
Taiwan - Only a military coup can save the Taiwan Chinese

 Lai ChingTe's pro independence gang has hit a road end. The Americans have told them that independence is no go. The Americans by now have assessed the situation thoroughly and know that the Chinese could easily send them into the bottom of the Pacific Ocean in an open war. The Americans would not sacrifice the life of a single American for Taiwan, an island that has little strategic importance to the American Empire. It makes no difference if Taiwan were to return to the motherland. It is only useful as a tool to irritate China and make the stupid Taiwanese pay by the billions without having to deliver the weapons they bought.

What is happening in Taiwan today is as good as a bunch of drunkards and imbeciles thumping their chests and dreaming of taking Taiwan away from China. The only consequence in this silly antic is that up to a point, China would have to step in by force to bring about a reunification. It could lead to a few days of bloodshed before the imbeciles and drunkards know that their wet dream would just be that, that they cannot change the fate of Taiwan.

The best thing to happen to Taiwan, to prevent a bloodbath of the reckless and unthinking Taiwanese is for the Taiwan military to step in, arrest all the DPP and pro independence leaders in a bloodless coup and negotiate with China for a peaceful reunification. Many lives would be saved, Taiwan would not be turned into a wasteland, everything would remain intact, life could go on as normal without hanging on a limbo.

The DPP and pro independence gang could not make any headway except to talk big about their wild dream of independence, to agitate the Taiwanese to want to knock their heads against a wall. But many Taiwanese are pragmatic people and would not want to die for a hopeless cause. Some may choose to die, but their deaths would not change anything.

On the other hand, there is no real and charismatic leader in Taiwan to lead the Taiwanese home. Taiwan would just be an apple rotting from inside, going nowhere. And the noose would be tighten day by day. The Taiwanese are waiting for a decisive leader to end their anxiety and move on. And since the political leadership is so weak, and running out of ideas, the military is the last hope to put an end to this dilemma. Once the military steps in and takes charge, the majority of the Taiwanese would go along with the reunification. Anything is better than what is happening or not happening in Taiwan now.

The Taiwanese people are waiting. Why is the Taiwanese military still hesitating? The political leadership is clueless and helpless, except talking like drunkards and imbeciles and making themselves look silly.


Virgo49 said...

Mr RB,

Beg to differ.

If the Taiwanese are pragmatic and sensible peoples then they should vote overwhelming the KMT and that the smoother way to reunification with China.

What's nonsense DPP's Constitution that to be an independent nation.

The Constitution of a Country is based on the plural decisions of the Peoples and all parties NOT on just one party damn Constitution.

Sad to say, the KMT also needed to be part of their blame game and their failure by NOT strongly have their Manifesto of Reunification with China as their main Agenda. Wishy washy here and there too afraid that the younger wet behind their ears young generation would support the DPP.

KMT must herald the sound policies and advantages to the reunification with China.

Also from the beginning they knew that they are part of Old China.

The Taiwanese might vote them overwhelming and once they formed the Ruling Government then easily negotiate the plans and the terms of the Reunification.

After all One County Two Systems with the Mainland definitely be controlled of their Defence Policies China may even allowed the Taiwanese to have their own Provincial Government in perpetuity.

Alternatively like HK next fifty years. By that time so many of the present generations had gone to sell salted duck eggs.

The Young Ones easily identifying themselves as PRCs.

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Sad to say that other than Ma Ying Jiu, none of the KMT leaders dare to talk about reunification. That is the main reason why the voters rejected them. KMT is now not much different from DPP, quietly supporting the pro independence road.

Virgo49 said...


Here one of George Yeo's talk of the China and Taiwan relationship.

Not sure if this is the correct one on the Singapore Shangri-la Meeting between Mr X and Mr Ma in a friendly dialogue between both of them when the KMT lost their power to the 1st DPP Election and when that Tsai Ing Wen is going to be inaugurated.

Both shared their bill to the nearest cents as equals.

KMT at that time still before losing their powers should in my opinion started to cajole and persuaded the Taiwanese to the reunification of China.

Too bad too late already.

But at that time Taiwan is still doing very well and see no need to do so.

Hope this is the correct one as too many George's videos on some topics and must sieve one by one to the actual one.


Virgo49 said...

Just to add also Mr Ma recently went to China and they welcomed them wholeheartedly.

He even paid his respects to his ancestors at their graves and memorial which they had a long history.

In a way, they are signalling to the Taiwanese that they are ONE.

Sadly, nowadays the KMT leaderships are mostly too self interests and divisive.

They themselves cannot cooperate and fought for powers amongst themselves.

Even that Terry Kow.

The Taiwanese may be sick of them as equally incompetent as the DPP.

Anonymous said...

The military officers in Taiwan are in the best position to know where they stand in a war with China. Why allow a bunch of nitwit politicians, mostly traitors or half Japanese, to push them to fight a losing war with China with guaranteed death and destruction, with no hopes of winning?

The nitwit politicians would not fight, would be the first to run away. Many of them already have green cards or dual nationality with foreign passports ready to flee. Their families and children are not in Taiwan.

Why be made a sucker by the reckless politicians and to die for them, to die for their stupidity? Many patriotic KMT generals joined the nationalist camp during the civil war to save the country and avoid Chinese killing Chinese. Reunification is an honour, a patriotic act and would bring stability and prosperity to the future generations of people on both sides of the straits.

It will be such a tragedy to be led by the nitwits, the Americans and Japanese, to die unnecessarily in a war that they cannot win. Look at what is happening in Ukraine!