
USA bombed the following countries - USA the most peace loving country ...and demonising China as aggressive

 The Chinese Embassy has published a list of states that were bombed by the United States of America after World War II:

• Japan 6.08 and 9.08 1945
• Korea and China 1950-53 (Korean War)
• Guatemala 1954
• Indonesia (1958)
• Cuba (1959-1961)
• Guatemala (1960)
• Congo (1964)
• Laos (1964-1973)
• Vietnam (1961-1973)
• Cambodia (1969-1970)
• Guatemala (1967-1969)
• Grenada (1983)
• Lebanon (1983, 1984) (hitting targets in the territories of Lebanon and Syria)
• Libya (1986)
• Salvador (1980)
• Nicaragua (1980)
• Iran (1987)
• Panama (1989)
• Iraq (1991) (Gulf War)
• Kuwait (1991)
• Somalia (1993)
• Bosnia (1994, 1995)
• Sudan (1998)
• Afghanistan (1998)
• Yugoslavia (1999)
• Yemen (2002)
• Iraq (1991-2003) (joint US & British troops)
• Iraq (2003-2015)
• Afghanistan (2001-2015)
• Pakistan (2007-2015)
• Somalia (2007-2008, 2011)
• Yemen (2009, 2011)
• Libya (2011, 2015)
• Syria (2014-2015)

There are more than 20 states on the list.
China urged "never forget who is the real threat to the world."

Were there outrages from the Western community regarding the United States?

Were there loud accusatory cries?
Were there sanctions against the United States at least once?

This whole hypocritical world caudle sits quietly with its tongue in one place, when the USA nightmares countries like a real bandit.
Not an exclamation, not a shadow of reproach, not a glimmer of indignation.
Cowardly, shameless, hypocritical creatures!
I would spit on everyone in his hypocritical mug and would poke his nose into this list.

This list should be broadcast on all possible channels 24 hours a day, continuously.
Make videos that would gouge all this Western riff-raff, would not let them sleep peacefully!
Pound them and peck, remind every fact of the US crime against other countries.

Help spreadđź‘Ťđź‘Ťđź‘Ť


PS. And many unthinking sickos, especially Singaporeans, are berating China as an aggressive country,  China is going to invade Taiwan, Russia is going to invade Europe. They did not want to know all the countries that were bombed by the Americans, and China has yet to bomb one of them. China is aggressive because the Americans told them so. And they just want to believe in their evil white gods, without question, cannot question, cannot think, cannot doubt the white gods. White gods can kill for the good of the believers.


Anonymous said...

The political class here worship the white gods.

Virgo49 said...


The Evil War Mongers White Barbarians.

Anonymous said...

No, no, no, some are berating China for not being not aggressive enough. China must be more aggressive like attacking the Philippines or Taiwan. What is Xi and the PLA waiting for. Go for it! Start the ball rolling.

Anonymous said...

Agree. When dealing with trouble makers, China must be tough. Just whack the daylight out of the mischievous trouble makers. This is the only way to deal with thugs and gangsters.

But don't follow the Americans, invaded and bombed anyone that the Americans labelled as enemies or threats. Or massacred the natives and stole their land. Just give a good whacking to let the trouble makers feel the pain.

China's policy is not to cause trouble. But trouble comes a knocking, give it a big kick in the ass. The Pinoy Mickey Mouse would not be so troublesome if there is no big monkey behind their backs egging them to poke at China. Just like what is happening in Ukraine and Taiwan.

Virgo49 said...


Bidamn ordered their Bath Tub Esiehhower aka Howler aloud to retreat from the Red Sea.

Scared Russia supplied their hypersonic missles to the Houthis and sank it.

Cannot blame Russia and Iran fired by the Houthis.

Another proxy to maim and destroyed them


Virgo49 said...


UAssA is doomed

Virgo49 said...


Part 2 by George Galloway

Anonymous said...

Why blame Russia or Iran for the missiles fired by the Houthis? What about the USA missiles fired by Ukraine and Israel? Must blame the USA also, right?

What if the Russians shot down and found parts of drones made by DJI, bought by Ukraine from Walmart, launched by Ukraine and hitting Russian troops? Must Russia blame China too or blame Ukraine?

The twisted thinking of the West is so warped, that it is unbelievable. Now Japan is trying to sanction Chinese firms doing business with Russia and China is retaliating. China is Japan's largest trading partner and Japan is taking suicidal action against Chinese firms just to please the USA. The Japanese puppet has been screwed around by the Puppeteer without realizing its own interest is being compromised, just like the stupid Europeans.

People in glass houses should not throw stones. Japan is in deep trouble with its economy and the Yen slowly turning into rubbles, and still thinks it is a global economic power trying to please the USA, its master puppeteer. What is laughable is that a crippled Germany can still overtake Japan to become the third largest economy in the world. Further slide in the Yen may see Japan slipping further into the sewers.

If this is not a display of 'stupidity has no cure' syndrome, what else is?