
CNA spreading to North America - good news, can hire more angmohs

It is good news that CNA is spreading its coverage to North America, another English speaking world. Viewership sure to go up if the hillbillies got tired of CNN, NBC, MSN etc etc and their fake news and disinformation. Caveat, hillbillies have their own preferred taste. They only want to read or hear news from white men telling how great they are and how many wars they are winning. They would not want to read what Tan Ah Teck or Ah Teck Tan writes, not even Danson Tan would appeal to their taste.

So this is great opportunity for CNA to hire more angmohs. Hiring angmohs to write and report on Asian affairs looks and sounds ridiculous to start with but over time they would slowly takeover the writing, angmohs writing about Asian affairs from angmoh's perspective and interests.  Oh, it goes against the grain of CNA to have news reported by the respective locals. Hiring angmohs to write about angmoh affairs, perfect match. Now CNA would have legitimate grounds to hire more angmohs to give it the angmoh flavour. If can't hire enough angmohs, can hire coloured angmohs also not bad an option.

If still cannot hire angmohs and coloured angmohs, offer more carrots like promotions and heading the various departments, chief editors, CEOs, would do the trick. After all, daft Singaporeans would not be good enough to fill the top positions, especially when their experiences are in writing about pets, hawkers, disappearing trades, cooks etc etc.

With more angmohs and coloured angmohs aka foreign talents, CNA would look more international and the standard and quality must definitely be better than having just daft Singaporeans. Daft Singaporeans can continue to report and write on what they know best, which hawker or hawker centre is the best, what pets to keep, which old shopkeeper or hawker retiring etc etc. The angmohs and coloured angmohs can cover the high brow and serious stuff. that no Singaporean is good enough to do.

What do you think?


Anonymous said...

Never heard of CNA, LOL. Understand it is a propaganda rag, again LOL.

Anonymous said...

Got colored Angmohs meh? Tainted would be more correct. Or should I say rotten prawns?

Oops, sorry they had a colored Angmoh leading the UK already. My apologies!

Anonymous said...

Black is the colour for new honorary whites.

Anonymous said...

All those years we actually knew that. CNA stands for 'Channel News America' and it was only a matter of time.