
Yen tanking, whither Japan?

 The Japanese Yen just tanked to a 38 year low. Intervention is on the cards. But where is Japan going to find the resources to prop up the tanking Yen? Selling its USA treasury holdings is the only answer. Japan is already the country with the highest debt to GDP ratio among countries in the whole developed world. Borrowing more will be a disaster upon a disaster.

Japan is not like the USA, able to print toilet papers without consequences. Japan doing it will cause massive inflation, the likes of which will decimate Japanese businesses and the Japanese people. Already Japanese worker's wages have been stagnant for decades and the falling Yen is adding more misery to its people's living standards. But Japanese businesses cannot afford funding wage increases to help workers fight inflation.

But selling USA treasuries to prop up the Yen is against Yellen's strong warning. She warned Japan not to go overboard with propping up the Yen. So, should Japan just let the Yen dive even lower? Kishida is in deep trouble now, with just 10.4% of Japanese wanting him to remain as PM in a recent poll. When you are a puppet state of the USA, even farting needs permission from the master. Let this be a lesson for Taiwan and the Philippines. Of course, if they are clearer minded enough in their observation, what is happening in the EU should give them a good lesson.

I still cannot get it regarding the talk that Japan is also trying to sanction China and bringing more trouble upon itself. Japan should just live with their deflated ego that China has overtaken them for good and not bring more trouble for its people by following diligently the dictates of the USA. Nothing good will come out of it by following Satan. Satan will only bring doom to others and lead them to hell.



Anonymous said...

Japan, famous for stimulating its economy for the last thirty years, will continue to do that. Blaming the USA openly and realistically for its misery is an exercise in futility. A Vassal state has no recourse to blame its Overlord. Failure after failure throwing resources into a black hole did not turn Japan around.

Abenomics was so confidently and widely talked about with its three arrows that were supposed to turn Japan's sickness around. It failed miserably, with Abe even following his three arrows into the dust. At least he does not have to suffer the demonization resulting from his failure. All those monetary resources poured into the effort achieved nothing and only added to Japan's escalating debt.

Kishida-omics or comics tried to move Japan away from its zero-interest rate environment, hoping to save the economy and the Yen. It too failed and not only that, but the Yen fell even lower to a 38 year low against the US$. Selling US$ to buy Yen ought to be able to reverse the trend, that is theoretically. But Japan has to get permission from Janet Yellen to do so. Japan has fallen so low in self-esteem that no one respect Japan anymore.

But what is the surprise after all when Japan's immediate Overlord, the USA, too lost all its respect from the whole world. Trump admitted that the whole world does not respect the USA anymore too. He pointed out in particular Vladamir Putin, Xi Jinping and Kim Jong Un as leaders having little respect for the USA under Joe Biden. That is a massive understatement by referring to the latter three who are tops at their game.

Smaller countries today too have little respect for the USA. Does their intention to join BRICS not an indication of their disregard for the USA, despite all the threats heaped upon them of facing consequences if they follow the de-dollarization move? Malaysia, for example, is no big country joining BRICS and giving its middle finger to the USA. African countries like Egypt, Sudan, Nigeria, Algeria, Senegal, Tunisia and Zimbabwe have expressed intention in joining BRICS as well. They are not big countries but have not been cowed by the USA's threat.

The USA can continue to live with denial in everything that is now falling apart for them. Even the just concluded Presidential debate shows how out of reality they have fallen by still flogging a half-dead horse that had hit the ground in front of the whole world. Yet, they still believe that Joe Biden is suitable for the job. As one news media pointed out, it was excruciating watching Biden 'mumbles, stumbles and crumbles' in front of the whole world. Was the mumbling softly done to prevent those watching from understanding what he was saying? Good tactic but bad effort.

Next few days will see the media conducting open surgery on Biden's car crash performance at the debate. Just watch the fun.

Anonymous said...

The Democrats should have Biden dressed up in Superman's suit to look stronger and younger.

Anonymous said...

How could any right-thinking person watching the debate come to the conclusion that Biden is suitable for the job? Biden was basically mumbling to himself all along. This was not a debate. It was a comedy show of sorts and to label this as a serious Presidential debate is really an insult to the intelligence of the USA voters.

The Democrats are really panicking now and do not know what to do. Pulling Biden out now is tantamount to accepting the fact that he is not suitable. But the Democrats should have known of his condition deteriorating 'right before everyone's eyes'. Accepting that reality now suggests that they have been lying to the rest of the people in the USA for months.

If the Democrats should decide to dig in and still maintain Biden's suitability and carries on with the second debate in September, with Biden having another car crash, substituting him by then with another candidate is too little too late. Then perhaps they will resort to using hanky panky to win the election. Never discount that. It is the USA after all!

Virgo49 said...

All the Senators and Congress Men and Women dont give a hoot whether he is capable or not as long as they could still lined up their pockets and banks.

They thought that a standing president must stand and complete and compete for another term as a Rule

If not lose their Water Faces.

So even in a wheelchair they be still rooting for him.

Unless he is booted out.

They in their different elections already secured in their seats.

This is the stupidity of their damn Demo Crazy systems.

Yet so many stupid countries follow their systems.

Follow China lah!

Within ten years uplift at least five millions from poverty.

Anonymous said...

China was dubbed the sick man of Asia in the 19th and 20th century by Japan and the West. A century later, who is the sick man of Asia? More than that, who is descending to become the sick man of the world? Make a guess and the clue is it has to do with de-dollarization, LOL. But let us wait and see about that.

Japan is going down really fast, and the USA is not helping, but instead pushing Japan further under the water. Japan has lost its second biggest economy status in 2010 to China and third position to Germany in 2024. How much further will Japan go? Japan cannot keep propping up its Yen and that has been warned by Janet Yellen. Just how preposterous is that for a country having to ask permission to support its failing currency.

Japan is desperate. A desperate Japan is a dangerous signal if you look back at its history. It will resort to war, hoping to revive its falling fortunes. Not this time though. China is no longer the sick man of Asia and no pushover either. But China must watch Japan carefully. It is the sneakiest country in the world. It holds a knife behind its back while bowing to you, LOL.

How the tide has turned today. Was it Karma at work? I like to believe in that!

Anonymous said...

If Biden does not drop out and is elected, wait for him to press that button like a child, thinking it is a game. Then it is bye bye world.

Anonymous said...

Biden claims there are thousands of trillionaires in the USA. All will also turn into ashes.

Anonymous said...

This sounds like the way USA is going to be destroyed. Trump was to be the 45th President to destroy USA but was prevented from having a second term to complete his mission. He still claims the 2020 election was stolen by Biden. Is he coming back to finish his mission?