
American dumb hillbillies keep bitching about China

 The Chinese should tell that Tom Cotton guy to 'shake Chinese spears' instead of studying 'Shakespeare'. This is the same guy that cannot even differentiate between a CCP member and a Singapore citizen. He does not even know the graduate situation inside India and wants to talk about recruiting Indian students to study science in the USA. Just cannot understand why he is fond of talking nonsense and making a fool of himself. As they say, no one will say he is stupid if he just keeps his mouth shut.

Chinese universities have better courses in humanities than the USA to speak of. How old are the Chinese classics? Ancient China already had imperial examinations on humanities rather than science, to choose leaders to govern the country. What can a few centuries of USA history teach the Chinese, with more than five thousand years of history, about diplomatic behavior? Kurt Campbell is another moron that still thinks Chinese students should just enroll in USA universities to study cooking and how to wash clothes?

After getting all the Chinese students to fill their top universities and reaping all the monetary benefits over the decades, they are now talking cock and singing songs. Who wants to study 'Shakespeare' going all the way to the USA and paying an arm and a leg to get such a degree? With all these morons leading the country, the USA does not really need enemies.

After decades of free loading on cheap Chinese products, they are now talking about China stealing their jobs, fueling overcapacity, cannot trade with friends, must follow their script and all kinds of nonsense.

Suffice to say, even without the USA now keeping Chinese students out, Chinese students are already avoiding the USA, benefitting other destinations like Australia and turning to local universities that are rising up the ranks to give a better, cheaper and safer education.

The USA has no more bargaining chips and is resorting to using illogical arguments to keep China down. This is not going to work out. It is too late for such hubris to work. As what Russia is saying, the USA is just shooting at the wind. Devoid of targets, the USA is just shooting at imaginary targets.



Anonymous said...

Chinese students had not been going to USA universities to study humanities en masse in the past and certainly not today, which serves them no purpose for jobs in China that demands knowledge in three disciplines - Science. Engineering and Mathematics. China had been training all the engineers and scientists to helm their developments in science, high speed rail, space technology, shipbuilding, infrastructure construction, semiconductors, EVs, jet engines, and anything and everything that needs such skills.

China does not need graduates in the humanities to teach and quote Shakespeare's Midsummer's Night Dream, which is a comedy. China does not want to import foreign bad habits that had already been imbued in student's who went there to study, being brainwashed by corrupted and immoral behaviors such as drugs, violence and lying, cheating and stealing.

Even if the USA universities deny Chinese students to study Science, or even to enroll in USA universities, it will not stop China's upcoming generations from having the knowledge in Science, Engineering and Mathematics. Chinese universities can play that role better, cheaper and faster by tailoring such courses to suit the country's push forward in a new renewal energy era. That direction had already been charted long before the USA realized it too late.

Moreover, the Chinese Government have little fear of such students studying at home, as opposed to those studying in the USA from staying behind after graduating and helping an ungrateful enemy from taking advantage against China and yet crying foul. It also saves Chinese parents much in terms of the monetary loss from supporting such expensive education in the USA, which can be attained in a much cheaper, better and safer way at home and helps the Chinese economy.

Anonymous said...


Numbers seem consistent though

Anonymous said...

The number of Chinese students studying in the USA have fallen from the peak of around 350,00 to 370,000 in 2016/2019 period by about 80,000, with just 290,000 in 2021/2023. That is a lot of students and a lot of money for the universities. Those are full fee-paying students and together with their living costs, have seriously affected the universities coffers and housing providers. If they claim it is not material, they are lying.

Out of the more than a million foreign students studying in the USA, more than 50% came from China and India. The fact is that taking away the Chinese students and letting more Indian students study science and engineering is just migrating the USA's problem from China to India in the long run, especially when India starts rising to compete with the USA. If they do not see that as a problem coming, so be it. Just denying the obvious will not solve the rising competition problem.