculture, technology or other fields. It is a dangerous situation for China if the evil Satanic State resorts to sabotage China's growth, like China's dependence on high end computer chips.

The USA cannot afford to let China retake Taiwan because of TSMC's importance in global chip making, not that they really care about Taiwan. China must endeavour to be self dependent or spread out their needs widely towards Russia, Iran, Africa and South America and keep their distance from the evil Empire and EU cronies. It is an important lesson, albeit also a blessing in disguise for China to face the challenge and emerge stronger and more independent.

Anonymous said...

China and the Chinese MUST stop doing business with the Devil, who is represented by USA and the UK. If you refused to learn from lessons past, they will have a chance to play you out again and again.

Anonymous said...

If Huawei is not a lesson in itself, the lesson has not been learnt. Huawei offered 5G infrastructure development in the USA, but they turned the tables with fabricated lies to suit their agenda.

As Anon 9.28 said, do not let them play you out again and again. Enough is enough. Getting played out once too often looks foolish.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Agree with you guys. Cuntries such as US or India wanting China to build their high speed railways, it must be money up front. If not no talk. And must be on Chinese terms.

Japan got thoroughly screwed by India after stealing the high speed rail project from China. Half way through the project India came up with new terms and transfer of technology. Japan kena stuck and left the project in yo yo.

A big shopping complex was being built with Chinese blue print in India but collapse halfway because India used its own labour and material that they adulterated and not to specs and wanting to blame China and claim compensation. China shows India the middle finger.

If money is out front, such nonsense would mean nothing as money in the pocket. They want to be funny, abandon project.

The gleaming Chinese high speed trains are things that the Americans can salivate but could not have. The hate China hate Chinese politicians would never go to China and would still think they could build the same kind of trains in the next century.

Anonymous said...

India, the bitch of USA behaves exactly like the USA. India thinks it can do things like the USA, thinking they are exceptional and a rising power in Asia. India forgot to remember that they have no means to print money out of thin air like the banana nation of USA, a right that is fast eroding. They are making hay while the sun still shines. Print and spend like no tomorrow.

This pandemic will put India back at least ten years in economic terms. Where do you think India has the means to develop their infrastructures, which have been shown to be so deficient and exposed in their effort to fight the pandemic. Even delivering Oxygen to hospitals is a big problem and in shambles, not to mention all the sham cooked up by the scammers to derail the efforts.

Now Delhi is said to be opening up. The third wave will soon start if they are not careful. Oh yes, they have a secret weapon. Specially formulated eye drops is said to have immediately cured patients wreathing on the ground for air. This must be a miracle cure besides cow urine and cow dung. Now, when are the big Pharmas going to rush into India to get that technology?

Anonymous said...

"Where do you think the Americans spent their money?"

Before that, gotta ask where the Americans get their money to spent - from printing money as their hegemonic USD-based global financial system gave them exorbitant advantage ! Also, to fund Biden's US infrastructure plans, they now rope in G7 partners to impose a global minimum corporate tax . .

Anonymous said...

Infrastructure developments in USA probably will start after Biden is long gone. It will be a long story and a non starter at worse. Just hot air and probably still doing 'patch and pray' job. They may take years to plan, debate, spanners thrown between the parties, laws to acquire land, not to mention the countless lawsuits to get hold of the land.

Just building the Trump's Great Wall is already mired in lawsuits from those whose land have been taken or encroached over. It is democracy and human rights at work in all it's glory.

When the money printing from thin air is over, the infrastructure developments will probably even die of old age.

Anonymous said...

That tax structure proposed at the G7 is a outright scam. Right now, big corporations in the USA are paying much more in taxes than the 15%, something like 25%. At 15% it will be a massive tax cut again for the filthy rich, a reversal of Biden's pre-election ploy of promising raising taxes against the super rich. Just how easily they can twist around and fool the masses is extraordinary.

But it is said to fund the trillions of infrastructure developments, which I am sure the masses will support. But who is going to pay for it? Not the rich! Inflation, higher prices will follow and who suffers in the end?

No wonder big techs, like Google and Facebook are all for the new tax structure. They will support it for sure when it means more money in their pockets with the reduced taxes.

southernglory1 said...

I totally agree with all the above comments.

From 1800s to 1880s the Anglo-Saxon white American rogue industrialists and politicians persuaded the then Chinese government to let thousands of Chinese workers to go to America to help build the Trans Pacific Railways from the Atlantic coast to the Pacific coast. They claimed it was impossible to build these railways across the Rocky Mountains without the help of Chinese labours. But how did they repay the Chinese after the railways were completed. The white hooligans and mobsters with backings from politicians turned on the Chinese and murdered them. Everywhere in the United States Chinese were attacked, lynched and genocided. Large white gangs with support of US national guards would often surround China towns and set fire to houses and shops. When the Chinese men, women and children rushed out of the burning houses and shops they were shot or slashed with swords.

China must never help these savage uncivilise Anglo-Saxon white Americans to build the modern High Speed Railways. Never help these savage satans and wild beasts.


Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

All the signs are point to the end of the American dollar hegemony, when no one would want it. The Americans are being cornered and arm twisted to keep on printing and printing money.

They still think they could get away with it. They forgot about Newston's Third Law which is similar to Karma.

The more they print, the faster would be their fall.

Anonymous said...

When that day comes, how are they going to pay for the 11 aircraft carriers and all the military bases all over the world, and the soldiers and the CIA operators and intelligence services that are totally unproductive.

The fear is that they would resort to force to recolonise the world. Prepare for the second invasion of the white men and white men terrorising the world one more time.

When they are broke, they would run wild like savages.

Anonymous said...

It is too early to say how the global corporate tax rule changes proposed by the Group of Seven (G-7) will impact Singapore, said new Finance Minister Lawrence Wong on Tuesday (June 8).

Need hindsight, that's for sure . .

Anonymous said...

Impact here will be, but what impact can never be good. Has the USA done any good things for any country other than to benefit itself and it's White cronies? Think about it!

Anonymous said...

Likewise, has the present PAP Singapore done any good thing to Singaporeans other than making them modern slaves by depressing their wages through importing more and more foreign scavengers and scoundrels, and squeezing Singaporeans of their hard earned money through all sorts of direct and indirect taxes, such as CPF, ERP, COE, Carbon Tax, etc.?

SSO said...

The G7 arbitrary imposition of a Global Corporate Tax of 15% is a day-light robbery that small countries such as Singapore have no choice but to abide by its dictate.

This is not Democracy.

This is not Freedom.

This is violation of Human Rights.

The USA and its White Cronies have been championing Freedom, Democracy and Human Rights to impose its will upon other countries and bully other countries into submissive behaviour throughout the past 230 years of its existence.

This is now exposed by themselves through the declaration of forcing upon all countries in the Whole World the Corporate Tax of 15%, which is likely to increase higher and higher over the years to come.

This day-light robbery must not be allowed to happen. Russia and China must resist and counter with counter-measures, eg imposing taxes against all US and G7 citizens and businesses.

Anonymous said...

Arrogant angmoh FT threw woman's cute doggie aside at Robertson Quay, claim blocking his run

"Pumpkin (my 4.5 month old Shiba Inu) and I were walking along the Singapore River just like any other day. I was holding on to the leash walking in the middle of the pavement. Pumpkin was walking near the grass like normal dogs do. Suddenly, this man in black running attire, blue sneakers and grey curly hair (I’m guessing 40s to 50s) came running from behind, took my leash and flung pumpkin to the railing. .. He is white, tall and slender. .. This is discrimination - in my own country here in Singapore. If I were male, or bigger in size, or white like he is, I don't think he would have done what he did today... " - Grace Yeo

Anonymous said...

1. That is cruelty to animals offence.

2. That is also criminal intimidation offence.

3. That is also assault through violent action on your belonging.

The Police and NEA must take immediate action to arrest this criminal and charge him in the court of law.

And if he is a foreigner, after court hearing and sentencing, he must be sent back to his country and banned from entering Singapore forever, including members of his family.

Only then, justice is done.

Queen of Hearts said...

All forms of bullying, intimidation and violence must not be tolerated by our people, our government, our police, our judges, our courts and our political parties.

Otherwise, it will be taken as condoning such behaviours, and shows a severe weakness in our community and country.

Singaporeans of all races, culture and creed must be united to fight against these type of crimes, especially if they are committed by foreigners who come here to earn a living.

Anonymous said...

The Trans-Pacific railways in the United States and Canada were not only built with Chinese labours but they were also built with Opium money in which the white Americans joined England and France in the two opium wars of 1839-1842 and 1856-1860. Also they extorted hundreds of millions of Chinese sovereign silver dollars by imposing the illicit war imdemnities on China. Other US infrastructures in the 19th Century built with money from the Opium Wars and war indemnities were interstate highways, factories, high rise buildings, hotels, gardens and parks and famous universities like Harvard, Princeton, Yale, California High Tech University as well as some states hospitals. All these were built and financed with blood money extorted from a weak China.

China has yet to take revenge on the atrocities committed against the Chinese by these savage white race of the Anglo-Saxon Americans.

Eagles Eyes SG