
Breaking News! Emergency in the International Space Station

The self deceiving Americans are playing with fire, risking the lives of their astronauts in an ageing space station that has outlived its working life, and should have been retired 4 years ago. But because of American pride, they cannot be seen to have no space station when China has one up there. So they recklessly extended the life of the ISS, when the parts are about to break apart or already breaking apart. Everyday on the ISS is a life threatening moment.

Now, with 2 American astronauts due to return to earth, NASA and Boeing took another reckless decision by sending a spacecraft, Starliner, that has several unresolved issues to the ISS to bring them back. And to make matter worse, they sent another two new crew to the ISS in the Starliner. Can you believe that?

Murphy's Law struck. The problems of the Starliner, deemed to be minor, broke out. Many leakages of helium gas were discovered. Now this spacecraft is as good as unserviceable, cannot bring the two astronauts back, and two new astronauts stuck in the same precarious situation.

The Americans need emergency help. Only Russia and China have the capability to do so. Would Russia and China, both under daily attacks from the Americans, to be destroyed for good, be stupid enough to lend a hand? America and Russia are at war. China is forbidden by the Wolf Act from working with NASA.

The best thing to say, good riddance. Karma is a bitch and will bite sooner or later. The lives of at least 4 American astronauts in the ISS are now hanging on a string, in space.

Maybe Elon Musk may be able to help, if he still has a serviceable rocket ready for launch. 



Anonymous said...

India can help. Or Japan can help. They have been sending rockets into space successfully.

India has gone to the moon and is studying and aiming for the sun, LOL. This is a chance for India to show its prowess as an upcoming super-power. They said so themselves, not me hor!

Steven Lee said...

India has no experience to build a rescue module that can dock with the ISS. Japan can do it but like EU, they will need time to build a rescue module. China and Russia have rescue modules that can be launched almost immediately.

Virgo49 said...

B4 they reach half way to the Sun became Chow Tar!

Hello be realistic lah!

Anyway OK no difference all looked alike

Anonymous said...

Right Virgo, Chow Tar or not all look the same after the sun mission. Go the same, come back the same, LOL. If they come back.

Maybe, like the USA, do it in a Bollywood studio!

Chua Chin Leng蔡镇龍 aka redbean said...

Welcome to the blog, Steven.

Anonymous said...

Don't underestimate Indian's space technology. They have quietly solved the problem of how to go to the sun: they go at night.

Anonymous said...

NASA likely to bring back two skeletons.

Anonymous said...

Is there a dark side of the sun? They may be looking for a dark place on the sun.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are bringing back two astronauts using the faulty spacecraft on 22 Jun. Have they repaired the damages? If it is a rush job and not well repaired, the trip back is going to be very risky.

Keep the fingers crossed.

Anonymous said...

The Americans are still checking the helium leaks problem. It seems that there at least 6 points of leakage. The Americans would be using super glue to seal the leaks. Let's hope American exceptionalism works and the super glue would hold the leaks and bring the astronauts home safely.

If the super glue does not work, the Americans can try chewing gums.

The return journey has been further delayed to 26 Jun.

Anonymous said...

No return date for the Starliner until further notice.

'The crewed test of the spacecraft, which has been test-flown to space twice since 2019 without humans aboard, has encountered five failures of its 28 maneuvering thrusters, five leaks of helium that is meant to pressurize those thrusters, and a slow-moving propellant valve that signaled unfixed issues from the past.

The issues and the additional tests NASA and Boeing have had to do call into question when exactly Starliner will be able to fly its crew home, and add to a list of broader problems Boeing faces with its Starliner program. The company has spent $1.5 billion in cost overruns on top of its $4.5 billion NASA development contract.' CNA

Boeing as a company is in deep trouble. Instead of using Musk's SpaceX space ship, Boeing wriggled into the game and now causing this state of emergency, just like many of Boeing's aircraft, one by one falling off the sky.

Anonymous said...

According to Elon Musk, Boeing's main problem is software for its aircraft and Starliner.

Who wrote Boeing's software? When you hired fakes, you get fake software. Period.

Until Boeing get rid of its software team, its aircraft and spacecraft are going to fall off fromt the sky.