
Empire of Lies being chopped up piece by piece

 War is the USA's only economic savior, and the USA needs enemies. All the advantages that the USA held in the past after WW2 are gone or have been overtaken by others.

The USA could not compete in manufacturing as it had been hollowed out due to greed. The USA no longer controls the oil trade in US$. The USA lost its geopolitical influence in Africa, South America, ASEAN and Central Asia. The USA lost its edge in space exploration, renewable energy, ship building, high tech innovations and soon will also lose its last legacy in semiconductors.

What the USA has left is a huge propaganda machine that everybody knows is generating nothing but fake news. But that setup has practically lost its last sliver of credibility. The war in Iraq exposed the extent of the propaganda that the USA can generate, and how dangerous it was to believe in it.

The USA's global military bases will not last if the US$ hegemony falls apart. And the US$ hegemony is about to be defanged when the de-dollarization movement picks up with the expansion of BRICS.

Slow and steady is how BRICS is dismantling the US$ hegemony.



Anonymous said...

After seeing the adulation that Putin received in North Korea and Vietnam, the USA is distraught and angry.

The USA thinks it had Vietnam in the bag with all the visits by its leaders a year or two ago. What else happened after those visits? All quiet on the Western front.

Now that Putin has visited Vietnam, making deals including security, the USA is panicking. The USA is practically paralyzed and unable to accept the warm welcome that Putin received in Hanoi. It was a slap on the USA's face again, showing the USA and the EU that Russia does have friends.

Now the USA is talking about its focus on deepening ties with Hanoi. Just believe in the opposite of what they will do, as what journalist Nury Vittachi of 'Fridayeveryday' advised. It would be more realistic that the USA will now be thinking of ways to punish Vietnam economically, with investment pullout and more barriers against Vietnamese products. You can bet on that.

The USA has now been given a taste of its own medicine, sending high ranking officials to Taiwan to antagonize the Chinese. Now the shoe is on the other foot, with China and Russia sending top leaders to friendly countries. Li Qiang just visited New Zealand and Australia. Putin went to North Korea, receiving the same warm welcome and had the same reception in Hanoi. Two months ago, Xi went to France, Serbia and Hungary and was welcomed in style and making more deals.

Does all this give us a clue as to why so many countries are queuing to join BRICS? Vietnam is not in BRICS yet but has been invited to join the summit in Kazan, Russia in October. The chances are it will be joining BRICS soon. Vietnam is important as it has the second biggest reserves of rare earth that the USA is eyeing. The USA is not interested in Vietnam for any other reason, and we can be sure of that.

Anonymous said...

Russia helped Vietnam during the war against the USA and South Vietnam. What did the USA do for Vietnam that deserves its support?

Virgo49 said...

Ok, you wanna play rough ❓
Anytime, babes ‼️
err, warning to bullying Yankees.

The Amazing Video of one China's Amazon Woman Netball Player who bamboozled the.Yankees and.Japs Players from hassling the China's players.

Virgo49 said...

๐Ÿ”Š๐ŸŒŽ‼️The Chinese Embassy has published a list of states that were bombed by the United States of America after World War II:

• Japan 6.08 and 9.08 1945
• Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
• Guatemala 1954
• Indonesia (1958)
• Cuba (1959-1961)
• Guatemala (1960)
• Congo (1964)
• Laos (1964-1973)
• Vietnam (1961-1973)
• Cambodia (1969-1970)
• Guatemala (1967-1969)
• Grenada (1983)
• Lebanon (1983, 1984) (hitting targets in the territories of Lebanon and Syria)
• Libya (1986)
• Salvador (1980)
• Nicaragua (1980)
• Iran (1987)
• Panama (1989)
• Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)
• Kuwait (1991)
• Somalia (1993)
• Bosnia (1994, 1995)
• Sudan (1998)
• Afghanistan (1998)
• Yugoslavia (1999)
• Yemen (2002)
• Iraq (1991-2003) (joint US & British troops)
• Iraq (2003-2015)
• Afghanistan (2001-2015)
• Pakistan (2007-2015)
• Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)
• Yemen (2009, 2011)
• Libya (2011, 2015)
• Syria (2014-2015)

There are more than 20 states on the list.
China urged "never forget who is the real threat to the world."

Were there outrages from the Western community regarding the United States?

Were there loud accusatory cries?
Were there sanctions against the United States at least once?

This whole hypocritical world caudle sits quietly with its tongue in one place, when the USA nightmares countries like a real bandit.
Not an exclamation, not a shadow of reproach, not a glimmer of indignation.
Cowardly, shameless, hypocritical creatures!
I would spit on everyone in his hypocritical mug and would poke his nose into this list.

This list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day, continuously.
Make videos that would gouge all this Western riff-raff, would not let them sleep peacefully!
Pound them and peck, remind every fact of the US crime against other countries.

Help spread๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘๐Ÿ‘

Anonymous said...

Where is the Amazing video?

Virgo49 said...


Your expertise in putting the video for all to view.

Best regards

Chua Chin Leng่”ก้•‡้พ aka redbean said...

I tried to but unable when TikTok is concerned. Can you post the link here and see if I can repost it? Thanks.

Virgo49 said...
